/** * collectd - src/utils_time.c * Copyright (C) 2010-2015 Florian octo Forster * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Florian octo Forster **/ #include "collectd.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "utils/common/common.h" #include "utils_time.h" #ifndef DEFAULT_MOCK_TIME #define DEFAULT_MOCK_TIME 1542455354518929408ULL #endif #ifdef MOCK_TIME cdtime_t cdtime_mock = (cdtime_t)MOCK_TIME; cdtime_t cdtime(void) { return cdtime_mock; } #else /* !MOCK_TIME */ #if HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME cdtime_t cdtime(void) /* {{{ */ { int status; struct timespec ts = {0, 0}; status = clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts); if (status != 0) { ERROR("cdtime: clock_gettime failed: %s", STRERRNO); return 0; } return TIMESPEC_TO_CDTIME_T(&ts); } /* }}} cdtime_t cdtime */ #else /* !HAVE_CLOCK_GETTIME */ /* Work around for Mac OS X which doesn't have clock_gettime(2). *sigh* */ cdtime_t cdtime(void) /* {{{ */ { int status; struct timeval tv = {0, 0}; status = gettimeofday(&tv, /* struct timezone = */ NULL); if (status != 0) { ERROR("cdtime: gettimeofday failed: %s", STRERRNO); return 0; } return TIMEVAL_TO_CDTIME_T(&tv); } /* }}} cdtime_t cdtime */ #endif #endif /********************************************************************** Time retrieval functions ***********************************************************************/ static int get_utc_time(cdtime_t t, struct tm *t_tm, long *nsec) /* {{{ */ { struct timespec t_spec = CDTIME_T_TO_TIMESPEC(t); NORMALIZE_TIMESPEC(t_spec); if (gmtime_r(&t_spec.tv_sec, t_tm) == NULL) { int status = errno; ERROR("get_utc_time: gmtime_r failed: %s", STRERRNO); return status; } *nsec = t_spec.tv_nsec; return 0; } /* }}} int get_utc_time */ static int get_local_time(cdtime_t t, struct tm *t_tm, long *nsec) /* {{{ */ { struct timespec t_spec = CDTIME_T_TO_TIMESPEC(t); NORMALIZE_TIMESPEC(t_spec); if (localtime_r(&t_spec.tv_sec, t_tm) == NULL) { int status = errno; ERROR("get_local_time: localtime_r failed: %s", STRERRNO); return status; } *nsec = t_spec.tv_nsec; return 0; } /* }}} int get_local_time */ /********************************************************************** Formatting functions ***********************************************************************/ static const char zulu_zone[] = "Z"; /* format_zone reads time zone information from "extern long timezone", exported * by , and formats it according to RFC 3339. This differs from * strftime()'s "%z" format by including a colon between hour and minute. */ static int format_zone(char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, struct tm const *tm) /* {{{ */ { char tmp[7]; size_t sz; if ((buffer == NULL) || (buffer_size < 7)) return EINVAL; sz = strftime(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "%z", tm); if (sz == 0) return ENOMEM; if (sz != 5) { DEBUG("format_zone: strftime(\"%%z\") = \"%s\", want \"+hhmm\"", tmp); sstrncpy(buffer, tmp, buffer_size); return 0; } buffer[0] = tmp[0]; buffer[1] = tmp[1]; buffer[2] = tmp[2]; buffer[3] = ':'; buffer[4] = tmp[3]; buffer[5] = tmp[4]; buffer[6] = 0; return 0; } /* }}} int format_zone */ int format_rfc3339(char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, struct tm const *t_tm, long nsec, bool print_nano, char const *zone) /* {{{ */ { size_t len; char *pos = buffer; size_t size_left = buffer_size; if ((len = strftime(pos, size_left, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S", t_tm)) == 0) return ENOMEM; pos += len; size_left -= len; if (print_nano) { if ((len = snprintf(pos, size_left, ".%09ld", nsec)) == 0) return ENOMEM; pos += len; size_left -= len; } sstrncpy(pos, zone, size_left); return 0; } /* }}} int format_rfc3339 */ int format_rfc3339_utc(char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, cdtime_t t, bool print_nano) /* {{{ */ { struct tm t_tm; long nsec = 0; int status; if ((status = get_utc_time(t, &t_tm, &nsec)) != 0) return status; /* The error should have already be reported. */ return format_rfc3339(buffer, buffer_size, &t_tm, nsec, print_nano, zulu_zone); } /* }}} int format_rfc3339_utc */ int format_rfc3339_local(char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, cdtime_t t, bool print_nano) /* {{{ */ { struct tm t_tm; long nsec = 0; int status; char zone[7]; /* +00:00 */ if ((status = get_local_time(t, &t_tm, &nsec)) != 0) return status; /* The error should have already be reported. */ if ((status = format_zone(zone, sizeof(zone), &t_tm)) != 0) return status; return format_rfc3339(buffer, buffer_size, &t_tm, nsec, print_nano, zone); } /* }}} int format_rfc3339_local */ /********************************************************************** Public functions ***********************************************************************/ int rfc3339(char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, cdtime_t t) /* {{{ */ { if (buffer_size < RFC3339_SIZE) return ENOMEM; return format_rfc3339_utc(buffer, buffer_size, t, 0); } /* }}} int rfc3339 */ int rfc3339nano(char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, cdtime_t t) /* {{{ */ { if (buffer_size < RFC3339NANO_SIZE) return ENOMEM; return format_rfc3339_utc(buffer, buffer_size, t, 1); } /* }}} int rfc3339nano */ int rfc3339_local(char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, cdtime_t t) /* {{{ */ { if (buffer_size < RFC3339_SIZE) return ENOMEM; return format_rfc3339_local(buffer, buffer_size, t, 0); } /* }}} int rfc3339 */ int rfc3339nano_local(char *buffer, size_t buffer_size, cdtime_t t) /* {{{ */ { if (buffer_size < RFC3339NANO_SIZE) return ENOMEM; return format_rfc3339_local(buffer, buffer_size, t, 1); } /* }}} int rfc3339nano */