#!/usr/bin/env lua local string = string local math = math local table = table local require = require local print = print local sub = string.sub local gmatch = string.gmatch local match = string.match local preload = package.preload local base = _G local plugin_info = { html = "html generates a HTML file for checking globals", sloc = "sloc calculates SLOC for given source file", } local p_embedded = { 'html', 'sloc', } preload.llex = function() module "llex" local string = base.require "string" local find = string.find local match = string.match local sub = string.sub local kw = {} for v in string.gmatch([[ and break do else elseif end false for function if in local nil not or repeat return then true until while]], "%S+") do kw[v] = true end local z, sourceid, I, buff, ln local function addtoken(token, info) local i = #tok + 1 tok[i] = token seminfo[i] = info tokln[i] = ln end local function inclinenumber(i, is_tok) local sub = sub local old = sub(z, i, i) i = i + 1 local c = sub(z, i, i) if (c == "\n" or c == "\r") and (c ~= old) then i = i + 1 old = old..c end if is_tok then addtoken("TK_EOL", old) end ln = ln + 1 I = i return i end function init(_z, _sourceid) z = _z sourceid = _sourceid I = 1 ln = 1 tok = {} seminfo = {} tokln = {} local p, _, q, r = find(z, "^(#[^\r\n]*)(\r?\n?)") if p then I = I + #q addtoken("TK_COMMENT", q) if #r > 0 then inclinenumber(I, true) end end end function chunkid() if sourceid and match(sourceid, "^[=@]") then return sub(sourceid, 2) end return "[string]" end function errorline(s, line) local e = error or base.error e(string.format("%s:%d: %s", chunkid(), line or ln, s)) end local errorline = errorline local function skip_sep(i) local sub = sub local s = sub(z, i, i) i = i + 1 local count = #match(z, "=*", i) i = i + count I = i return (sub(z, i, i) == s) and count or (-count) - 1 end local function read_long_string(is_str, sep) local i = I + 1 local sub = sub local c = sub(z, i, i) if c == "\r" or c == "\n" then i = inclinenumber(i) end while true do local p, q, r = find(z, "([\r\n%]])", i) if not p then errorline(is_str and "unfinished long string" or "unfinished long comment") end i = p if r == "]" then if skip_sep(i) == sep then buff = sub(z, buff, I) I = I + 1 return buff end i = I else buff = buff.."\n" i = inclinenumber(i) end end end local function read_string(del) local i = I local find = find local sub = sub while true do local p, q, r = find(z, "([\n\r\\\"\'])", i) if p then if r == "\n" or r == "\r" then errorline("unfinished string") end i = p if r == "\\" then i = i + 1 r = sub(z, i, i) if r == "" then break end p = find("abfnrtv\n\r", r, 1, true) if p then if p > 7 then i = inclinenumber(i) else i = i + 1 end elseif find(r, "%D") then i = i + 1 else local p, q, s = find(z, "^(%d%d?%d?)", i) i = q + 1 if s + 1 > 256 then errorline("escape sequence too large") end end else i = i + 1 if r == del then I = i return sub(z, buff, i - 1) end end else break end end errorline("unfinished string") end function llex() local find = find local match = match while true do local i = I while true do local p, _, r = find(z, "^([_%a][_%w]*)", i) if p then I = i + #r if kw[r] then addtoken("TK_KEYWORD", r) else addtoken("TK_NAME", r) end break end local p, _, r = find(z, "^(%.?)%d", i) if p then if r == "." then i = i + 1 end local _, q, r = find(z, "^%d*[%.%d]*([eE]?)", i) i = q + 1 if #r == 1 then if match(z, "^[%+%-]", i) then i = i + 1 end end local _, q = find(z, "^[_%w]*", i) I = q + 1 local v = sub(z, p, q) if not base.tonumber(v) then errorline("malformed number") end addtoken("TK_NUMBER", v) break end local p, q, r, t = find(z, "^((%s)[ \t\v\f]*)", i) if p then if t == "\n" or t == "\r" then inclinenumber(i, true) else I = q + 1 addtoken("TK_SPACE", r) end break end local r = match(z, "^%p", i) if r then buff = i local p = find("-[\"\'.=<>~", r, 1, true) if p then if p <= 2 then if p == 1 then local c = match(z, "^%-%-(%[?)", i) if c then i = i + 2 local sep = -1 if c == "[" then sep = skip_sep(i) end if sep >= 0 then addtoken("TK_LCOMMENT", read_long_string(false, sep)) else I = find(z, "[\n\r]", i) or (#z + 1) addtoken("TK_COMMENT", sub(z, buff, I - 1)) end break end else local sep = skip_sep(i) if sep >= 0 then addtoken("TK_LSTRING", read_long_string(true, sep)) elseif sep == -1 then addtoken("TK_OP", "[") else errorline("invalid long string delimiter") end break end elseif p <= 5 then if p < 5 then I = i + 1 addtoken("TK_STRING", read_string(r)) break end r = match(z, "^%.%.?%.?", i) else r = match(z, "^%p=?", i) end end I = i + #r addtoken("TK_OP", r) break end local r = sub(z, i, i) if r ~= "" then I = i + 1 addtoken("TK_OP", r) break end addtoken("TK_EOS", "") return end end end end preload.lparser = function() module "lparser" local string = base.require "string" local toklist, seminfolist, toklnlist, xreflist, tpos, line, lastln, tok, seminfo, ln, xref, nameref, fs, top_fs, globalinfo, globallookup, localinfo, ilocalinfo, ilocalrefs, statinfo local explist1, expr, block, exp1, body, chunk local gmatch = string.gmatch local block_follow = {} for v in gmatch("else elseif end until ", "%S+") do block_follow[v] = true end local binopr_left = {} local binopr_right = {} for op, lt, rt in gmatch([[ {+ 6 6}{- 6 6}{* 7 7}{/ 7 7}{% 7 7} {^ 10 9}{.. 5 4} {~= 3 3}{== 3 3} {< 3 3}{<= 3 3}{> 3 3}{>= 3 3} {and 2 2}{or 1 1} ]], "{(%S+)%s(%d+)%s(%d+)}") do binopr_left[op] = lt + 0 binopr_right[op] = rt + 0 end local unopr = { ["not"] = true, ["-"] = true, ["#"] = true, } local UNARY_PRIORITY = 8 local function errorline(s, line) local e = error or base.error e(string.format("(source):%d: %s", line or ln, s)) end local function nextt() lastln = toklnlist[tpos] tok, seminfo, ln, xref = toklist[tpos], seminfolist[tpos], toklnlist[tpos], xreflist[tpos] tpos = tpos + 1 end local function lookahead() return toklist[tpos] end local function syntaxerror(msg) local tok = tok if tok ~= "" and tok ~= "" then if tok == "" then tok = seminfo end tok = "'"..tok.."'" end errorline(msg.." near "..tok) end local function error_expected(token) syntaxerror("'"..token.."' expected") end local function testnext(c) if tok == c then nextt(); return true end end local function check(c) if tok ~= c then error_expected(c) end end local function checknext(c) check(c); nextt() end local function check_condition(c, msg) if not c then syntaxerror(msg) end end local function check_match(what, who, where) if not testnext(what) then if where == ln then error_expected(what) else syntaxerror("'"..what.."' expected (to close '"..who.."' at line "..where..")") end end end local function str_checkname() check("") local ts = seminfo nameref = xref nextt() return ts end local function codestring(e, s) e.k = "VK" end local function checkname(e) codestring(e, str_checkname()) end local function new_localvar(name, special) local bl = fs.bl local locallist if bl then locallist = bl.locallist else locallist = fs.locallist end local id = #localinfo + 1 localinfo[id] = { name = name, xref = { nameref }, decl = nameref, } if special then localinfo[id].isself = true end local i = #ilocalinfo + 1 ilocalinfo[i] = id ilocalrefs[i] = locallist end local function adjustlocalvars(nvars) local sz = #ilocalinfo while nvars > 0 do nvars = nvars - 1 local i = sz - nvars local id = ilocalinfo[i] local obj = localinfo[id] local name = obj.name obj.act = xref ilocalinfo[i] = nil local locallist = ilocalrefs[i] ilocalrefs[i] = nil local existing = locallist[name] if existing then obj = localinfo[existing] obj.rem = -id end locallist[name] = id end end local function removevars() local bl = fs.bl local locallist if bl then locallist = bl.locallist else locallist = fs.locallist end for name, id in base.pairs(locallist) do local obj = localinfo[id] obj.rem = xref end end local function new_localvarliteral(name, special) if string.sub(name, 1, 1) == "(" then return end new_localvar(name, special) end local function searchvar(fs, n) local bl = fs.bl local locallist if bl then locallist = bl.locallist while locallist do if locallist[n] then return locallist[n] end bl = bl.prev locallist = bl and bl.locallist end end locallist = fs.locallist return locallist[n] or -1 end local function singlevaraux(fs, n, var) if fs == nil then var.k = "VGLOBAL" return "VGLOBAL" else local v = searchvar(fs, n) if v >= 0 then var.k = "VLOCAL" var.id = v return "VLOCAL" else if singlevaraux(fs.prev, n, var) == "VGLOBAL" then return "VGLOBAL" end var.k = "VUPVAL" return "VUPVAL" end end end local function singlevar(v) local name = str_checkname() singlevaraux(fs, name, v) if v.k == "VGLOBAL" then local id = globallookup[name] if not id then id = #globalinfo + 1 globalinfo[id] = { name = name, xref = { nameref }, } globallookup[name] = id else local obj = globalinfo[id].xref obj[#obj + 1] = nameref end else local id = v.id local obj = localinfo[id].xref obj[#obj + 1] = nameref end end local function enterblock(isbreakable) local bl = {} bl.isbreakable = isbreakable bl.prev = fs.bl bl.locallist = {} fs.bl = bl end local function leaveblock() local bl = fs.bl removevars() fs.bl = bl.prev end local function open_func() local new_fs if not fs then new_fs = top_fs else new_fs = {} end new_fs.prev = fs new_fs.bl = nil new_fs.locallist = {} fs = new_fs end local function close_func() removevars() fs = fs.prev end local function field(v) local key = {} nextt() checkname(key) v.k = "VINDEXED" end local function yindex(v) nextt() expr(v) checknext("]") end local function recfield(cc) local key, val = {}, {} if tok == "" then checkname(key) else yindex(key) end checknext("=") expr(val) end local function closelistfield(cc) if cc.v.k == "VVOID" then return end cc.v.k = "VVOID" end local function listfield(cc) expr(cc.v) end local function constructor(t) local line = ln local cc = {} cc.v = {} cc.t = t t.k = "VRELOCABLE" cc.v.k = "VVOID" checknext("{") repeat if tok == "}" then break end local c = tok if c == "" then if lookahead() ~= "=" then listfield(cc) else recfield(cc) end elseif c == "[" then recfield(cc) else listfield(cc) end until not testnext(",") and not testnext(";") check_match("}", "{", line) end local function parlist() local nparams = 0 if tok ~= ")" then repeat local c = tok if c == "" then new_localvar(str_checkname()) nparams = nparams + 1 elseif c == "..." then nextt() fs.is_vararg = true else syntaxerror(" or '...' expected") end until fs.is_vararg or not testnext(",") end adjustlocalvars(nparams) end local function funcargs(f) local args = {} local line = ln local c = tok if c == "(" then if line ~= lastln then syntaxerror("ambiguous syntax (function call x new statement)") end nextt() if tok == ")" then args.k = "VVOID" else explist1(args) end check_match(")", "(", line) elseif c == "{" then constructor(args) elseif c == "" then codestring(args, seminfo) nextt() else syntaxerror("function arguments expected") return end f.k = "VCALL" end local function prefixexp(v) local c = tok if c == "(" then local line = ln nextt() expr(v) check_match(")", "(", line) elseif c == "" then singlevar(v) else syntaxerror("unexpected symbol") end end local function primaryexp(v) prefixexp(v) while true do local c = tok if c == "." then field(v) elseif c == "[" then local key = {} yindex(key) elseif c == ":" then local key = {} nextt() checkname(key) funcargs(v) elseif c == "(" or c == "" or c == "{" then funcargs(v) else return end end end local function simpleexp(v) local c = tok if c == "" then v.k = "VKNUM" elseif c == "" then codestring(v, seminfo) elseif c == "nil" then v.k = "VNIL" elseif c == "true" then v.k = "VTRUE" elseif c == "false" then v.k = "VFALSE" elseif c == "..." then check_condition(fs.is_vararg == true, "cannot use '...' outside a vararg function"); v.k = "VVARARG" elseif c == "{" then constructor(v) return elseif c == "function" then nextt() body(v, false, ln) return else primaryexp(v) return end nextt() end local function subexpr(v, limit) local op = tok local uop = unopr[op] if uop then nextt() subexpr(v, UNARY_PRIORITY) else simpleexp(v) end op = tok local binop = binopr_left[op] while binop and binop > limit do local v2 = {} nextt() local nextop = subexpr(v2, binopr_right[op]) op = nextop binop = binopr_left[op] end return op end function expr(v) subexpr(v, 0) end local function assignment(v) local e = {} local c = v.v.k check_condition(c == "VLOCAL" or c == "VUPVAL" or c == "VGLOBAL" or c == "VINDEXED", "syntax error") if testnext(",") then local nv = {} nv.v = {} primaryexp(nv.v) assignment(nv) else checknext("=") explist1(e) return end e.k = "VNONRELOC" end local function forbody(nvars, isnum) checknext("do") enterblock(false) adjustlocalvars(nvars) block() leaveblock() end local function fornum(varname) local line = line new_localvarliteral("(for index)") new_localvarliteral("(for limit)") new_localvarliteral("(for step)") new_localvar(varname) checknext("=") exp1() checknext(",") exp1() if testnext(",") then exp1() else end forbody(1, true) end local function forlist(indexname) local e = {} new_localvarliteral("(for generator)") new_localvarliteral("(for state)") new_localvarliteral("(for control)") new_localvar(indexname) local nvars = 1 while testnext(",") do new_localvar(str_checkname()) nvars = nvars + 1 end checknext("in") local line = line explist1(e) forbody(nvars, false) end local function funcname(v) local needself = false singlevar(v) while tok == "." do field(v) end if tok == ":" then needself = true field(v) end return needself end function exp1() local e = {} expr(e) end local function cond() local v = {} expr(v) end local function test_then_block() nextt() cond() checknext("then") block() end local function localfunc() local v, b = {} new_localvar(str_checkname()) v.k = "VLOCAL" adjustlocalvars(1) body(b, false, ln) end local function localstat() local nvars = 0 local e = {} repeat new_localvar(str_checkname()) nvars = nvars + 1 until not testnext(",") if testnext("=") then explist1(e) else e.k = "VVOID" end adjustlocalvars(nvars) end function explist1(e) expr(e) while testnext(",") do expr(e) end end function body(e, needself, line) open_func() checknext("(") if needself then new_localvarliteral("self", true) adjustlocalvars(1) end parlist() checknext(")") chunk() check_match("end", "function", line) close_func() end function block() enterblock(false) chunk() leaveblock() end local function for_stat() local line = line enterblock(true) nextt() local varname = str_checkname() local c = tok if c == "=" then fornum(varname) elseif c == "," or c == "in" then forlist(varname) else syntaxerror("'=' or 'in' expected") end check_match("end", "for", line) leaveblock() end local function while_stat() local line = line nextt() cond() enterblock(true) checknext("do") block() check_match("end", "while", line) leaveblock() end local function repeat_stat() local line = line enterblock(true) enterblock(false) nextt() chunk() check_match("until", "repeat", line) cond() leaveblock() leaveblock() end local function if_stat() local line = line local v = {} test_then_block() while tok == "elseif" do test_then_block() end if tok == "else" then nextt() block() end check_match("end", "if", line) end local function return_stat() local e = {} nextt() local c = tok if block_follow[c] or c == ";" then else explist1(e) end end local function break_stat() local bl = fs.bl nextt() while bl and not bl.isbreakable do bl = bl.prev end if not bl then syntaxerror("no loop to break") end end local function expr_stat() local id = tpos - 1 local v = {} v.v = {} primaryexp(v.v) if v.v.k == "VCALL" then statinfo[id] = "call" else v.prev = nil assignment(v) statinfo[id] = "assign" end end local function function_stat() local line = line local v, b = {}, {} nextt() local needself = funcname(v) body(b, needself, line) end local function do_stat() local line = line nextt() block() check_match("end", "do", line) end local function local_stat() nextt() if testnext("function") then localfunc() else localstat() end end local stat_call = { ["if"] = if_stat, ["while"] = while_stat, ["do"] = do_stat, ["for"] = for_stat, ["repeat"] = repeat_stat, ["function"] = function_stat, ["local"] = local_stat, ["return"] = return_stat, ["break"] = break_stat, } local function stat() line = ln local c = tok local fn = stat_call[c] if fn then statinfo[tpos - 1] = c fn() if c == "return" or c == "break" then return true end else expr_stat() end return false end function chunk() local islast = false while not islast and not block_follow[tok] do islast = stat() testnext(";") end end function parser() open_func() fs.is_vararg = true nextt() chunk() check("") close_func() return { globalinfo = globalinfo, localinfo = localinfo, statinfo = statinfo, toklist = toklist, seminfolist = seminfolist, toklnlist = toklnlist, xreflist = xreflist, } end function init(tokorig, seminfoorig, toklnorig) tpos = 1 top_fs = {} local j = 1 toklist, seminfolist, toklnlist, xreflist = {}, {}, {}, {} for i = 1, #tokorig do local tok = tokorig[i] local yep = true if tok == "TK_KEYWORD" or tok == "TK_OP" then tok = seminfoorig[i] elseif tok == "TK_NAME" then tok = "" seminfolist[j] = seminfoorig[i] elseif tok == "TK_NUMBER" then tok = "" seminfolist[j] = 0 elseif tok == "TK_STRING" or tok == "TK_LSTRING" then tok = "" seminfolist[j] = "" elseif tok == "TK_EOS" then tok = "" else yep = false end if yep then toklist[j] = tok toklnlist[j] = toklnorig[i] xreflist[j] = i j = j + 1 end end globalinfo, globallookup, localinfo = {}, {}, {} ilocalinfo, ilocalrefs = {}, {} statinfo = {} end end preload.optlex = function() module "optlex" local string = base.require "string" local match = string.match local sub = string.sub local find = string.find local rep = string.rep local print error = base.error warn = {} local stoks, sinfos, stoklns local is_realtoken = { TK_KEYWORD = true, TK_NAME = true, TK_NUMBER = true, TK_STRING = true, TK_LSTRING = true, TK_OP = true, TK_EOS = true, } local is_faketoken = { TK_COMMENT = true, TK_LCOMMENT = true, TK_EOL = true, TK_SPACE = true, } local opt_details local function atlinestart(i) local tok = stoks[i - 1] if i <= 1 or tok == "TK_EOL" then return true elseif tok == "" then return atlinestart(i - 1) end return false end local function atlineend(i) local tok = stoks[i + 1] if i >= #stoks or tok == "TK_EOL" or tok == "TK_EOS" then return true elseif tok == "" then return atlineend(i + 1) end return false end local function commenteols(lcomment) local sep = #match(lcomment, "^%-%-%[=*%[") local z = sub(lcomment, sep + 1, -(sep - 1)) local i, c = 1, 0 while true do local p, q, r, s = find(z, "([\r\n])([\r\n]?)", i) if not p then break end i = p + 1 c = c + 1 if #s > 0 and r ~= s then i = i + 1 end end return c end local function checkpair(i, j) local match = match local t1, t2 = stoks[i], stoks[j] if t1 == "TK_STRING" or t1 == "TK_LSTRING" or t2 == "TK_STRING" or t2 == "TK_LSTRING" then return "" elseif t1 == "TK_OP" or t2 == "TK_OP" then if (t1 == "TK_OP" and (t2 == "TK_KEYWORD" or t2 == "TK_NAME")) or (t2 == "TK_OP" and (t1 == "TK_KEYWORD" or t1 == "TK_NAME")) then return "" end if t1 == "TK_OP" and t2 == "TK_OP" then local op, op2 = sinfos[i], sinfos[j] if (match(op, "^%.%.?$") and match(op2, "^%.")) or (match(op, "^[~=<>]$") and op2 == "=") or (op == "[" and (op2 == "[" or op2 == "=")) then return " " end return "" end local op = sinfos[i] if t2 == "TK_OP" then op = sinfos[j] end if match(op, "^%.%.?%.?$") then return " " end return "" else return " " end end local function repack_tokens() local dtoks, dinfos, dtoklns = {}, {}, {} local j = 1 for i = 1, #stoks do local tok = stoks[i] if tok ~= "" then dtoks[j], dinfos[j], dtoklns[j] = tok, sinfos[i], stoklns[i] j = j + 1 end end stoks, sinfos, stoklns = dtoks, dinfos, dtoklns end local function do_number(i) local before = sinfos[i] local z = before local y if match(z, "^0[xX]") then local v = base.tostring(base.tonumber(z)) if #v <= #z then z = v else return end end if match(z, "^%d+%.?0*$") then z = match(z, "^(%d+)%.?0*$") if z + 0 > 0 then z = match(z, "^0*([1-9]%d*)$") local v = #match(z, "0*$") local nv = base.tostring(v) if v > #nv + 1 then z = sub(z, 1, #z - v).."e"..nv end y = z else y = "0" end elseif not match(z, "[eE]") then local p, q = match(z, "^(%d*)%.(%d+)$") if p == "" then p = 0 end if q + 0 == 0 and p == 0 then y = "0" else local v = #match(q, "0*$") if v > 0 then q = sub(q, 1, #q - v) end if p + 0 > 0 then y = p.."."..q else y = "."..q local v = #match(q, "^0*") local w = #q - v local nv = base.tostring(#q) if w + 2 + #nv < 1 + #q then y = sub(q, -w).."e-"..nv end end end else local sig, ex = match(z, "^([^eE]+)[eE]([%+%-]?%d+)$") ex = base.tonumber(ex) local p, q = match(sig, "^(%d*)%.(%d*)$") if p then ex = ex - #q sig = p..q end if sig + 0 == 0 then y = "0" else local v = #match(sig, "^0*") sig = sub(sig, v + 1) v = #match(sig, "0*$") if v > 0 then sig = sub(sig, 1, #sig - v) ex = ex + v end local nex = base.tostring(ex) if ex == 0 then y = sig elseif ex > 0 and (ex <= 1 + #nex) then y = sig..rep("0", ex) elseif ex < 0 and (ex >= -#sig) then v = #sig + ex y = sub(sig, 1, v).."."..sub(sig, v + 1) elseif ex < 0 and (#nex >= -ex - #sig) then v = -ex - #sig y = "."..rep("0", v)..sig else y = sig.."e"..ex end end end if y and y ~= sinfos[i] then if opt_details then print(" (line "..stoklns[i]..") "..sinfos[i].." -> "..y) opt_details = opt_details + 1 end sinfos[i] = y end end local function do_string(I) local info = sinfos[I] local delim = sub(info, 1, 1) local ndelim = (delim == "'") and '"' or "'" local z = sub(info, 2, -2) local i = 1 local c_delim, c_ndelim = 0, 0 while i <= #z do local c = sub(z, i, i) if c == "\\" then local j = i + 1 local d = sub(z, j, j) local p = find("abfnrtv\\\n\r\"\'0123456789", d, 1, true) if not p then z = sub(z, 1, i - 1)..sub(z, j) i = i + 1 elseif p <= 8 then i = i + 2 elseif p <= 10 then local eol = sub(z, j, j + 1) if eol == "\r\n" or eol == "\n\r" then z = sub(z, 1, i).."\n"..sub(z, j + 2) elseif p == 10 then z = sub(z, 1, i).."\n"..sub(z, j + 1) end i = i + 2 elseif p <= 12 then if d == delim then c_delim = c_delim + 1 i = i + 2 else c_ndelim = c_ndelim + 1 z = sub(z, 1, i - 1)..sub(z, j) i = i + 1 end else local s = match(z, "^(%d%d?%d?)", j) j = i + 1 + #s local cv = s + 0 local cc = string.char(cv) local p = find("\a\b\f\n\r\t\v", cc, 1, true) if p then s = "\\"..sub("abfnrtv", p, p) elseif cv < 32 then if match(sub(z, j, j), "%d") then s = "\\"..s else s = "\\"..cv end elseif cc == delim then s = "\\"..cc c_delim = c_delim + 1 elseif cc == "\\" then s = "\\\\" else s = cc if cc == ndelim then c_ndelim = c_ndelim + 1 end end z = sub(z, 1, i - 1)..s..sub(z, j) i = i + #s end else i = i + 1 if c == ndelim then c_ndelim = c_ndelim + 1 end end end if c_delim > c_ndelim then i = 1 while i <= #z do local p, q, r = find(z, "([\'\"])", i) if not p then break end if r == delim then z = sub(z, 1, p - 2)..sub(z, p) i = p else z = sub(z, 1, p - 1).."\\"..sub(z, p) i = p + 2 end end delim = ndelim end z = delim..z..delim if z ~= sinfos[I] then if opt_details then print(" (line "..stoklns[I]..") "..sinfos[I].." -> "..z) opt_details = opt_details + 1 end sinfos[I] = z end end local function do_lstring(I) local info = sinfos[I] local delim1 = match(info, "^%[=*%[") local sep = #delim1 local delim2 = sub(info, -sep, -1) local z = sub(info, sep + 1, -(sep + 1)) local y = "" local i = 1 while true do local p, q, r, s = find(z, "([\r\n])([\r\n]?)", i) local ln if not p then ln = sub(z, i) elseif p >= i then ln = sub(z, i, p - 1) end if ln ~= "" then if match(ln, "%s+$") then warn.LSTRING = "trailing whitespace in long string near line "..stoklns[I] end y = y..ln end if not p then break end i = p + 1 if p then if #s > 0 and r ~= s then i = i + 1 end if not(i == 1 and i == p) then y = y.."\n" end end end if sep >= 3 then local chk, okay = sep - 1 while chk >= 2 do local delim = "%]"..rep("=", chk - 2).."%]" if not match(y, delim) then okay = chk end chk = chk - 1 end if okay then sep = rep("=", okay - 2) delim1, delim2 = "["..sep.."[", "]"..sep.."]" end end sinfos[I] = delim1..y..delim2 end local function do_lcomment(I) local info = sinfos[I] local delim1 = match(info, "^%-%-%[=*%[") local sep = #delim1 local delim2 = sub(info, -(sep - 2), -1) local z = sub(info, sep + 1, -(sep - 1)) local y = "" local i = 1 while true do local p, q, r, s = find(z, "([\r\n])([\r\n]?)", i) local ln if not p then ln = sub(z, i) elseif p >= i then ln = sub(z, i, p - 1) end if ln ~= "" then local ws = match(ln, "%s*$") if #ws > 0 then ln = sub(ln, 1, -(ws + 1)) end y = y..ln end if not p then break end i = p + 1 if p then if #s > 0 and r ~= s then i = i + 1 end y = y.."\n" end end sep = sep - 2 if sep >= 3 then local chk, okay = sep - 1 while chk >= 2 do local delim = "%]"..rep("=", chk - 2).."%]" if not match(y, delim) then okay = chk end chk = chk - 1 end if okay then sep = rep("=", okay - 2) delim1, delim2 = "--["..sep.."[", "]"..sep.."]" end end sinfos[I] = delim1..y..delim2 end local function do_comment(i) local info = sinfos[i] local ws = match(info, "%s*$") if #ws > 0 then info = sub(info, 1, -(ws + 1)) end sinfos[i] = info end local function keep_lcomment(opt_keep, info) if not opt_keep then return false end local delim1 = match(info, "^%-%-%[=*%[") local sep = #delim1 local delim2 = sub(info, -sep, -1) local z = sub(info, sep + 1, -(sep - 1)) if find(z, opt_keep, 1, true) then return true end end function optimize(option, toklist, semlist, toklnlist) local opt_comments = option["opt-comments"] local opt_whitespace = option["opt-whitespace"] local opt_emptylines = option["opt-emptylines"] local opt_eols = option["opt-eols"] local opt_strings = option["opt-strings"] local opt_numbers = option["opt-numbers"] local opt_x = option["opt-experimental"] local opt_keep = option.KEEP opt_details = option.DETAILS and 0 print = print or base.print if opt_eols then opt_comments = true opt_whitespace = true opt_emptylines = true elseif opt_x then opt_whitespace = true end stoks, sinfos, stoklns = toklist, semlist, toklnlist local i = 1 local tok, info local prev local function settoken(tok, info, I) I = I or i stoks[I] = tok or "" sinfos[I] = info or "" end if opt_x then while true do tok, info = stoks[i], sinfos[i] if tok == "TK_EOS" then break elseif tok == "TK_OP" and info == ";" then settoken("TK_SPACE", " ") end i = i + 1 end repack_tokens() end i = 1 while true do tok, info = stoks[i], sinfos[i] local atstart = atlinestart(i) if atstart then prev = nil end if tok == "TK_EOS" then break elseif tok == "TK_KEYWORD" or tok == "TK_NAME" or tok == "TK_OP" then prev = i elseif tok == "TK_NUMBER" then if opt_numbers then do_number(i) end prev = i elseif tok == "TK_STRING" or tok == "TK_LSTRING" then if opt_strings then if tok == "TK_STRING" then do_string(i) else do_lstring(i) end end prev = i elseif tok == "TK_COMMENT" then if opt_comments then if i == 1 and sub(info, 1, 1) == "#" then do_comment(i) else settoken() end elseif opt_whitespace then do_comment(i) end elseif tok == "TK_LCOMMENT" then if keep_lcomment(opt_keep, info) then if opt_whitespace then do_lcomment(i) end prev = i elseif opt_comments then local eols = commenteols(info) if is_faketoken[stoks[i + 1]] then settoken() tok = "" else settoken("TK_SPACE", " ") end if not opt_emptylines and eols > 0 then settoken("TK_EOL", rep("\n", eols)) end if opt_whitespace and tok ~= "" then i = i - 1 end else if opt_whitespace then do_lcomment(i) end prev = i end elseif tok == "TK_EOL" then if atstart and opt_emptylines then settoken() elseif info == "\r\n" or info == "\n\r" then settoken("TK_EOL", "\n") end elseif tok == "TK_SPACE" then if opt_whitespace then if atstart or atlineend(i) then settoken() else local ptok = stoks[prev] if ptok == "TK_LCOMMENT" then settoken() else local ntok = stoks[i + 1] if is_faketoken[ntok] then if (ntok == "TK_COMMENT" or ntok == "TK_LCOMMENT") and ptok == "TK_OP" and sinfos[prev] == "-" then else settoken() end else local s = checkpair(prev, i + 1) if s == "" then settoken() else settoken("TK_SPACE", " ") end end end end end else error("unidentified token encountered") end i = i + 1 end repack_tokens() if opt_eols then i = 1 if stoks[1] == "TK_COMMENT" then i = 3 end while true do tok, info = stoks[i], sinfos[i] if tok == "TK_EOS" then break elseif tok == "TK_EOL" then local t1, t2 = stoks[i - 1], stoks[i + 1] if is_realtoken[t1] and is_realtoken[t2] then local s = checkpair(i - 1, i + 1) if s == "" or t2 == "TK_EOS" then settoken() end end end i = i + 1 end repack_tokens() end if opt_details and opt_details > 0 then print() end return stoks, sinfos, stoklns end end preload.optparser = function() module "optparser" local string = base.require "string" local table = base.require "table" local LETTERS = "etaoinshrdlucmfwypvbgkqjxz_ETAOINSHRDLUCMFWYPVBGKQJXZ" local ALPHANUM = "etaoinshrdlucmfwypvbgkqjxz_0123456789ETAOINSHRDLUCMFWYPVBGKQJXZ" local SKIP_NAME = {} for v in string.gmatch([[ and break do else elseif end false for function if in local nil not or repeat return then true until while self]], "%S+") do SKIP_NAME[v] = true end local toklist, seminfolist, tokpar, seminfopar, xrefpar, globalinfo, localinfo, statinfo, globaluniq, localuniq, var_new, varlist local function preprocess(infotable) local uniqtable = {} for i = 1, #infotable do local obj = infotable[i] local name = obj.name if not uniqtable[name] then uniqtable[name] = { decl = 0, token = 0, size = 0, } end local uniq = uniqtable[name] uniq.decl = uniq.decl + 1 local xref = obj.xref local xcount = #xref uniq.token = uniq.token + xcount uniq.size = uniq.size + xcount * #name if obj.decl then obj.id = i obj.xcount = xcount if xcount > 1 then obj.first = xref[2] obj.last = xref[xcount] end else uniq.id = i end end return uniqtable end local function recalc_for_entropy(option) local byte = string.byte local char = string.char local ACCEPT = { TK_KEYWORD = true, TK_NAME = true, TK_NUMBER = true, TK_STRING = true, TK_LSTRING = true, } if not option["opt-comments"] then ACCEPT.TK_COMMENT = true ACCEPT.TK_LCOMMENT = true end local filtered = {} for i = 1, #toklist do filtered[i] = seminfolist[i] end for i = 1, #localinfo do local obj = localinfo[i] local xref = obj.xref for j = 1, obj.xcount do local p = xref[j] filtered[p] = "" end end local freq = {} for i = 0, 255 do freq[i] = 0 end for i = 1, #toklist do local tok, info = toklist[i], filtered[i] if ACCEPT[tok] then for j = 1, #info do local c = byte(info, j) freq[c] = freq[c] + 1 end end end local function resort(symbols) local symlist = {} for i = 1, #symbols do local c = byte(symbols, i) symlist[i] = { c = c, freq = freq[c], } end table.sort(symlist, function(v1, v2) return v1.freq > v2.freq end ) local charlist = {} for i = 1, #symlist do charlist[i] = char(symlist[i].c) end return table.concat(charlist) end LETTERS = resort(LETTERS) ALPHANUM = resort(ALPHANUM) end local function new_var_name() local var local cletters, calphanum = #LETTERS, #ALPHANUM local v = var_new if v < cletters then v = v + 1 var = string.sub(LETTERS, v, v) else local range, sz = cletters, 1 repeat v = v - range range = range * calphanum sz = sz + 1 until range > v local n = v % cletters v = (v - n) / cletters n = n + 1 var = string.sub(LETTERS, n, n) while sz > 1 do local m = v % calphanum v = (v - m) / calphanum m = m + 1 var = var..string.sub(ALPHANUM, m, m) sz = sz - 1 end end var_new = var_new + 1 return var, globaluniq[var] ~= nil end local function stats_summary(globaluniq, localuniq, afteruniq, option) local print = print or base.print local fmt = string.format local opt_details = option.DETAILS if option.QUIET then return end local uniq_g , uniq_li, uniq_lo, uniq_ti, uniq_to, decl_g, decl_li, decl_lo, decl_ti, decl_to, token_g, token_li, token_lo, token_ti, token_to, size_g, size_li, size_lo, size_ti, size_to = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 local function avg(c, l) if c == 0 then return 0 end return l / c end for name, uniq in base.pairs(globaluniq) do uniq_g = uniq_g + 1 token_g = token_g + uniq.token size_g = size_g + uniq.size end for name, uniq in base.pairs(localuniq) do uniq_li = uniq_li + 1 decl_li = decl_li + uniq.decl token_li = token_li + uniq.token size_li = size_li + uniq.size end for name, uniq in base.pairs(afteruniq) do uniq_lo = uniq_lo + 1 decl_lo = decl_lo + uniq.decl token_lo = token_lo + uniq.token size_lo = size_lo + uniq.size end uniq_ti = uniq_g + uniq_li decl_ti = decl_g + decl_li token_ti = token_g + token_li size_ti = size_g + size_li uniq_to = uniq_g + uniq_lo decl_to = decl_g + decl_lo token_to = token_g + token_lo size_to = size_g + size_lo if opt_details then local sorted = {} for name, uniq in base.pairs(globaluniq) do uniq.name = name sorted[#sorted + 1] = uniq end table.sort(sorted, function(v1, v2) return v1.size > v2.size end ) local tabf1, tabf2 = "%8s%8s%10s %s", "%8d%8d%10.2f %s" local hl = string.rep("-", 44) print("*** global variable list (sorted by size) ***\n"..hl) print(fmt(tabf1, "Token", "Input", "Input", "Global")) print(fmt(tabf1, "Count", "Bytes", "Average", "Name")) print(hl) for i = 1, #sorted do local uniq = sorted[i] print(fmt(tabf2, uniq.token, uniq.size, avg(uniq.token, uniq.size), uniq.name)) end print(hl) print(fmt(tabf2, token_g, size_g, avg(token_g, size_g), "TOTAL")) print(hl.."\n") local tabf1, tabf2 = "%8s%8s%8s%10s%8s%10s %s", "%8d%8d%8d%10.2f%8d%10.2f %s" local hl = string.rep("-", 70) print("*** local variable list (sorted by allocation order) ***\n"..hl) print(fmt(tabf1, "Decl.", "Token", "Input", "Input", "Output", "Output", "Global")) print(fmt(tabf1, "Count", "Count", "Bytes", "Average", "Bytes", "Average", "Name")) print(hl) for i = 1, #varlist do local name = varlist[i] local uniq = afteruniq[name] local old_t, old_s = 0, 0 for j = 1, #localinfo do local obj = localinfo[j] if obj.name == name then old_t = old_t + obj.xcount old_s = old_s + obj.xcount * #obj.oldname end end print(fmt(tabf2, uniq.decl, uniq.token, old_s, avg(old_t, old_s), uniq.size, avg(uniq.token, uniq.size), name)) end print(hl) print(fmt(tabf2, decl_lo, token_lo, size_li, avg(token_li, size_li), size_lo, avg(token_lo, size_lo), "TOTAL")) print(hl.."\n") end local tabf1, tabf2 = "%-16s%8s%8s%8s%8s%10s", "%-16s%8d%8d%8d%8d%10.2f" local hl = string.rep("-", 58) print("*** local variable optimization summary ***\n"..hl) print(fmt(tabf1, "Variable", "Unique", "Decl.", "Token", "Size", "Average")) print(fmt(tabf1, "Types", "Names", "Count", "Count", "Bytes", "Bytes")) print(hl) print(fmt(tabf2, "Global", uniq_g, decl_g, token_g, size_g, avg(token_g, size_g))) print(hl) print(fmt(tabf2, "Local (in)", uniq_li, decl_li, token_li, size_li, avg(token_li, size_li))) print(fmt(tabf2, "TOTAL (in)", uniq_ti, decl_ti, token_ti, size_ti, avg(token_ti, size_ti))) print(hl) print(fmt(tabf2, "Local (out)", uniq_lo, decl_lo, token_lo, size_lo, avg(token_lo, size_lo))) print(fmt(tabf2, "TOTAL (out)", uniq_to, decl_to, token_to, size_to, avg(token_to, size_to))) print(hl.."\n") end local function optimize_func1() local function is_strcall(j) local t1 = tokpar[j + 1] or "" local t2 = tokpar[j + 2] or "" local t3 = tokpar[j + 3] or "" if t1 == "(" and t2 == "" and t3 == ")" then return true end end local del_list = {} local i = 1 while i <= #tokpar do local id = statinfo[i] if id == "call" and is_strcall(i) then del_list[i + 1] = true del_list[i + 3] = true i = i + 3 end i = i + 1 end local i, dst, idend = 1, 1, #tokpar local del_list2 = {} while dst <= idend do if del_list[i] then del_list2[xrefpar[i]] = true i = i + 1 end if i > dst then if i <= idend then tokpar[dst] = tokpar[i] seminfopar[dst] = seminfopar[i] xrefpar[dst] = xrefpar[i] - (i - dst) statinfo[dst] = statinfo[i] else tokpar[dst] = nil seminfopar[dst] = nil xrefpar[dst] = nil statinfo[dst] = nil end end i = i + 1 dst = dst + 1 end local i, dst, idend = 1, 1, #toklist while dst <= idend do if del_list2[i] then i = i + 1 end if i > dst then if i <= idend then toklist[dst] = toklist[i] seminfolist[dst] = seminfolist[i] else toklist[dst] = nil seminfolist[dst] = nil end end i = i + 1 dst = dst + 1 end end local function optimize_locals(option) var_new = 0 varlist = {} globaluniq = preprocess(globalinfo) localuniq = preprocess(localinfo) if option["opt-entropy"] then recalc_for_entropy(option) end local object = {} for i = 1, #localinfo do object[i] = localinfo[i] end table.sort(object, function(v1, v2) return v1.xcount > v2.xcount end ) local temp, j, gotself = {}, 1, false for i = 1, #object do local obj = object[i] if not obj.isself then temp[j] = obj j = j + 1 else gotself = true end end object = temp local nobject = #object while nobject > 0 do local varname, gcollide repeat varname, gcollide = new_var_name() until not SKIP_NAME[varname] varlist[#varlist + 1] = varname local oleft = nobject if gcollide then local gref = globalinfo[globaluniq[varname].id].xref local ngref = #gref for i = 1, nobject do local obj = object[i] local act, rem = obj.act, obj.rem while rem < 0 do rem = localinfo[-rem].rem end local drop for j = 1, ngref do local p = gref[j] if p >= act and p <= rem then drop = true end end if drop then obj.skip = true oleft = oleft - 1 end end end while oleft > 0 do local i = 1 while object[i].skip do i = i + 1 end oleft = oleft - 1 local obja = object[i] i = i + 1 obja.newname = varname obja.skip = true obja.done = true local first, last = obja.first, obja.last local xref = obja.xref if first and oleft > 0 then local scanleft = oleft while scanleft > 0 do while object[i].skip do i = i + 1 end scanleft = scanleft - 1 local objb = object[i] i = i + 1 local act, rem = objb.act, objb.rem while rem < 0 do rem = localinfo[-rem].rem end if not(last < act or first > rem) then if act >= obja.act then for j = 1, obja.xcount do local p = xref[j] if p >= act and p <= rem then oleft = oleft - 1 objb.skip = true break end end else if objb.last and objb.last >= obja.act then oleft = oleft - 1 objb.skip = true end end end if oleft == 0 then break end end end end local temp, j = {}, 1 for i = 1, nobject do local obj = object[i] if not obj.done then obj.skip = false temp[j] = obj j = j + 1 end end object = temp nobject = #object end for i = 1, #localinfo do local obj = localinfo[i] local xref = obj.xref if obj.newname then for j = 1, obj.xcount do local p = xref[j] seminfolist[p] = obj.newname end obj.name, obj.oldname = obj.newname, obj.name else obj.oldname = obj.name end end if gotself then varlist[#varlist + 1] = "self" end local afteruniq = preprocess(localinfo) stats_summary(globaluniq, localuniq, afteruniq, option) end function optimize(option, _toklist, _seminfolist, xinfo) toklist, seminfolist = _toklist, _seminfolist tokpar, seminfopar, xrefpar = xinfo.toklist, xinfo.seminfolist, xinfo.xreflist globalinfo, localinfo, statinfo = xinfo.globalinfo, xinfo.localinfo, xinfo.statinfo if option["opt-locals"] then optimize_locals(option) end if option["opt-experimental"] then optimize_func1() end end end preload.equiv = function() module "equiv" local string = base.require "string" local loadstring = base.loadstring local sub = string.sub local match = string.match local dump = string.dump local byte = string.byte local is_realtoken = { TK_KEYWORD = true, TK_NAME = true, TK_NUMBER = true, TK_STRING = true, TK_LSTRING = true, TK_OP = true, TK_EOS = true, } local option, llex, warn function init(_option, _llex, _warn) option = _option llex = _llex warn = _warn end local function build_stream(s) llex.init(s) llex.llex() local stok, sseminfo = llex.tok, llex.seminfo local tok, seminfo = {}, {} for i = 1, #stok do local t = stok[i] if is_realtoken[t] then tok[#tok + 1] = t seminfo[#seminfo + 1] = sseminfo[i] end end return tok, seminfo end function source(z, dat) local function dumpsem(s) local sf = loadstring("return "..s, "z") if sf then return dump(sf) end end local function bork(msg) if option.DETAILS then base.print("SRCEQUIV: "..msg) end warn.SRC_EQUIV = true end local tok1, seminfo1 = build_stream(z) local tok2, seminfo2 = build_stream(dat) local sh1 = match(z, "^(#[^\r\n]*)") local sh2 = match(dat, "^(#[^\r\n]*)") if sh1 or sh2 then if not sh1 or not sh2 or sh1 ~= sh2 then bork("shbang lines different") end end if #tok1 ~= #tok2 then bork("count "..#tok1.." "..#tok2) return end for i = 1, #tok1 do local t1, t2 = tok1[i], tok2[i] local s1, s2 = seminfo1[i], seminfo2[i] if t1 ~= t2 then bork("type ["..i.."] "..t1.." "..t2) break end if t1 == "TK_KEYWORD" or t1 == "TK_NAME" or t1 == "TK_OP" then if t1 == "TK_NAME" and option["opt-locals"] then elseif s1 ~= s2 then bork("seminfo ["..i.."] "..t1.." "..s1.." "..s2) break end elseif t1 == "TK_EOS" then else local s1b,s2b = dumpsem(s1), dumpsem(s2) if not s1b or not s2b or s1b ~= s2b then bork("seminfo ["..i.."] "..t1.." "..s1.." "..s2) break end end end end function binary(z, dat) local TNIL = 0 local TBOOLEAN = 1 local TNUMBER = 3 local TSTRING = 4 local function bork(msg) if option.DETAILS then base.print("BINEQUIV: "..msg) end warn.BIN_EQUIV = true end local function zap_shbang(s) local shbang = match(s, "^(#[^\r\n]*\r?\n?)") if shbang then s = sub(s, #shbang + 1) end return s end local cz = loadstring(zap_shbang(z), "z") if not cz then bork("failed to compile original sources for binary chunk comparison") return end local cdat = loadstring(zap_shbang(dat), "z") if not cdat then bork("failed to compile compressed result for binary chunk comparison") end local c1 = { i = 1, dat = dump(cz) } c1.len = #c1.dat local c2 = { i = 1, dat = dump(cdat) } c2.len = #c2.dat local endian, sz_int, sz_sizet, sz_inst, sz_number, getint, getsizet local function ensure(c, sz) if c.i + sz - 1 > c.len then return end return true end local function skip(c, sz) if not sz then sz = 1 end c.i = c.i + sz end local function getbyte(c) local i = c.i if i > c.len then return end local d = sub(c.dat, i, i) c.i = i + 1 return byte(d) end local function getint_l(c) local n, scale = 0, 1 if not ensure(c, sz_int) then return end for j = 1, sz_int do n = n + scale * getbyte(c) scale = scale * 256 end return n end local function getint_b(c) local n = 0 if not ensure(c, sz_int) then return end for j = 1, sz_int do n = n * 256 + getbyte(c) end return n end local function getsizet_l(c) local n, scale = 0, 1 if not ensure(c, sz_sizet) then return end for j = 1, sz_sizet do n = n + scale * getbyte(c) scale = scale * 256 end return n end local function getsizet_b(c) local n = 0 if not ensure(c, sz_sizet) then return end for j = 1, sz_sizet do n = n * 256 + getbyte(c) end return n end local function getblock(c, sz) local i = c.i local j = i + sz - 1 if j > c.len then return end local d = sub(c.dat, i, j) c.i = i + sz return d end local function getstring(c) local n = getsizet(c) if not n then return end if n == 0 then return "" end return getblock(c, n) end local function goodbyte(c1, c2) local b1, b2 = getbyte(c1), getbyte(c2) if not b1 or not b2 or b1 ~= b2 then return end return b1 end local function badbyte(c1, c2) local b = goodbyte(c1, c2) if not b then return true end end local function goodint(c1, c2) local i1, i2 = getint(c1), getint(c2) if not i1 or not i2 or i1 ~= i2 then return end return i1 end local function getfunc(c1, c2) if not getstring(c1) or not getstring(c2) then bork("bad source name"); return end if not getint(c1) or not getint(c2) then bork("bad linedefined"); return end if not getint(c1) or not getint(c2) then bork("bad lastlinedefined"); return end if not (ensure(c1, 4) and ensure(c2, 4)) then bork("prototype header broken") end if badbyte(c1, c2) then bork("bad nups"); return end if badbyte(c1, c2) then bork("bad numparams"); return end if badbyte(c1, c2) then bork("bad is_vararg"); return end if badbyte(c1, c2) then bork("bad maxstacksize"); return end local ncode = goodint(c1, c2) if not ncode then bork("bad ncode"); return end local code1 = getblock(c1, ncode * sz_inst) local code2 = getblock(c2, ncode * sz_inst) if not code1 or not code2 or code1 ~= code2 then bork("bad code block"); return end local nconst = goodint(c1, c2) if not nconst then bork("bad nconst"); return end for i = 1, nconst do local ctype = goodbyte(c1, c2) if not ctype then bork("bad const type"); return end if ctype == TBOOLEAN then if badbyte(c1, c2) then bork("bad boolean value"); return end elseif ctype == TNUMBER then local num1 = getblock(c1, sz_number) local num2 = getblock(c2, sz_number) if not num1 or not num2 or num1 ~= num2 then bork("bad number value"); return end elseif ctype == TSTRING then local str1 = getstring(c1) local str2 = getstring(c2) if not str1 or not str2 or str1 ~= str2 then bork("bad string value"); return end end end local nproto = goodint(c1, c2) if not nproto then bork("bad nproto"); return end for i = 1, nproto do if not getfunc(c1, c2) then bork("bad function prototype"); return end end local sizelineinfo1 = getint(c1) if not sizelineinfo1 then bork("bad sizelineinfo1"); return end local sizelineinfo2 = getint(c2) if not sizelineinfo2 then bork("bad sizelineinfo2"); return end if not getblock(c1, sizelineinfo1 * sz_int) then bork("bad lineinfo1"); return end if not getblock(c2, sizelineinfo2 * sz_int) then bork("bad lineinfo2"); return end local sizelocvars1 = getint(c1) if not sizelocvars1 then bork("bad sizelocvars1"); return end local sizelocvars2 = getint(c2) if not sizelocvars2 then bork("bad sizelocvars2"); return end for i = 1, sizelocvars1 do if not getstring(c1) or not getint(c1) or not getint(c1) then bork("bad locvars1"); return end end for i = 1, sizelocvars2 do if not getstring(c2) or not getint(c2) or not getint(c2) then bork("bad locvars2"); return end end local sizeupvalues1 = getint(c1) if not sizeupvalues1 then bork("bad sizeupvalues1"); return end local sizeupvalues2 = getint(c2) if not sizeupvalues2 then bork("bad sizeupvalues2"); return end for i = 1, sizeupvalues1 do if not getstring(c1) then bork("bad upvalues1"); return end end for i = 1, sizeupvalues2 do if not getstring(c2) then bork("bad upvalues2"); return end end return true end if not (ensure(c1, 12) and ensure(c2, 12)) then bork("header broken") end skip(c1, 6) endian = getbyte(c1) sz_int = getbyte(c1) sz_sizet = getbyte(c1) sz_inst = getbyte(c1) sz_number = getbyte(c1) skip(c1) skip(c2, 12) if endian == 1 then getint = getint_l getsizet = getsizet_l else getint = getint_b getsizet = getsizet_b end getfunc(c1, c2) if c1.i ~= c1.len + 1 then bork("inconsistent binary chunk1"); return elseif c2.i ~= c2.len + 1 then bork("inconsistent binary chunk2"); return end end end preload["plugin/html"] = function() module "plugin/html" local string = base.require "string" local table = base.require "table" local io = base.require "io" local HTML_EXT = ".html" local ENTITIES = { ["&"] = "&", ["<"] = "<", [">"] = ">", ["'"] = "'", ["\""] = """, } local HEADER = [[ %s
local FOOTER = [[
]] local STYLESHEET = [[ BODY { background: white; color: navy; } pre.code { color: black; } span.comment { color: #00a000; } span.string { color: #009090; } span.keyword { color: black; font-weight: bold; } span.number { color: #993399; } span.operator { } span.name { } span.global { color: #ff0000; font-weight: bold; } span.local { color: #0000ff; font-weight: bold; } ]] local option local srcfl, destfl local toklist, seminfolist, toklnlist local function print(...) if option.QUIET then return end base.print(...) end function init(_option, _srcfl, _destfl) option = _option srcfl = _srcfl local extb, exte = string.find(srcfl, "%.[^%.%\\%/]*$") local basename, extension = srcfl, "" if extb and extb > 1 then basename = string.sub(srcfl, 1, extb - 1) extension = string.sub(srcfl, extb, exte) end destfl = basename..HTML_EXT if option.OUTPUT_FILE then destfl = option.OUTPUT_FILE end if srcfl == destfl then base.error("output filename identical to input filename") end end function post_load(z) print([[ HTML plugin module for LuaSrcDiet ]]) print("Exporting: "..srcfl.." -> "..destfl.."\n") end function post_lex(_toklist, _seminfolist, _toklnlist) toklist, seminfolist, toklnlist = _toklist, _seminfolist, _toklnlist end local function do_entities(z) local i = 1 while i <= #z do local c = string.sub(z, i, i) local d = ENTITIES[c] if d then c = d z = string.sub(z, 1, i - 1)..c..string.sub(z, i + 1) end i = i + #c end return z end local function save_file(fname, dat) local OUTF = io.open(fname, "wb") if not OUTF then base.error("cannot open \""..fname.."\" for writing") end local status = OUTF:write(dat) if not status then base.error("cannot write to \""..fname.."\"") end OUTF:close() end function post_parse(globalinfo, localinfo) local html = {} local function add(s) html[#html + 1] = s end local function span(class, s) add(''..s..'') end for i = 1, #globalinfo do local obj = globalinfo[i] local xref = obj.xref for j = 1, #xref do local p = xref[j] toklist[p] = "TK_GLOBAL" end end for i = 1, #localinfo do local obj = localinfo[i] local xref = obj.xref for j = 1, #xref do local p = xref[j] toklist[p] = "TK_LOCAL" end end add(string.format(HEADER, do_entities(srcfl), STYLESHEET)) for i = 1, #toklist do local tok, info = toklist[i], seminfolist[i] if tok == "TK_KEYWORD" then span("keyword", info) elseif tok == "TK_STRING" or tok == "TK_LSTRING" then span("string", do_entities(info)) elseif tok == "TK_COMMENT" or tok == "TK_LCOMMENT" then span("comment", do_entities(info)) elseif tok == "TK_GLOBAL" then span("global", info) elseif tok == "TK_LOCAL" then span("local", info) elseif tok == "TK_NAME" then span("name", info) elseif tok == "TK_NUMBER" then span("number", info) elseif tok == "TK_OP" then span("operator", do_entities(info)) elseif tok ~= "TK_EOS" then add(info) end end add(FOOTER) save_file(destfl, table.concat(html)) option.EXIT = true end end preload["plugin/sloc"] = function() module "plugin/sloc" local string = base.require "string" local table = base.require "table" local option local srcfl function init(_option, _srcfl, _destfl) option = _option option.QUIET = true srcfl = _srcfl end local function split(blk) local lines = {} local i, nblk = 1, #blk while i <= nblk do local p, q, r, s = string.find(blk, "([\r\n])([\r\n]?)", i) if not p then p = nblk + 1 end lines[#lines + 1] = string.sub(blk, i, p - 1) i = p + 1 if p < nblk and q > p and r ~= s then i = i + 1 end end return lines end function post_lex(toklist, seminfolist, toklnlist) local lnow, sloc = 0, 0 local function chk(ln) if ln > lnow then sloc = sloc + 1; lnow = ln end end for i = 1, #toklist do local tok, info, ln = toklist[i], seminfolist[i], toklnlist[i] if tok == "TK_KEYWORD" or tok == "TK_NAME" or tok == "TK_NUMBER" or tok == "TK_OP" then chk(ln) elseif tok == "TK_STRING" then local t = split(info) ln = ln - #t + 1 for j = 1, #t do chk(ln); ln = ln + 1 end elseif tok == "TK_LSTRING" then local t = split(info) ln = ln - #t + 1 for j = 1, #t do if t[j] ~= "" then chk(ln) end ln = ln + 1 end end end base.print(srcfl..": "..sloc) option.EXIT = true end end local llex = require "llex" local lparser = require "lparser" local optlex = require "optlex" local optparser = require "optparser" local equiv = require "equiv" local plugin local MSG_TITLE = [[ LuaSrcDiet: Puts your Lua 5.1 source code on a diet Version 0.12.1 (20120407) Copyright (c) 2012 Kein-Hong Man The COPYRIGHT file describes the conditions under which this software may be distributed. ]] local MSG_USAGE = [[ usage: LuaSrcDiet [options] [filenames] example: >LuaSrcDiet myscript.lua -o myscript_.lua options: -v, --version prints version information -h, --help prints usage information -o specify file name to write output -s suffix for output files (default '_') --keep keep block comment with inside --plugin run in plugin/ directory - stop handling arguments (optimization levels) --none all optimizations off (normalizes EOLs only) --basic lexer-based optimizations only --maximum maximize reduction of source (informational) --quiet process files quietly --read-only read file and print token stats only --dump-lexer dump raw tokens from lexer to stdout --dump-parser dump variable tracking tables from parser --details extra info (strings, numbers, locals) features (to disable, insert 'no' prefix like --noopt-comments): %s default settings: %s]] local OPTION = [[ --opt-comments,'remove comments and block comments' --opt-whitespace,'remove whitespace excluding EOLs' --opt-emptylines,'remove empty lines' --opt-eols,'all above, plus remove unnecessary EOLs' --opt-strings,'optimize strings and long strings' --opt-numbers,'optimize numbers' --opt-locals,'optimize local variable names' --opt-entropy,'tries to reduce symbol entropy of locals' --opt-srcequiv,'insist on source (lexer stream) equivalence' --opt-binequiv,'insist on binary chunk equivalence' --opt-experimental,'apply experimental optimizations' ]] local DEFAULT_CONFIG = [[ --opt-comments --opt-whitespace --opt-emptylines --opt-numbers --opt-locals --opt-srcequiv --opt-binequiv ]] local BASIC_CONFIG = [[ --opt-comments --opt-whitespace --opt-emptylines --noopt-eols --noopt-strings --noopt-numbers --noopt-locals --noopt-entropy --opt-srcequiv --opt-binequiv ]] local MAXIMUM_CONFIG = [[ --opt-comments --opt-whitespace --opt-emptylines --opt-eols --opt-strings --opt-numbers --opt-locals --opt-entropy --opt-srcequiv --opt-binequiv ]] local NONE_CONFIG = [[ --noopt-comments --noopt-whitespace --noopt-emptylines --noopt-eols --noopt-strings --noopt-numbers --noopt-locals --noopt-entropy --opt-srcequiv --opt-binequiv ]] local DEFAULT_SUFFIX = "_" local PLUGIN_SUFFIX = "plugin/" local function die(msg) print("LuaSrcDiet (error): "..msg); os.exit(1) end if not match(_VERSION, "5.1", 1, 1) then die("requires Lua 5.1 to run") end local MSG_OPTIONS = "" do local WIDTH = 24 local o = {} for op, desc in gmatch(OPTION, "%s*([^,]+),'([^']+)'") do local msg = " "..op msg = msg..string.rep(" ", WIDTH - #msg)..desc.."\n" MSG_OPTIONS = MSG_OPTIONS..msg o[op] = true o["--no"..sub(op, 3)] = true end OPTION = o end MSG_USAGE = string.format(MSG_USAGE, MSG_OPTIONS, DEFAULT_CONFIG) if p_embedded then local EMBED_INFO = "\nembedded plugins:\n" for i = 1, #p_embedded do local p = p_embedded[i] EMBED_INFO = EMBED_INFO.." "..plugin_info[p].."\n" end MSG_USAGE = MSG_USAGE..EMBED_INFO end local suffix = DEFAULT_SUFFIX local option = {} local stat_c, stat_l local function set_options(CONFIG) for op in gmatch(CONFIG, "(%-%-%S+)") do if sub(op, 3, 4) == "no" and OPTION["--"..sub(op, 5)] then option[sub(op, 5)] = false else option[sub(op, 3)] = true end end end local TTYPES = { "TK_KEYWORD", "TK_NAME", "TK_NUMBER", "TK_STRING", "TK_LSTRING", "TK_OP", "TK_EOS", "TK_COMMENT", "TK_LCOMMENT", "TK_EOL", "TK_SPACE", } local TTYPE_GRAMMAR = 7 local EOLTYPES = { ["\n"] = "LF", ["\r"] = "CR", ["\n\r"] = "LFCR", ["\r\n"] = "CRLF", } local function load_file(fname) local INF = io.open(fname, "rb") if not INF then die('cannot open "'..fname..'" for reading') end local dat = INF:read("*a") if not dat then die('cannot read from "'..fname..'"') end INF:close() return dat end local function save_file(fname, dat) local OUTF = io.open(fname, "wb") if not OUTF then die('cannot open "'..fname..'" for writing') end local status = OUTF:write(dat) if not status then die('cannot write to "'..fname..'"') end OUTF:close() end local function stat_init() stat_c, stat_l = {}, {} for i = 1, #TTYPES do local ttype = TTYPES[i] stat_c[ttype], stat_l[ttype] = 0, 0 end end local function stat_add(tok, seminfo) stat_c[tok] = stat_c[tok] + 1 stat_l[tok] = stat_l[tok] + #seminfo end local function stat_calc() local function avg(c, l) if c == 0 then return 0 end return l / c end local stat_a = {} local c, l = 0, 0 for i = 1, TTYPE_GRAMMAR do local ttype = TTYPES[i] c = c + stat_c[ttype]; l = l + stat_l[ttype] end stat_c.TOTAL_TOK, stat_l.TOTAL_TOK = c, l stat_a.TOTAL_TOK = avg(c, l) c, l = 0, 0 for i = 1, #TTYPES do local ttype = TTYPES[i] c = c + stat_c[ttype]; l = l + stat_l[ttype] stat_a[ttype] = avg(stat_c[ttype], stat_l[ttype]) end stat_c.TOTAL_ALL, stat_l.TOTAL_ALL = c, l stat_a.TOTAL_ALL = avg(c, l) return stat_a end local function dump_tokens(srcfl) local z = load_file(srcfl) llex.init(z) llex.llex() local toklist, seminfolist = llex.tok, llex.seminfo for i = 1, #toklist do local tok, seminfo = toklist[i], seminfolist[i] if tok == "TK_OP" and string.byte(seminfo) < 32 then seminfo = "(".. string.byte(seminfo)..")" elseif tok == "TK_EOL" then seminfo = EOLTYPES[seminfo] else seminfo = "'"..seminfo.."'" end print(tok.." "..seminfo) end end local function dump_parser(srcfl) local print = print local z = load_file(srcfl) llex.init(z) llex.llex() local toklist, seminfolist, toklnlist = llex.tok, llex.seminfo, llex.tokln lparser.init(toklist, seminfolist, toklnlist) local xinfo = lparser.parser() local globalinfo, localinfo = xinfo.globalinfo, xinfo.localinfo local hl = string.rep("-", 72) print("*** Local/Global Variable Tracker Tables ***") print(hl.."\n GLOBALS\n"..hl) for i = 1, #globalinfo do local obj = globalinfo[i] local msg = "("..i..") '"..obj.name.."' -> " local xref = obj.xref for j = 1, #xref do msg = msg..xref[j].." " end print(msg) end print(hl.."\n LOCALS (decl=declared act=activated rem=removed)\n"..hl) for i = 1, #localinfo do local obj = localinfo[i] local msg = "("..i..") '"..obj.name.."' decl:"..obj.decl.. " act:"..obj.act.." rem:"..obj.rem if obj.isself then msg = msg.." isself" end msg = msg.." -> " local xref = obj.xref for j = 1, #xref do msg = msg..xref[j].." " end print(msg) end print(hl.."\n") end local function read_only(srcfl) local print = print local z = load_file(srcfl) llex.init(z) llex.llex() local toklist, seminfolist = llex.tok, llex.seminfo print(MSG_TITLE) print("Statistics for: "..srcfl.."\n") stat_init() for i = 1, #toklist do local tok, seminfo = toklist[i], seminfolist[i] stat_add(tok, seminfo) end local stat_a = stat_calc() local fmt = string.format local function figures(tt) return stat_c[tt], stat_l[tt], stat_a[tt] end local tabf1, tabf2 = "%-16s%8s%8s%10s", "%-16s%8d%8d%10.2f" local hl = string.rep("-", 42) print(fmt(tabf1, "Lexical", "Input", "Input", "Input")) print(fmt(tabf1, "Elements", "Count", "Bytes", "Average")) print(hl) for i = 1, #TTYPES do local ttype = TTYPES[i] print(fmt(tabf2, ttype, figures(ttype))) if ttype == "TK_EOS" then print(hl) end end print(hl) print(fmt(tabf2, "Total Elements", figures("TOTAL_ALL"))) print(hl) print(fmt(tabf2, "Total Tokens", figures("TOTAL_TOK"))) print(hl.."\n") end local function process_file(srcfl, destfl) local function print(...) if option.QUIET then return end _G.print(...) end if plugin and plugin.init then option.EXIT = false plugin.init(option, srcfl, destfl) if option.EXIT then return end end print(MSG_TITLE) local z = load_file(srcfl) if plugin and plugin.post_load then z = plugin.post_load(z) or z if option.EXIT then return end end llex.init(z) llex.llex() local toklist, seminfolist, toklnlist = llex.tok, llex.seminfo, llex.tokln if plugin and plugin.post_lex then plugin.post_lex(toklist, seminfolist, toklnlist) if option.EXIT then return end end stat_init() for i = 1, #toklist do local tok, seminfo = toklist[i], seminfolist[i] stat_add(tok, seminfo) end local stat1_a = stat_calc() local stat1_c, stat1_l = stat_c, stat_l optparser.print = print lparser.init(toklist, seminfolist, toklnlist) local xinfo = lparser.parser() if plugin and plugin.post_parse then plugin.post_parse(xinfo.globalinfo, xinfo.localinfo) if option.EXIT then return end end optparser.optimize(option, toklist, seminfolist, xinfo) if plugin and plugin.post_optparse then plugin.post_optparse() if option.EXIT then return end end local warn = optlex.warn optlex.print = print toklist, seminfolist, toklnlist = optlex.optimize(option, toklist, seminfolist, toklnlist) if plugin and plugin.post_optlex then plugin.post_optlex(toklist, seminfolist, toklnlist) if option.EXIT then return end end local dat = table.concat(seminfolist) if string.find(dat, "\r\n", 1, 1) or string.find(dat, "\n\r", 1, 1) then warn.MIXEDEOL = true end equiv.init(option, llex, warn) equiv.source(z, dat) equiv.binary(z, dat) local smsg = "before and after lexer streams are NOT equivalent!" local bmsg = "before and after binary chunks are NOT equivalent!" if warn.SRC_EQUIV then if option["opt-srcequiv"] then die(smsg) end else print("*** SRCEQUIV: token streams are sort of equivalent") if option["opt-locals"] then print("(but no identifier comparisons since --opt-locals enabled)") end print() end if warn.BIN_EQUIV then if option["opt-binequiv"] then die(bmsg) end else print("*** BINEQUIV: binary chunks are sort of equivalent") print() end save_file(destfl, dat) stat_init() for i = 1, #toklist do local tok, seminfo = toklist[i], seminfolist[i] stat_add(tok, seminfo) end local stat_a = stat_calc() print("Statistics for: "..srcfl.." -> "..destfl.."\n") local fmt = string.format local function figures(tt) return stat1_c[tt], stat1_l[tt], stat1_a[tt], stat_c[tt], stat_l[tt], stat_a[tt] end local tabf1, tabf2 = "%-16s%8s%8s%10s%8s%8s%10s", "%-16s%8d%8d%10.2f%8d%8d%10.2f" local hl = string.rep("-", 68) print("*** lexer-based optimizations summary ***\n"..hl) print(fmt(tabf1, "Lexical", "Input", "Input", "Input", "Output", "Output", "Output")) print(fmt(tabf1, "Elements", "Count", "Bytes", "Average", "Count", "Bytes", "Average")) print(hl) for i = 1, #TTYPES do local ttype = TTYPES[i] print(fmt(tabf2, ttype, figures(ttype))) if ttype == "TK_EOS" then print(hl) end end print(hl) print(fmt(tabf2, "Total Elements", figures("TOTAL_ALL"))) print(hl) print(fmt(tabf2, "Total Tokens", figures("TOTAL_TOK"))) print(hl) if warn.LSTRING then print("* WARNING: "..warn.LSTRING) elseif warn.MIXEDEOL then print("* WARNING: ".."output still contains some CRLF or LFCR line endings") elseif warn.SRC_EQUIV then print("* WARNING: "..smsg) elseif warn.BIN_EQUIV then print("* WARNING: "..bmsg) end print() end local arg = {...} local fspec = {} set_options(DEFAULT_CONFIG) local function do_files(fspec) for i = 1, #fspec do local srcfl = fspec[i] local destfl local extb, exte = string.find(srcfl, "%.[^%.%\\%/]*$") local basename, extension = srcfl, "" if extb and extb > 1 then basename = sub(srcfl, 1, extb - 1) extension = sub(srcfl, extb, exte) end destfl = basename..suffix..extension if #fspec == 1 and option.OUTPUT_FILE then destfl = option.OUTPUT_FILE end if srcfl == destfl then die("output filename identical to input filename") end if option.DUMP_LEXER then dump_tokens(srcfl) elseif option.DUMP_PARSER then dump_parser(srcfl) elseif option.READ_ONLY then read_only(srcfl) else process_file(srcfl, destfl) end end end local function main() local argn, i = #arg, 1 if argn == 0 then option.HELP = true end while i <= argn do local o, p = arg[i], arg[i + 1] local dash = match(o, "^%-%-?") if dash == "-" then if o == "-h" then option.HELP = true; break elseif o == "-v" then option.VERSION = true; break elseif o == "-s" then if not p then die("-s option needs suffix specification") end suffix = p i = i + 1 elseif o == "-o" then if not p then die("-o option needs a file name") end option.OUTPUT_FILE = p i = i + 1 elseif o == "-" then break else die("unrecognized option "..o) end elseif dash == "--" then if o == "--help" then option.HELP = true; break elseif o == "--version" then option.VERSION = true; break elseif o == "--keep" then if not p then die("--keep option needs a string to match for") end option.KEEP = p i = i + 1 elseif o == "--plugin" then if not p then die("--plugin option needs a module name") end if option.PLUGIN then die("only one plugin can be specified") end option.PLUGIN = p plugin = require(PLUGIN_SUFFIX..p) i = i + 1 elseif o == "--quiet" then option.QUIET = true elseif o == "--read-only" then option.READ_ONLY = true elseif o == "--basic" then set_options(BASIC_CONFIG) elseif o == "--maximum" then set_options(MAXIMUM_CONFIG) elseif o == "--none" then set_options(NONE_CONFIG) elseif o == "--dump-lexer" then option.DUMP_LEXER = true elseif o == "--dump-parser" then option.DUMP_PARSER = true elseif o == "--details" then option.DETAILS = true elseif OPTION[o] then set_options(o) else die("unrecognized option "..o) end else fspec[#fspec + 1] = o end i = i + 1 end if option.HELP then print(MSG_TITLE..MSG_USAGE); return true elseif option.VERSION then print(MSG_TITLE); return true end if #fspec > 0 then if #fspec > 1 and option.OUTPUT_FILE then die("with -o, only one source file can be specified") end do_files(fspec) return true else die("nothing to do!") end end if not main() then die("Please run with option -h or --help for usage information") end