Source-Makefile: package/feeds/packages/procs/Makefile Build-Depends: rust/host Package: procs Version: 0.14.3-r1 Depends: +libc @(aarch64||arm||i386||i686||mips||mipsel||mips64||mips64el||mipsel||powerpc64||riscv64||x86_64) Conflicts: Menu-Depends: Provides: Section: utils Category: Utilities Repository: packages Title: Procs is feature-rich alternative to the 'ps' Maintainer: Facundo Acevedo Source: procs-0.14.3.tar.gz License: MIT LicenseFiles: LICENCE URL: Type: ipkg Description: Procs is a 'ps' command replacement written in Rust, offering enhanced usability and information display. Features include color-coded output, theme auto-detection, advanced search, and extended process details (TCP/UDP ports, Docker names, I/O throughput). It also supports pager functionality, a 'top'-like watch mode, and a process tree view​​. @@