#!/usr/bin/lua local hardware_detection = require("lime.hardware_detection") local config = require("lime.config") local utils = require("lime.utils") local openwrt_wan = {} openwrt_wan.sectionName = hardware_detection.sectionNamePrefix.."openwrt_wan" function openwrt_wan.clean() if config.autogenerable(openwrt_wan.sectionName) then config.delete(openwrt_wan.sectionName) end end function openwrt_wan.detect_hardware() if config.autogenerable(openwrt_wan.sectionName) then local ifname local board = utils.getBoardAsTable() local networkTable = board['network'] if networkTable then local wanTable = networkTable['wan'] if wanTable then ifname = wanTable['ifname'] end end if ifname and ifname ~= "" then local protos = {} local net = require("lime.network") local utils = require("lime.utils") for _, pArgs in pairs(config.get("network", "protocols")) do local pArr = utils.split(pArgs, net.protoParamsSeparator) if ( pArr[1] == "bmx6" or pArr[1] == "bmx7") then pArr[2] = 0 pArgs = table.concat(pArr, net.protoParamsSeparator) table.insert(protos, pArgs) elseif ( pArr[1]~="lan" and pArr[1]~="wan" ) then table.insert(protos, pArgs) end end table.insert(protos, "wan") config.init_batch() config.set(openwrt_wan.sectionName, "net") config.set(openwrt_wan.sectionName, "autogenerated", "true") config.set(openwrt_wan.sectionName, "protocols", protos) config.set(openwrt_wan.sectionName, "linux_name", ifname) config.end_batch() else utils.log("No wan interface detected") end end end return openwrt_wan