#!/usr/bin/lua network = {} local ip = require("luci.ip") local fs = require("nixio.fs") local config = require("lime.config") local utils = require("lime.utils") network.limeIfNamePrefix="lm_net_" network.protoParamsSeparator=":" network.protoVlanSeparator="_" network.MTU_ETH = 1500 network.MTU_ETH_WITH_VLAN = network.MTU_ETH - 4 function network.get_mac(ifname) local _, macaddr = next(network.get_own_macs(ifname)) return utils.split(macaddr, ":") end --! Return a table of macs based on the interface globing filter function network.get_own_macs(interface_filter) if interface_filter == nil then interface_filter = '*' end local macs = {} local search_path = "/sys/class/net/" .. interface_filter .. "/address" for address_path in fs.glob(search_path) do mac = io.open(address_path):read("*l") macs[mac] = 1 end local result = {} for mac, _ in pairs(macs) do table.insert(result, mac) end return result end function network.assert_interface_exists(ifname) assert( ifname ~= nil and ifname ~= "", "network.primary_interface() could not determine ifname!" ) assert( fs.lstat("/sys/class/net/"..ifname), "network.primary_interface() "..ifname.." doesn't exists!" ) end function network.primary_interface() local ifname = config.get("network", "primary_interface", "eth0") if ifname == "auto" then local board = utils.getBoardAsTable() ifname = board['network']['lan']['ifname'] end network.assert_interface_exists(ifname) return ifname end function network.primary_mac() return network.get_mac(network.primary_interface()) end function network.generate_host(ipprefix, hexsuffix) local num = 0 -- If it's a network prefix calculate offset to add if ipprefix:equal(ipprefix:network()) then local addr_len = ipprefix:is4() and 32 or ipprefix:is6() and 128 num = tonumber(hexsuffix,16) % 2^(addr_len - ipprefix:prefix()) end return ipprefix:add(num) end function network.primary_address(offset) local offset = offset or 0 local pm = network.primary_mac() local ipv4_template = config.get("network", "main_ipv4_address") local ipv6_template = config.get("network", "main_ipv6_address") local ipv4_maskbits = ipv4_template:match("[^/]+/(%d+)") ipv4_template = ipv4_template:gsub("/%d-/","/") local ipv6_maskbits = ipv6_template:match("[^/]+/(%d+)") ipv6_template = ipv6_template:gsub("/%d-/","/") ipv4_template = utils.applyMacTemplate10(ipv4_template, pm) ipv6_template = utils.applyMacTemplate16(ipv6_template, pm) ipv4_template = utils.applyNetTemplate10(ipv4_template) ipv6_template = utils.applyNetTemplate16(ipv6_template) local m4, m5, m6 = tonumber(pm[4], 16), tonumber(pm[5], 16), tonumber(pm[6], 16) local hexsuffix = utils.hex((m4 * 256*256 + m5 * 256 + m6) + offset) ipv4_template = network.generate_host(ip.IPv4(ipv4_template), hexsuffix) ipv6_template = network.generate_host(ip.IPv6(ipv6_template), hexsuffix) ipv4_template:prefix(tonumber(ipv4_maskbits)) local mc = ipv4_template --! Generated address is network address like ? local invalid = ipv4_template:equal(mc:network()) and "NETWORK" --! If anygw enabled, generated address is the one reserved for anygw like ? if utils.isModuleAvailable("lime.proto.anygw") then local generalProtocols = config.get("network", "protocols") for _,protocol in pairs(generalProtocols) do if protocol == 'anygw' then invalid = invalid or ipv4_template:equal(mc:minhost()) and "ANYGW" break end end end --! Generated address is the broadcast address like ? invalid = invalid or ipv4_template:equal(mc:broadcast()) and "BROADCAST" if invalid then ipv4_template = mc:maxhost() ipv4_template:prefix(tonumber(ipv4_maskbits)) utils.log("INVALID main_ipv4_address " ..tostring(mc).. " IDENTICAL TO RESERVED " ..invalid.. " ADDRESS. USING " ..tostring(ipv4_template)) end ipv6_template:prefix(tonumber(ipv6_maskbits)) return ipv4_template, ipv6_template end function network.setup_rp_filter() local sysctl_file_path = "/etc/sysctl.conf"; local sysctl_options = ""; local sysctl_file = io.open(sysctl_file_path, "r"); while sysctl_file:read(0) do local sysctl_line = sysctl_file:read(); if not string.find(sysctl_line, ".rp_filter") then sysctl_options = sysctl_options .. sysctl_line .. "\n" end end sysctl_file:close() sysctl_options = sysctl_options .. "net.ipv4.conf.default.rp_filter=2\nnet.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter=2\n"; sysctl_file = io.open(sysctl_file_path, "w"); if sysctl_file ~= nil then sysctl_file:write(sysctl_options); sysctl_file:close(); end end function network.setup_dns() local cloudDomain = config.get("system", "domain") local resolvers = config.get("network", "resolvers") local uci = config.get_uci_cursor() uci:foreach("dhcp", "dnsmasq", function(s) uci:set("dhcp", s[".name"], "domain", cloudDomain) uci:set("dhcp", s[".name"], "local", "/"..cloudDomain.."/") uci:set("dhcp", s[".name"], "expandhosts", "1") uci:set("dhcp", s[".name"], "domainneeded", "1") uci:set("dhcp", s[".name"], "server", resolvers) end ) uci:save("dhcp") fs.writefile("/etc/dnsmasq.conf", "conf-dir=/etc/dnsmasq.d\n") fs.mkdir("/etc/dnsmasq.d") end function network.clean() utils.log("Clearing network config...") local uci = config.get_uci_cursor() uci:delete("network", "globals", "ula_prefix") uci:set("network", "wan", "proto", "none") uci:set("network", "wan6", "proto", "none") --! Delete sections generated by LiMe local function delete_lime_section(s) if utils.stringStarts(s[".name"], network.limeIfNamePrefix) then uci:delete("network", s[".name"]) end end uci:foreach("network", "interface", delete_lime_section) uci:foreach("network", "device", delete_lime_section) uci:foreach("network", "rule", delete_lime_section) uci:foreach("network", "route", delete_lime_section) uci:foreach("network", "rule6", delete_lime_section) uci:foreach("network", "route6", delete_lime_section) uci:save("network") if config.get_bool("network", "use_odhcpd", false) then utils.log("Use odhcpd as dhcp server") uci:set("dhcp", "odchpd", "maindhcp", 1) os.execute("/etc/init.d/odhcpd enable") else utils.log("Disabling odhcpd") uci:set("dhcp", "odchpd", "maindhcp", 0) os.execute("/etc/init.d/odhcpd disable") end utils.log("Cleaning dnsmasq") uci:foreach("dhcp", "dnsmasq", function(s) uci:delete("dhcp", s[".name"], "server") end) uci:save("dhcp") utils.log("Disabling 6relayd...") fs.writefile("/etc/config/6relayd", "") end function network.scandevices() local devices = {} local switch_vlan = {} local wireless = require("lime.wireless") function dev_parser(dev) if dev == nil then return end if dev:match("^eth%d+$") then devices[dev] = devices[dev] or {} end if dev:match("^eth%d+%.%d+$") then local rawif = dev:match("^eth%d+") devices[rawif] = { nobridge = true } devices[dev] = {} end if dev:match("^wlan%d+"..wireless.wifiModeSeparator.."%w+$") then devices[dev] = {} end end function owrt_ifname_parser(section) local ifn = section["ifname"] if ( type(ifn) == "string" ) then dev_parser(ifn) end if ( type(ifn) == "table" ) then for _,v in pairs(ifn) do dev_parser(v) end end end function owrt_device_parser(section) dev_parser(section["name"]) dev_parser(section["ifname"]) end function owrt_switch_vlan_parser(section) local kernel_visible = section["ports"]:match("0t") if kernel_visible then switch_vlan[section["vlan"]] = section["device"] end end --! Scrape from uci wireless local uci = config.get_uci_cursor() uci:foreach("wireless", "wifi-iface", owrt_ifname_parser) --! Scrape from uci network uci:foreach("network", "interface", owrt_ifname_parser) uci:foreach("network", "device", owrt_device_parser) uci:foreach("network", "switch_vlan", owrt_switch_vlan_parser) --! Scrape plain ethernet devices from /sys/class/net/ local stdOut = io.popen("ls -1 /sys/class/net/ | grep -x 'eth[0-9][0-9]*'") for dev in stdOut:lines() do dev_parser(dev) end stdOut:close() --! Scrape switch_vlan devices from /sys/class/net/ local stdOut = io.popen("ls -1 /sys/class/net/ | grep -x 'eth[0-9][0-9]*\.[0-9][0-9]*'") for dev in stdOut:lines() do if switch_vlan[dev:match("%d+$")] then dev_parser(dev) end end stdOut:close() return devices end function network.configure() local specificIfaces = {} config.foreach("net", function(iface) if iface["linux_name"] then specificIfaces[iface["linux_name"]] = iface end end) local fisDevs = network.scandevices() network.setup_rp_filter() network.setup_dns() local generalProtocols = config.get("network", "protocols") for _,protocol in pairs(generalProtocols) do local protoModule = "lime.proto."..utils.split(protocol,":")[1] if utils.isModuleAvailable(protoModule) then local proto = require(protoModule) xpcall(function() proto.configure(utils.split(protocol, network.protoParamsSeparator)) end, function(errmsg) print(errmsg) ; print(debug.traceback()) end) end end --! For each scanned fisical device, if there is a specific config apply that one otherwise apply general config for device,flags in pairs(fisDevs) do local owrtIf = specificIfaces[device] local deviceProtos = generalProtocols if owrtIf then deviceProtos = owrtIf["protocols"] or {"manual"} flags["specific"] = true flags["_specific_section"] = owrtIf end for _,protoParams in pairs(deviceProtos) do local args = utils.split(protoParams, network.protoParamsSeparator) if args[1] == "manual" then break end -- If manual is specified do not configure interface local protoModule = "lime.proto."..args[1] for k,v in pairs(flags) do args[k] = v end if utils.isModuleAvailable(protoModule) then local proto = require(protoModule) xpcall(function() proto.configure(args) ; proto.setup_interface(device, args) end, function(errmsg) print(errmsg) ; print(debug.traceback()) end) end end end end function network.sanitizeIfaceName(ifName) return network.limeIfNamePrefix..ifName:gsub("[^%w_]", "_") end -- Creates a network Interface with static protocol -- ipAddr can be IPv4 or IPv6 -- the function can be called twice to set both IPv4 and IPv6 function network.createStaticIface(linuxBaseIfname, openwrtNameSuffix, ipAddr, gwAddr) local openwrtNameSuffix = openwrtNameSuffix or "" local owrtInterfaceName = network.sanitizeIfaceName(linuxBaseIfname) .. openwrtNameSuffix local uci = config.get_uci_cursor() uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "interface") uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "proto", "static") uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "auto", "1") uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "ifname", linuxBaseIfname) local addr = luci.ip.new(ipAddr) local host = addr:host():string() if addr:is4() then local mask = addr:mask():string() uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "ipaddr", host) uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "netmask", mask) if gwAddr then uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "gateway", gwAddr) end elseif addr:is6() then uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "ip6addr", addr:string()) if gwAddr then uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "ip6gw", gwAddr) end else uci:delete("network", owrtInterfaceName, "interface") end uci:save("network") end function network.createVlanIface(linuxBaseIfname, vid, openwrtNameSuffix, vlanProtocol) vlanProtocol = vlanProtocol or "8021ad" openwrtNameSuffix = openwrtNameSuffix or "" vid = tonumber(vid) --! sanitize passed linuxBaseIfName for constructing uci section name --! because only alphanumeric and underscores are allowed local owrtInterfaceName = network.sanitizeIfaceName(linuxBaseIfname) local owrtDeviceName = owrtInterfaceName local linux802adIfName = linuxBaseIfname local uci = config.get_uci_cursor() owrtInterfaceName = owrtInterfaceName..openwrtNameSuffix.."_if" if vid ~= 0 then local vlanId = tostring(vid) --! sanitize passed linuxBaseIfName for constructing uci section name --! because only alphanumeric and underscores are allowed owrtDeviceName = network.sanitizeIfaceName(linuxBaseIfname)..openwrtNameSuffix.."_dev" if linuxBaseIfname:match("^wlan") then linuxBaseIfname = "@"..network.sanitizeIfaceName(linuxBaseIfname) end --! Do not use . as separator as this will make netifd create an 802.1q interface anyway --! and sanitize linuxBaseIfName because it can contain dots as well (i.e. switch ports) linux802adIfName = linux802adIfName:gsub("[^%w-]", "-")..network.protoVlanSeparator..vlanId uci:set("network", owrtDeviceName, "device") uci:set("network", owrtDeviceName, "type", vlanProtocol) uci:set("network", owrtDeviceName, "name", linux802adIfName) uci:set("network", owrtDeviceName, "ifname", linuxBaseIfname) uci:set("network", owrtDeviceName, "vid", vlanId) end uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "interface") local proto = "none" if vid == 0 then proto = "static" end uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "proto", proto) uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "auto", "1") --! In case of wifi interface not using vlan (vid == 0) avoid to set --! ifname in network because it is already set in wireless, because --! setting ifname on both places cause a netifd race condition if vid ~= 0 or not linux802adIfName:match("^wlan") then uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "ifname", linux802adIfName) end uci:save("network") return owrtInterfaceName, linux802adIfName, owrtDeviceName end function network.createMacvlanIface(baseIfname, linuxName, argsDev, argsIf) --! baseIfname can be a linux interface name like eth0 or an openwrt --! interface name like @lan of the base interface; --! linuxName is the linux name of the new interface; --! argsDev optional additional arguments for device like --! { macaddr="aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa", mode="vepa" }; --! argsIf optional additional arguments for ifname like --! { proto="static", ip6addr="2001:db8::1/64" } --! --! Although this function is defined here lime-system may not depend --! on macvlan if it doesn't use this function directly. Instead a --! lime.proto which want to use macvlan so this function should depend --! on its own on kmod-macvlan as needed. argsDev = argsDev or {} argsIf = argsIf or {} local owrtDeviceName = network.limeIfNamePrefix..baseIfname.."_"..linuxName.."_dev" local owrtInterfaceName = network.limeIfNamePrefix..baseIfname.."_"..linuxName.."_if" owrtDeviceName = owrtDeviceName:gsub("[^%w_]", "_") -- sanitize uci section name owrtInterfaceName = owrtInterfaceName:gsub("[^%w_]", "_") -- sanitize uci section name local uci = config.get_uci_cursor() uci:set("network", owrtDeviceName, "device") uci:set("network", owrtDeviceName, "type", "macvlan") uci:set("network", owrtDeviceName, "name", linuxName) uci:set("network", owrtDeviceName, "ifname", baseIfname) for k,v in pairs(argsDev) do uci:set("network", owrtDeviceName, k, v) end uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "interface") uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "proto", "none") uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "ifname", linuxName) uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, "auto", "1") for k,v in pairs(argsIf) do uci:set("network", owrtInterfaceName, k, v) end uci:save("network") return owrtInterfaceName, linuxName, owrtDeviceName end return network