Source-Makefile: package/feeds/libremesh/safe-reboot/Makefile Package: safe-reboot Version: 2018-06-01-1527822388 Depends: +libc +GCC_LIBSSP:libssp +USE_GLIBC:librt +USE_GLIBC:libpthread Conflicts: Menu-Depends: Provides: Section: utils Category: Utilities Repository: libremesh Title: safe-reboot falls back to a last-known-good config after an ill-fated reboot. Maintainer: Gui Iribarren Source: Type: ipkg Description: When you run safe-reboot specifying a grace time, it makes a backup of /etc at that point, and after the grace time reboots the system. At the next boot, it waits again for a timeout; if you can't login and delete the backup, it will restore it and reboot. This mechanism makes it possible to run safe-reboot, try risky operations (like restarting the network), and if something goes wrong, just wait for the fallback timeout. Even more, you can make actual changes to /etc config and reboot. If it comes back up right, you can login and delete the backup. If something went wrong with the new /etc, just wait for the revert timeout. Gui Iribarren @@