Source-Makefile: feeds/packages/utils/cmdpad/Makefile Package: cmdpad Version: 0.0.3-r6 Depends: +libc Conflicts: Menu-Depends: Provides: Section: utils Category: Utilities Repository: base Title: execute commands when key is pressed/released/held down Maintainer: Ted Hess Source: cmdpad-0.0.3.tgz License: MIT LicenseFiles: doc/COPYING URL: Type: ipkg Description: cmdpad - execute commands when a key is pressed, released or hold down. Should be started from /etc/rc or /etc/rc.local. To run it as daemon you need to start it with '&'. All logs are printed to standard out and standard error (to write the log to disk use cmdpad > /var/log/cmdpad). Cmdpad searches for /etc/cmdpad.conf and load the key bindings. Then wait for key event and check each command to see if it should be run. @@