Thank you for trying this first port of ZIP for VM/CMS and MVS! Using under MVS: --------------------------- 1. To use the Info-ZIP's ZIP under MVS you need: - C/370 ver 2.1 compiler or another compatible compiler supporting long names for function/variable names. 2. To compile the program under MVS do : - unzip all the files from file. They are stored as ASCII format so you have to unzip them first on PC or other system that already have UNZIP, and then upload them to the mainframe with ASCII to EBCDIC conversion. - Copy all the .C files in the PDS called youruserid.ZIP.C - Copy all the .H files in the PDS called youruserid.ZIP.H - adjust the job ZIPMVSC.JOB to work on your size. Change my userid - C888090 to yours - execute the job ZIPMVSC to compile and link all the sources. - maybe you have to preallocate PDS datasets named: youruserid.ZIP.OBJ and youruserid.ZIP.LOAD - execute ZIPVMC to compile and link all the sources. - if everything is ok you will get an ZIP MODULE - the warnings about the duplicated ASCII and EBCDIC symbols are OK :-) 3. Using ZIP - Just read MANUAL - A few exceptions concerning MVS 3.1. if you want to make a portable zip file that is to be unzipped on ASCII based systems use the -a option 3.2. If you want to zip the input files as binary ebcdic files use the -B (capital letter) option 3.3. The date/end the time of the input files is set in the zip's dir to the current system date/time 3.4. Without specifying the "-a" or "-B" option, the ZIP program defaults to "native" (EBCDIC) mode and tries to preserve the file information (LRECL,BLKSIZE..) So when you UNZIP a file zipped with ZIP under VM/MVS it restores the file info. There currently some problems with file with RECFM=V* I don't save the length of each record yet :-) 3.5. No wildcards are supported as input file names: So you CAN'T use things like: zip myzip *.c 3.6. You can use DD names for zipfilename for example: under tso/rexx: "alloc fi(input) da('')" "zip dd:input file1.txt file2.txt ..." under Batch: //MYZIP JOB (account) //STEP1 EXEC PGM=ZIP,PARM='dd:input file1.txt file2.txt' //STEPLIB DD DSN=userid.UNZIP.LOAD,DISP=SHR //INPUT DD DSN=userid.MYZIP.ZIP,DISP=NEW, // SPACE=(15000,(15000,10000),RLSE), // DCB=(LRECL=80,RECFM=F) //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=* Please report all bugs and problems to : That's all for now. Have fun! George Petrov