#!/usr/bin/lua local network = require("lime.network") local config = require("lime.config") local fs = require("nixio.fs") local libuci = require("uci") local wireless = require("lime.wireless") local utils = require("lime.utils") bmx7 = {} bmx7.configured = false bmx7.f = "bmx7" function bmx7.configure(args) if bmx7.configured then return end bmx7.configured = true local uci = libuci:cursor() local ipv4, ipv6 = network.primary_address() fs.writefile("/etc/config/"..bmx7.f, "") uci:set(bmx7.f, "general", "bmx7") uci:set(bmx7.f, "general", "dbgMuteTimeout", "1000000") uci:set(bmx7.f, "general", "tunOutTimeout", "100000") uci:set(bmx7.f, "general", "configSync", "0") uci:set(bmx7.f, "general", "syslog", "0") uci:set(bmx7.f, "main", "tunDev") uci:set(bmx7.f, "main", "tunDev", "main") uci:set(bmx7.f, "main", "tun4Address", ipv4:string()) uci:set(bmx7.f, "main", "tun6Address", ipv6:string()) -- If publish own IP enabled, configure tunIn local pub_own_ip = config.get_bool("network", "bmx7_publish_ownip", false) if (pub_own_ip) then uci:set(bmx7.f, "myIP4", "tunIn") uci:set(bmx7.f, "myIP4", "tunIn", "myIP4") uci:set(bmx7.f, "myIP4", "network", ipv4:host():string()..'/32') uci:set(bmx7.f, "myIP6", "tunIn") uci:set(bmx7.f, "myIP6", "tunIn", "myIP6") uci:set(bmx7.f, "myIP6", "network", ipv6:host():string()..'/128') end -- Enable bmx7 uci config plugin uci:set(bmx7.f, "config", "plugin") uci:set(bmx7.f, "config", "plugin", "bmx7_config.so") -- Enable JSON plugin to get bmx7 information in json format if utils.is_installed("bmx7-json") then uci:set(bmx7.f, "json", "plugin") uci:set(bmx7.f, "json", "plugin", "bmx7_json.so") end -- Enable topology plugin to get netjson file if utils.is_installed("bmx7-topology") then uci:set(bmx7.f, "topology", "plugin") uci:set(bmx7.f, "topology", "plugin", "bmx7_topology.so") end -- Enable iwinfo plugin to get better link bandwidth estimation if utils.is_installed("bmx7-iwinfo") then uci:set(bmx7.f, "iwinfo", "plugin") uci:set(bmx7.f, "iwinfo", "plugin", "bmx7_iwinfo.so") end -- Enable SMS plugin to enable sharing of small files if utils.is_installed("bmx7-sms") then uci:set(bmx7.f, "sms", "plugin") uci:set(bmx7.f, "sms", "plugin", "bmx7_sms.so") end -- Enable tun plugin, DISCLAIMER: this must be positioned before table plugin if used. uci:set(bmx7.f, "ptun", "plugin") uci:set(bmx7.f, "ptun", "plugin", "bmx7_tun.so") -- Disable ThrowRules because they are broken in IPv6 with current Linux Kernel uci:set(bmx7.f, "ipVersion", "ipVersion") uci:set(bmx7.f, "ipVersion", "ipVersion", "6") -- Search for networks in uci:set(bmx7.f, "nodes", "tunOut") uci:set(bmx7.f, "nodes", "tunOut", "nodes") uci:set(bmx7.f, "nodes", "network", "") -- Search for networks in uci:set(bmx7.f, "clouds", "tunOut") uci:set(bmx7.f, "clouds", "tunOut", "clouds") uci:set(bmx7.f, "clouds", "network", "") -- Search for internet in the mesh cloud uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet4", "tunOut") uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet4", "tunOut", "inet4") uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet4", "network", "") uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet4", "maxPrefixLen", "0") -- Search for internet IPv6 gateways in the mesh cloud uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet6", "tunOut") uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet6", "tunOut", "inet6") uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet6", "network", "::/0") uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet6", "maxPrefixLen", "0") -- Search for other mesh cloud announcements that have public ipv6 uci:set(bmx7.f, "publicv6", "tunOut") uci:set(bmx7.f, "publicv6", "tunOut", "publicv6") uci:set(bmx7.f, "publicv6", "network", "2000::/3") uci:set(bmx7.f, "publicv6", "maxPrefixLen", "64") -- Set prefered GW if defined local pref_gw = config.get("network", "bmx7_pref_gw") if (pref_gw ~= "none") then uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet4p", "tunOut") uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet4p", "tunOut", "inet4p") uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet4p", "network", "") uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet4p", "maxPrefixLen", "0") uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet4p", "gwName", pref_gw) uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet4p", "rating", "1000") uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet6p", "tunOut") uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet6p", "tunOut", "inet6p") uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet6p", "network", "::/0") uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet6p", "maxPrefixLen", "0") uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet6p", "gwName", pref_gw) uci:set(bmx7.f, "inet6p", "rating", "1000") else uci:delete(bmx7.f, "inet4p", "tunOut") uci:delete(bmx7.f, "inet6p", "tunOut") end local hasBatadv = false local bmxOverBatdv = config.get_bool("network", "bmx7_over_batman") local hasLan = false for _,protoArgs in pairs(config.get("network", "protocols")) do local proto = utils.split(protoArgs, network.protoParamsSeparator)[1] if(proto == "lan") then hasLan = true elseif(proto == "batadv") then hasBatadv = true end end if config.get("network", "bmx7_over_librenet6", false) then uci:set("bmx7", "librenet6", "dev") uci:set("bmx7", "librenet6", "dev", "librenet6") end local enablePKI = config.get_bool("network", "bmx7_enable_pki") if (enablePKI) then uci:set(bmx7.f, "general", "trustedNodesDir", "/etc/bmx7/trustedNodes") end if(hasLan) then uci:set("bmx7", "lm_net_br_lan", "dev") uci:set("bmx7", "lm_net_br_lan", "dev", "br-lan") if(hasBatadv and not bmxOverBatdv) then fs.mkdir("/etc/firewall.lime.d") fs.writefile("/etc/firewall.lime.d/20-bmx7-not-over-bat0-ebtables", "ebtables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o bat0 -p ipv6".. " --ip6-proto udp --ip6-sport 6270 --ip6-dport 6270 -j DROP\n") else fs.remove("/etc/firewall.lime.d/20-bmx7-not-over-bat0-ebtables") end end uci:save(bmx7.f) if utils.is_installed("firewall") then uci:delete("firewall", "bmxtun") uci:set("firewall", "bmxtun", "zone") uci:set("firewall", "bmxtun", "name", "bmx7tun") uci:set("firewall", "bmxtun", "input", "ACCEPT") uci:set("firewall", "bmxtun", "output", "ACCEPT") uci:set("firewall", "bmxtun", "forward", "ACCEPT") uci:set("firewall", "bmxtun", "mtu_fix", "1") uci:set("firewall", "bmxtun", "conntrack", "1") uci:set("firewall", "bmxtun", "device", "X7+") uci:set("firewall", "bmxtun", "family", "ipv4") uci:save("firewall") fs.remove("/etc/firewall.lime.d/20-bmx7tun-mtu_fix") else fs.mkdir("/etc/firewall.lime.d") fs.writefile( "/etc/firewall.lime.d/20-bmx7tun-mtu_fix", "\n" .. "iptables -t mangle -D FORWARD -o X7+ -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu\n" .. "iptables -t mangle -A FORWARD -o X7+ -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu\n" ) end end function bmx7.setup_interface(ifname, args) if not args["specific"] and ( ifname:match("^wlan%d+.ap") or ifname:match("^eth%d+") ) then return end vlanId = tonumber(args[2]) or 18 vlanProto = args[3] or "8021ad" nameSuffix = args[4] or "_bmx7" local owrtInterfaceName, linux802adIfName, owrtDeviceName = network.createVlanIface(ifname, vlanId, nameSuffix, vlanProto) local uci = libuci:cursor() local mtu = config.get("network", "bmx7_mtu", "1500") uci:set("network", owrtDeviceName, "mtu", mtu) -- BEGIN [Workaround issue 38] if ifname:match("^wlan%d+") then local macAddr = wireless.get_phy_mac("phy"..ifname:match("%d+")) local vlanIp = { 169, 254, tonumber(macAddr[5], 16), tonumber(macAddr[6], 16) } uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "proto", "static") uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "ipaddr", table.concat(vlanIp, ".")) uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "netmask", "") end --- END [Workaround issue 38] uci:save("network") uci:set(bmx7.f, owrtInterfaceName, "dev") uci:set(bmx7.f, owrtInterfaceName, "dev", linux802adIfName) if ifname:match("^wlan%d+") then local rateMax = config.get("network", "bmx7_wifi_rate_max", "auto") if rateMax ~= "auto" then uci:set(bmx7.f, owrtInterfaceName, "rateMax", rateMax) end end uci:save(bmx7.f) end function bmx7.apply() os.execute("killall bmx7 ; sleep 2 ; killall -9 bmx7") os.execute(bmx7.f) end function bmx7.bgp_conf(templateVarsIPv4, templateVarsIPv6) local uci = libuci:cursor() -- Enable Routing Table Redistribution plugin uci:set(bmx7.f, "table", "plugin") uci:set(bmx7.f, "table", "plugin", "bmx7_table.so") -- Redistribute proto bird routes uci:set(bmx7.f, "fromBird", "redistTable") uci:set(bmx7.f, "fromBird", "redistTable", "fromBird") uci:set(bmx7.f, "fromBird", "table", "254") uci:set(bmx7.f, "fromBird", "bandwidth", "100") uci:set(bmx7.f, "fromBird", "proto", "12") -- Avoid aggregation as it use lot of CPU with huge number of routes uci:set(bmx7.f, "fromBird", "aggregatePrefixLen", "128") -- Disable proactive tunnels announcement as it use lot of CPU with -- huge number of routes uci:set(bmx7.f, "general", "proactiveTunRoutes", "0") -- BMX7 security features are at moment not used by LiMe, disable hop -- by hop links signature as it consume a lot of CPU expecially in -- setups with multiples interfaces and lot of routes like LiMe uci:set(bmx7.f, "general", "linkSignatureLen", "0") uci:save(bmx7.f) local base_bgp_conf = [[ protocol direct { interface "X7*"; } ]] return base_bgp_conf end return bmx7