Solaris packaging ----------------- To generate a Solaris package for Info-ZIP zip utilities, first see the top level INSTALL and README files. Do a "make solaris", which will automatically build two Solaris installable package files for the package, IZzip. IZzip -- Solaris installable package in directory format. IZzip_$(arch).pkg -- Solaris installable package in "stream" format. Where: $(arch) := system architecture, currently i386, sparc, or ppc. (use "uname -p" to determine) The ".pkg" file is a single file datastream that can be compressed and/or ftp'd. This is the recommended form, because all required files are resident in the archive, and it is easily distributed. To install, simply: 1) copy the package to the target system's /tmp directory. 2) login or su to root 3) pkgadd -d /tmp/IZzip_$(arch).pkg 4) add /opt/Info-ZIP/IZzip/bin to PATH 5) add /opt/Info-ZIP/IZzip/man to MANPATH This works for both SPARC and x86. Ongoing maintenance: Keep the files, "prototype" and "" up to date. Observe variable substitutions made by "Makefile". See manpages for pkginfo(1), pkginfo(4), pkgmk(1), pkgproto(1) Variations: If you wish the base directory to be set to something other than /opt/Info-ZIP, change the setting BASEDIR in and re-run the make. -John Bush (John.Bush@East.Sun.COM) July 20, 1996