# How to build from source ## Requirements ### Common requirements In order to build libssh, you need to install several components: - A C compiler - [CMake](https://www.cmake.org) >= 3.3.0 - [openssl](https://www.openssl.org) >= 1.0.1 or - [gcrypt](https://www.gnu.org/directory/Security/libgcrypt.html) >= 1.4 - [libz](https://www.zlib.net) >= 1.2 optional: - [cmocka](https://cmocka.org/) >= 1.1.0 - [socket_wrapper](https://cwrap.org/) >= 1.1.5 - [nss_wrapper](https://cwrap.org/) >= 1.1.2 - [uid_wrapper](https://cwrap.org/) >= 1.2.0 - [pam_wrapper](https://cwrap.org/) >= 1.0.1 - [priv_wrapper](https://cwrap.org/) >= 1.0.0 Note that these version numbers are version we know works correctly. If you build and run libssh successfully with an older version, please let us know. For Windows use vcpkg: https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg which you can use to install openssl and zlib. libssh itself is also part of vcpkg! ## Building First, you need to configure the compilation, using CMake. Go inside the `build` dir. Create it if it doesn't exist. GNU/Linux, MacOS X, MSYS/MinGW: cmake -DUNIT_TESTING=ON -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug .. make On Windows you should choose a makefile generator with -G or use cmake-gui.exe .. To enable additional client tests against a local OpenSSH server, add the compile option -DCLIENT_TESTING=ON. These tests require an OpenSSH server package and some wrapper libraries (see optional requirements) to be installed. If you're interested in server testing, then a OpenSSH client should be installed on the system and if possible also dropbear. Once that is done enable server support with -DWITH_SERVER=ON and enable testing of it with -DSERVER_TESTING=ON. ## Testing build make test ### CMake standard options Here is a list of the most interesting options provided out of the box by CMake. - CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE: The type of build (can be Debug Release MinSizeRel RelWithDebInfo) - CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: The prefix to use when running make install (Default to /usr/local on GNU/Linux and MacOS X) - CMAKE_C_COMPILER: The path to the C compiler - CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER: The path to the C++ compiler ### CMake options defined for libssh Options are defined in the following files: - DefineOptions.cmake They can be changed with the -D option: `cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DWITH_ZLIB=OFF ..` ### Browsing/editing CMake options In addition to passing options on the command line, you can browse and edit CMake options using `cmakesetup` (Windows), `cmake-gui` or `ccmake` (GNU/Linux and MacOS X). - Go to the build dir - On Windows: run `cmakesetup` - On GNU/Linux and MacOS X: run `ccmake ..` ### Useful Windows options: If you have installed OpenSSL or ZLIB in non standard directories, maybe you want to set: OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR and ZLIB_ROOT_DIR ## Installing If you want to install libssh after compilation run: make install ## Running The libssh binary can be found in the `build/src` directory. You can use `build/examples/samplessh` which is a sample client to test libssh on UNIX. ## About this document This document is written using [Markdown][] syntax, making it possible to provide usable information in both plain text and HTML format. Whenever modifying this document please use [Markdown][] syntax. [markdown]: https://www.daringfireball.net/projects/markdown