local env = {} env.io = { popen = function(arg) if arg == 'cat /proc/loadavg' then local f = assert(io.tmpfile()) f:write('0.37 0.95 1.23 2/873 56899\n') f:seek('set', 0) return f end local f = assert(io.tmpfile()) f:write('') f:seek('set', 0) return f end, open = function(arg) return nil end, write = function(...) return nil end } env.ubus = { connect = function() return { call = function(...) local arg = {...} if arg[2] == 'system' and arg[3] == 'board' then return {hostname = "08-00-27-56-92-F5"} elseif arg[2] == 'system' and arg[3] == 'info' then return {memory = nil, local_time = nil, uptime = nil, swap = nil} else return {} end end } end } env.uci = { cursor = function() return { get_all = function(...) return nil end, get = function(...) return nil end, foreach = function(...) return nil end } end } return env