Source-Makefile: feeds/luci/collections/luci-nginx/Makefile Build-Depends: lua/host luci-base/host LUCI_CSSTIDY:csstidy/host LUCI_SRCDIET:luasrcdiet/host Package: luci-nginx Submenu: 1. Collections Version: x Depends: +libc +nginx +nginx-mod-luci +luci-mod-admin-full +luci-theme-bootstrap +luci-app-firewall +luci-app-package-manager +luci-proto-ppp +IPV6:luci-proto-ipv6 +rpcd-mod-rrdns Conflicts: Menu-Depends: Provides: luci-ssl-nginx Section: luci Category: LuCI Repository: base Title: LuCI interface with Nginx as Webserver Maintainer: OpenWrt LuCI community Source: License: Apache-2.0 URL: Type: ipkg Description: Standard OpenWrt set including full admin with ppp support and the default Bootstrap theme @@