# The interface section allows to enable pimb on an interface. # Several options can be enabled for the interface. # All options are disabled by default. # #config interface '' # option pim '' - enable or disable pim # option ssbidir '' - enable or disable ssbidir # option mld '' - enable or disable mld # option igmp '' - enable or disable igmp # option dev '' - set the device name # The rpa section allows to configure a rendevous point. # The interface and the networks must be configured for every rendevous. # #config rpa '' # option address '' - rendevous point address # list prefix '/' - prefix for the rpa # Uncomment the following following section to enable pimb on the interface eth1. #config interface 'ETH1' # option pim 'on' # option ssbidir 'on' # option mld 'on' # option igmp 'on' # option dev 'eth1' # Uncomment the following section to configure a rendevous point. #config rpa '172_16_0_1' # option address '' # list prefix ''