Outdoor network Valsamoggia =========================== == Notable differences from defaults * 5700m default distance * domain changed from `lan` to `valsamoggia.ninux.org` * IPv4 `10.%N1.128.0/16/17` autogenerates just in the second half of the /16 broadcast domain * DHCP range starts from 10.%N1.20.0 (start = 20*256 = 5120) * DHCP range ends at 10.%N1.127.255 (limit = (127-20)*256 +255+1 = 27648) * removed unused lines (bmx*, olsr*, adhoc) * 5 GHz channels removed list's second entry, set to 48 * 5 GHz distance variable * ap_ssid main ESSID changed to `valsamoggia.ninux.org` * added a list with all the suggested LibreMesh packages * added also prometheus packages * added a uci-defaults script for enabling prometheus service == Generating the firmware images * Avere una distro linux * aggiornare `sudo apt update` * `sudo apt install --no-install-recommends git ca-certificates subversion wget make gcc g++ libncurses5-dev gawk unzip file patch python3-distutils python3-minimal python-minimal` da Compiling LibreMesh from source code https://libremesh.org/development.html * `git clone https://github.com/LibreRouterOrg/openwrt` testato al commit : 863d464a4741a52494b197e6ca50abb2ac60f198 * `git clone https://github.com/libremesh/network-profiles.git` * Update the packages from the feeds `scripts/feeds update -a` `scripts/feeds install -a` * Run the configuration menu `make menuconfig` * metti in target profile: multidevices * seleziona i target device: cpe510v1-ubnt nano/loco m/ m xw * controlla che ci siano tutti i pacchetti che sono nel network profile PACKAGES * salva * guarda .config * la buildroot ha una cartella files dove se ci mettiamo cose, ce le troviamo dentro al router. * quindi, usiamo un comando di rsync per eliminare i file dentro a files in openwrt ed aggiornare quelli che abbiamo nel profile * `rsync -aPh --delete ~/network-profiles/valsamoggia.ninux.org/vs-ninux-generic/files/ ~/openwrt/files/` * editare da openwrt `files/etc/config/lime-node` * `make -j$(nproc)`