Source-Makefile: feeds/packages/net/bpfcountd/Makefile Package: bpfcountd Version: 2021.06.26~8b1aeb18d686815f93e2bfe976e536c5699d6371-r1 Depends: +libc +libpcap Conflicts: Menu-Depends: Provides: Section: net Category: Network Repository: base Title: Berkeley Packet Filter Counting Daemon Maintainer: Linus Lüssing Source: bpfcountd-2021.06.26~8b1aeb18d686815f93e2bfe976e536c5699d6371.tar.zst License: MIT LicenseFiles: LICENSE Type: ipkg Description: bpfcountd was created to obtain packet statistics in larger networks without stressing the cpu resources. bpfcountd will count the amount of packages and bytes over time (for each defined rule). The rules are defined using the tcpdump filter syntax (bpf). The collected data is provided on a unix socket in plaintext. @@