// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0 /* Copyright (C) 2007-2019 B.A.T.M.A.N. contributors: * * Andreas Langer , Marek Lindner * * License-Filename: LICENSES/preferred/GPL-2.0 */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "batadv_packet.h" #include "main.h" #include "functions.h" #include "bat-hosts.h" #include "icmp_helper.h" static volatile sig_atomic_t is_aborted = 0; static void ping_usage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: batctl [options] ping [parameters] mac|bat-host|host_name|IPv4_address \n"); fprintf(stderr, "parameters:\n"); fprintf(stderr, " \t -c ping packet count \n"); fprintf(stderr, " \t -h print this help\n"); fprintf(stderr, " \t -i interval in seconds\n"); fprintf(stderr, " \t -t timeout in seconds\n"); fprintf(stderr, " \t -R record route\n"); fprintf(stderr, " \t -T don't try to translate mac to originator address\n"); } static void sig_handler(int sig) { switch (sig) { case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: is_aborted = 1; break; default: break; } } static int ping(struct state *state, int argc, char **argv) { struct batadv_icmp_packet_rr icmp_packet_out, icmp_packet_in; struct timeval tv; struct ether_addr *dst_mac = NULL, *rr_mac = NULL; struct bat_host *bat_host, *rr_host; ssize_t read_len; int ret = EXIT_FAILURE, res, optchar, found_args = 1; int loop_count = -1, loop_interval = 0, timeout = 1, rr = 0, i; unsigned int seq_counter = 0, packets_out = 0, packets_in = 0, packets_loss; char *dst_string, *mac_string, *rr_string; double time_delta; float min = 0.0, max = 0.0, avg = 0.0, mdev = 0.0; uint8_t last_rr_cur = 0, last_rr[BATADV_RR_LEN][ETH_ALEN]; size_t packet_len; int disable_translate_mac = 0; while ((optchar = getopt(argc, argv, "hc:i:t:RT")) != -1) { switch (optchar) { case 'c': loop_count = strtol(optarg, NULL , 10); if (loop_count < 1) loop_count = -1; found_args += ((*((char*)(optarg - 1)) == optchar ) ? 1 : 2); break; case 'h': ping_usage(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; case 'i': loop_interval = strtol(optarg, NULL , 10); if (loop_interval < 1) loop_interval = 1; found_args += ((*((char*)(optarg - 1)) == optchar ) ? 1 : 2); break; case 't': timeout = strtol(optarg, NULL , 10); if (timeout < 1) timeout = 1; found_args += ((*((char*)(optarg - 1)) == optchar ) ? 1 : 2); break; case 'R': rr = 1; found_args++; break; case 'T': disable_translate_mac = 1; found_args += 1; break; default: ping_usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } if (argc <= found_args) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - target mac address or bat-host name not specified\n"); ping_usage(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } check_root_or_die("batctl ping"); dst_string = argv[found_args]; bat_hosts_init(0); bat_host = bat_hosts_find_by_name(dst_string); if (bat_host) dst_mac = &bat_host->mac_addr; if (!dst_mac) { dst_mac = resolve_mac(dst_string); if (!dst_mac) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - mac address of the ping destination could not be resolved and is not a bat-host name: %s\n", dst_string); goto out; } } if (!disable_translate_mac) dst_mac = translate_mac(state->mesh_iface, dst_mac); mac_string = ether_ntoa_long(dst_mac); signal(SIGINT, sig_handler); signal(SIGTERM, sig_handler); icmp_interfaces_init(); packet_len = sizeof(struct batadv_icmp_packet); memset(&icmp_packet_out, 0, sizeof(icmp_packet_out)); memcpy(&icmp_packet_out.dst, dst_mac, ETH_ALEN); icmp_packet_out.packet_type = BATADV_ICMP; icmp_packet_out.version = BATADV_COMPAT_VERSION; icmp_packet_out.msg_type = BATADV_ECHO_REQUEST; icmp_packet_out.ttl = 50; icmp_packet_out.seqno = 0; if (rr) { packet_len = sizeof(struct batadv_icmp_packet_rr); icmp_packet_out.rr_cur = 1; memset(&icmp_packet_out.rr, 0, BATADV_RR_LEN * ETH_ALEN); memset(last_rr, 0, BATADV_RR_LEN * ETH_ALEN); } else { ((struct batadv_icmp_packet *)&icmp_packet_out)->reserved = 0; } printf("PING %s (%s) %zu(%zu) bytes of data\n", dst_string, mac_string, packet_len, packet_len + 28); while (!is_aborted) { tv.tv_sec = timeout; tv.tv_usec = 0; if (loop_count == 0) break; if (loop_count > 0) loop_count--; icmp_packet_out.seqno = htons(++seq_counter); res = icmp_interface_write(state->mesh_iface, (struct batadv_icmp_header *)&icmp_packet_out, packet_len); if (res < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - can't send icmp packet: %s\n", strerror(-res)); goto sleep; } read_packet: start_timer(); read_len = icmp_interface_read((struct batadv_icmp_header *)&icmp_packet_in, packet_len, &tv); if (is_aborted) break; packets_out++; if (read_len == 0) { printf("Reply from host %s timed out\n", dst_string); goto sleep; } if (read_len < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Error - can't receive icmp packets: %s\n", strerror(-read_len)); goto sleep; } if ((size_t)read_len < packet_len) { printf("Warning - dropping received packet as it is smaller than expected (%zu): %zd\n", packet_len, read_len); goto sleep; } /* after receiving an unexpected seqno we keep waiting for our answer */ if (htons(seq_counter) != icmp_packet_in.seqno) goto read_packet; switch (icmp_packet_in.msg_type) { case BATADV_ECHO_REPLY: time_delta = end_timer(); printf("%zd bytes from %s icmp_seq=%hu ttl=%d time=%.2f ms", read_len, dst_string, ntohs(icmp_packet_in.seqno), icmp_packet_in.ttl, time_delta); if (read_len == sizeof(struct batadv_icmp_packet_rr)) { if (last_rr_cur == icmp_packet_in.rr_cur && !memcmp(last_rr, icmp_packet_in.rr, BATADV_RR_LEN * ETH_ALEN)) { printf("\t(same route)"); } else { printf("\nRR: "); for (i = 0; i < BATADV_RR_LEN && i < icmp_packet_in.rr_cur; i++) { rr_mac = (struct ether_addr *)&icmp_packet_in.rr[i]; rr_host = bat_hosts_find_by_mac((char *)rr_mac); if (rr_host) rr_string = rr_host->name; else rr_string = ether_ntoa_long(rr_mac); printf("\t%s\n", rr_string); if (memcmp(rr_mac, dst_mac, ETH_ALEN) == 0) printf("\t%s\n", rr_string); } last_rr_cur = icmp_packet_in.rr_cur; memcpy(last_rr, icmp_packet_in.rr, BATADV_RR_LEN * ETH_ALEN); } } printf("\n"); if ((time_delta < min) || (min == 0.0)) min = time_delta; if (time_delta > max) max = time_delta; avg += time_delta; mdev += time_delta * time_delta; packets_in++; break; case BATADV_DESTINATION_UNREACHABLE: printf("From %s: Destination Host Unreachable (icmp_seq %hu)\n", dst_string, ntohs(icmp_packet_in.seqno)); break; case BATADV_TTL_EXCEEDED: printf("From %s: Time to live exceeded (icmp_seq %hu)\n", dst_string, ntohs(icmp_packet_in.seqno)); break; case BATADV_PARAMETER_PROBLEM: fprintf(stderr, "Error - the batman adv kernel module version (%d) differs from ours (%d)\n", icmp_packet_in.version, BATADV_COMPAT_VERSION); printf("Please make sure to use compatible versions!\n"); goto out; default: printf("Unknown message type %d len %zd received\n", icmp_packet_in.msg_type, read_len); break; } sleep: if (loop_interval > 0) sleep(loop_interval); else if ((tv.tv_sec != 0) || (tv.tv_usec != 0)) select(0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &tv); } if (packets_out == 0) packets_loss = 0; else packets_loss = ((packets_out - packets_in) * 100) / packets_out; if (packets_in) { avg /= packets_in; mdev /= packets_in; mdev = mdev - avg * avg; if (mdev > 0.0) mdev = sqrt(mdev); else mdev = 0.0; } else { avg = 0.0; mdev = 0.0; } printf("--- %s ping statistics ---\n", dst_string); printf("%u packets transmitted, %u received, %u%% packet loss\n", packets_out, packets_in, packets_loss); printf("rtt min/avg/max/mdev = %.3f/%.3f/%.3f/%.3f ms\n", min, avg, max, mdev); if (packets_in) ret = EXIT_SUCCESS; else ret = EXIT_NOSUCCESS; out: icmp_interfaces_clean(); bat_hosts_free(); return ret; } COMMAND(SUBCOMMAND, ping, "p", COMMAND_FLAG_MESH_IFACE, NULL, " \tping another batman adv host via layer 2");