Source-Makefile: feeds/packages/net/alist/Makefile Build-Depends: golang/host Package: alist Version: 3.37.4-r1 Depends: +libc @(aarch64||arm||i386||i686||loongarch64||mips||mips64||mips64el||mipsel||powerpc64||riscv64||x86_64) +ca-bundle +fuse-utils Conflicts: Menu-Depends: Provides: Section: net Category: Network Repository: base Title: A file list program that supports multiple storage Maintainer: Tianling Shen Source: alist-3.37.4.tar.gz License: AGPL-3.0-only LicenseFiles: LICENSE URL: Type: ipkg Description: A file list program that supports multiple storage, and supports web browsing and webdav, powered by gin and Solidjs. @@