Source-Makefile: package/feeds/libremesh/lime-hwd-ground-routing/Makefile Package: lime-hwd-ground-routing Version: 2024-04-03-1712175033 Depends: +libc +lime-system +lua +libuci-lua Conflicts: Menu-Depends: Provides: Section: opt Category: LibreMesh Repository: libremesh Title: Manage 802.1q VLANs for ground routing Maintainer: Source: URL: Type: ipkg Description: This package helps you to configure setups involving ground routing. With ground routing we mean setups having LibreMesh on a router which is connected via cable(s), eventually through a switch, to some wireless routers running the original firmware in WDS (transparent bridge) Ap/Sta mode. Configuring ground routing you will set up an interface with a different vlan or on a different switch port for each connected device in WDS mode. @@