What follows is a brief description of some of the known output selectors for the "omni" test of netperf2. These are the identifiers one should use in the file passed to either the -o or -O test-specific options. Output Name: OUTPUT_NONE Description: Generates no actual output. Results in a "blank" entry in CSV output. Output Name: COMMAND_LINE Description: Emits a copy of the complete netperf command line. Output Name: RESULT_BRAND Description: Emits the argument to the global -B option to tag a result with a user-supplied string. Output Name: SOCKET_TYPE Description: The type of the socket for the data "connection." Known values include "stream," "dgram" and "dccp." Output Name: PROTOCOL Description: The name of the transport-layer protocol used for the data "connection." Possible values include "TCP," "UDP," "SCTP," and "DCCP." Output Name: DIRECTION Description: The direction, relative to the netperf process, of data flow on the data "connection." Output Name: ELAPSED_TIME Description: The elapsed time during which data was flowing on the data "connection." Output Name: SOURCE_PORT Description: The source (netperf side) port for the data "connection." Output Name: SOURCE_ADDR Description: The source name/IP for the data "connection." Output Name: SOURCE_FAMILY Description: The source address family for the data "connection." Values include "inet" for IPv4 (AF_INET) and "inet6" for IPv6 (AF_INET6). Output Name: DEST_PORT Description: The destination (netserver side) port for the data "connection." Output Name: DEST_ADDR Description: The destination name/IP for the data "connection." Output Name: DEST_FAMILY Description: The destination address family for the data "connection." Values include "inet" for IPv4 (AF_INET) and "inet6" for IPv6 (AF_INET6). Output Name: THROUGHPUT Description: The throughput (goodput) for the test expressed in units based on either test type or explicitly via the global -f option. Output Name: LOCAL_SEND_THROUGHPUT Description: The local (netperf) side send rate in either -f units or 10^6 bits per second if -f x is used. Output Name: LOCAL_RECV_THROUGHPUT Description: The local (netperf) side receive rate in either -f units or 10^6 bits per second if -f x is used. Output Name: REMOTE_SEND_THROUGHPUT Description: The remote (netserver) side send rate in either -f units or 10^6 bits per second if -f x is used. Output Name: REMOTE_RECV_THROUGHPUT Description: The remote (netserver) side receive rate in either -f units or 10^6 bits per second in -f x is used. Output Name: THROUGHPUT_UNITS Description: The units for the value of "THROUGHPUT." Output Name: CONFIDENCE_LEVEL Description: The desired level of "confidence" in the remoted average for THROUGHPUT, LOCAL_CPU_UTIL and/or REMOTE_CPU_UTIL. Either "99" for 99% confidence or "95" for 95% confidence. Controlled via the first argument to the global -I option. Output Name: CONFIDENCE_INTERVAL Description: The "width" (in percent of reported average) of the desired confidence interval. Controlled via the second argument to the global -I option. Output Name: CONFIDENCE_ITERATION Description: The actual number of iterations run while trying to achieve the desired confidence level/interval. Never greater than 30 or the maximum iterations specified via the global -i option. Output Name: THROUGHPUT_CONFID Description: The actual confidence interval achieved for THROUGHPUT. Output Name: LOCAL_CPU_CONFID Description: The actual confidence interval achieved for local (netperf side) CPU utilization. Output Name: REMOTE_CPU_CONFID Description: The actual confidence interval achieved for the remote (netperf side) CPU utilization. Output Name: TRANSACTION_RATE Description: The transaction rate in Transactions per second for a "RR" or "CC" style test regardless of the format selected with the global -f option. Output Name: RT_LATENCY Description: The average round-trip latency in microseconds per transaction for an "RR" or "CC" style test. When the "BURST_SIZE" is <=0 this is simply the inverse of TRANSACTION_RATE. Output Name: BURST_SIZE Description: The number of additional transactions to have in flight at one time during an "RR" style test. Total number of transactions in flight will be one greater than this value. Specified by the test-specific -b argument when netperf is ./configured with --enable-burst. Output Name: TRANSPORT_MSS Description: The Maximum Segment Size for the transport used for the data "connection" when available. Units of bytes. Output Name: REQUEST_SIZE Description: The size in bytes of each request sent over the data "connection" from netperf to netserver during an "RR" style test. Output Name: RESPONSE_SIZE Description: The size in bytes of each response sent over the data "connection" from netserver to netperf during an "RR" style test. Output Name: LSS_SIZE_REQ Description: The requested size in bytes for the data "connection's" local (netperf side) socket send buffer (SO_SNDBUF) or -1 if system defaults were accepted. Output Name: LSS_SIZE Description: The actual size in bytes for the data "connection's" local (netperf side) socket send buffer (SO_SNDBUF) after the socket was created. Output Name: LSS_SIZE_END Description: The size in bytes for the data "connection's" local (netperf side) socket send buffer just before the socket was closed at the end of the test. Output Name: LSR_SIZE_REQ Description: As with LSS_SIZE_REQ but for SO_RCVBUF. Output Name: LSR_SIZE Description: As with LSS_SIZE but for SO_RCVBUF. Output Name: LSR_SIZE_END Description: As with LSR_SIZE_END but for SO_RCVBUF. Output Name: LOCAL_SEND_SIZE Description: The size in bytes of the buffers passed in the "send" calls made at the local (netperf) end. Output Name: LOCAL_RECV_SIZE Description: The size in bytes of the buffers passed in the "recv" calls made at the local (netperf) end. Actual values used in a "recv" call may be less when retrieving remaining bytes of a response in an "RR" style test. Output Name: LOCAL_SEND_CALLS Description: The number of "send" calls made by netperf during the test or the last iteration run when confidence intervals are requested. Output Name: LOCAL_RECV_CALLS Description: The number of "recv" calls made by netperf during the test or the last iteration run when confidence intervals are requested. Output Name: LOCAL_BYTES_PER_RECV Description: The average number of bytes returned by each "recv" call made by netperf during the test or the last iteration run when confidence intervals are requested. Output Name: LOCAL_BYTES_PER_SEND Description: The average number of bytes sent in each "send" call made by netperf during the test or the last iteration run when confidence intervals are requested. Output Name: LOCAL_BYTES_SENT Description: The number of bytes sent by netperf during the test or the last iteration run when confidence intervals are requested. Output Name: LOCAL_BYTES_RECVD Description: The number of bytes received by netperf during the test or the last iteration run when confidence intervals are requested. Output Name: LOCAL_BYTES_XFERD Description: The sum of LOCAL_BYTES_SENT and LOCAL_BYTES_RECVD. Output Name: LOCAL_SEND_OFFSET Description: The offset in bytes from the alignement of the buffers passed in the "send" calls made by netperf. Controlled via the global -o option. Output Name: LOCAL_RECV_OFFSET Description: The offset in bytes from the alignment of the buffers passed in the "recv" calls made by netperf. Controlled via the global -o option. Output Name: LOCAL_SEND_ALIGN Description: The alignment of the buffers passed in the "send" calls made by netperf. Controlled via the global -a option. Output Name: LOCAL_RECV_ALIGN Description: The alignement of the buffers passed in the "recv" calls made by netperf. Controlled via the global -a option. Output Name: LOCAL_SEND_WIDTH Description: The number of buffers netperf cycles through in "send" calls. Controlled via the global -W option or by the ratio of LSS_SIZE to LOCAL_SEND_SIZE when -W is not specified. Output Name: LOCAL_RECV_WIDTH Description: The number of buffers netperf cycles through in "recv" calls. Controlled via the global -W option, or by the ration of LSR_SIZE to LOCAL_RECV_SIZE when -W is not specified. Output Name: LOCAL_SEND_DIRTY_COUNT Description: The number of bytes netperf writes to in the buffer before passing it to a "send" call. Output Name: LOCAL_RECV_DIRTY_COUNT Output Name: LOCAL_RECV_CLEAN_COUNT Output Name: LOCAL_CPU_UTIL Description: The CPU utilization (0 to 100% regardless of number of CPUs) of the local (netperf) system during a test. Output Name: LOCAL_CPU_PERCENT_USER Description: The CPU fraction spent in user mode (0 to 100% regardless of number of CPUs) by the local (netperf) system during a test. Supported only by netcpu_procstat (Linux). Output Name: LOCAL_CPU_PERCENT_SYSTEM Description: The CPU fraction spent in system mode (0 to 100% regardless of number of CPUs) by the local (netperf) system during a test. Supported only by netcpu_procstat (Linux). Output Name: LOCAL_CPU_PERCENT_IOWAIT Description: The fraction of time waiting for I/O to complete (0 to 100% regardless of number of CPUs) by the local (netperf) system during a test. Supported only by netcpu_procstat (Linux). Output Name: LOCAL_CPU_PERCENT_IRQ Description: The CPU fraction spent servicing interrupts (0 to 100% regardless of number of CPUs) in the system during a test. Supported only by netcpu_procstat (Linux). Output Name: LOCAL_CPU_PERCENT_SWINTR Description: The CPU fraction spent servicing softirqs (0 to 100% regardless of number of CPUs) in the system during a test. Supported only by netcpu_procstat (Linux). Output Name: LOCAL_CPU_BIND Description: The CPU to which netperf has been bound via the global -T option. Output Name: LOCAL_SD Description: The "service demand" or quantity of CPU consumed per unit of work completed during the test. Units of microseconds per transaction when THROUGHPUT untis are "Trans/s" or microseconds per KB of data transfered otherwise. Output Name: LOCAL_CPU_METHOD Description: A single character specifying the means by which CPU utilization was measured on the local (netperf) system. Output Name: LOCAL_CPU_COUNT Description: The number of (logical) CPUs believed to have been acitve on the local (netperf) system during the test. Output Name: LOCAL_CPU_PEAK_UTIL Descprition: The CPU utilization (0 to 100%) of the most heavily utilized "CPU" on the local (netperf) system during the test. Output Name: LOCAL_CPU_PEAK_ID Description: The identifier (number) of the most heavily utilized "CPU" on the local (netperf) system during the test. Output Name: REMOTE_CPU_UTIL Description: As with LOCAL_CPU_UTIL but for the remote (netserver) system. Output Name: REMOTE_CPU_PERCENT_USER Description: As with LOCAL_CPU_PERCENT_USER but for the remote (netserver) system. Output Name: REMOTE_CPU_PERCENT_SYSTEM Description: As with LOCAL_CPU_PERCENT_SYSTEM but for the remote (netserver) system. Output Name: REMOTE_CPU_PERCENT_IOWAIT Description: As with LOCAL_CPU_PERCENT_IOWAIT but for the remote (netserver) system. Output Name: REMOTE_CPU_PERCENT_IRQ Description: As with LOCAL_CPU_PERCENT_IRQ but for the remote (netserver) system. Output Name: REMOTE_CPU_PERCENT_SWINTR Description: As with LOCAL_CPU_PERCENT_SWINTR but for the remote (netserver) system. Output Name: REMOTE_CPU_BIND Description: As with LOCAL_CPU_BIND but for the remote (netserver) system. Output Name: REMOTE_SD Descritpion: As with LOCAL_SD but for the remote (netserver) system. Output Name: REMOTE_CPU_METHOD Description: As with LOCAL_CPU_METHOD but for the remote (netserver) system. Output Name: REMOTE_CPU_COUNT Description: As with LOCAL_CPU_COUNT but for the remote (netserver) system. Output Name: REMOTE_CPU_PEAK_UTIL Description: As with LOCAL_CPU_PEAK_UTIL but for the remote (netserver) system. Output Name: REMOTE_CPU_PEAK_ID Description: As with LOCAL_CPU_PEAK_ID but for the remote (netserver) system. Output Name: SD_UNITS Description: The units for the reported values of LOCAL_SD and REMOTE_SD. Either microseconds of CPU consumed per transaction for an "RR" test or microseconds of CPU consumed per KB transferred otherwise when the throughput is not in transactions. Output Name: LOCAL_NODELAY Description: 1 if mumble_NODELAY is set on the local (netperf) socket for the data "connection." 0 otherwise. Output Name: LOCAL_CORK Descprition: 1 if mumble_CORK is set on the local (netperf) socket for the data "connection." 0 otherwise. All of the following are as for their "L" or "LOCAL" counterparts, but for the remote or "netserver" end of the data "connection." Output Name: RSS_SIZE_REQ Output Name: RSS_SIZE Output Name: RSS_SIZE_END Output Name: RSR_SIZE_REQ Output Name: RSR_SIZE Output Name: RSR_SIZE_END Output Name: REMOTE_SEND_SIZE Output Name: REMOTE_RECV_SIZE Output Name: REMOTE_SEND_CALLS Output Name: REMOTE_RECV_CALLS Output Name: REMOTE_BYTES_PER_RECV Output Name: REMOTE_BYTES_PER_SEND Output Name: REMOTE_BYTES_SENT Output Name: REMOTE_BYTES_RECVD Output Name: REMOTE_BYTES_XFERD Output Name: REMOTE_SEND_OFFSET Output Name: REMOTE_RECV_OFFSET Output Name: REMOTE_SEND_ALIGN Output Name: REMOTE_RECV_ALIGN Output Name: REMOTE_SEND_WIDTH Output Name: REMOTE_RECV_WIDTH Output Name: REMOTE_SEND_DIRTY_COUNT Output Name: REMOTE_RECV_DIRTY_COUNT Output Name: REMOTE_RECV_CLEAN_COUNT Output Name: REMOTE_NODELAY Output Name: REMOTE_CORK