/* chrony plugin for collectd (monitoring of chrony time server daemon) ********************************************************************** * Copyright (C) Claudius M Zingerli, ZSeng, 2015-2016 * * Internals roughly based on the ntpd plugin * Some functions copied from chronyd/web (as marked) * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * TODO: * - More robust udp parsing (using offsets instead of structs?) * -> Currently chrony parses its data the same way as we do (using *structs) * - Plausibility checks on values received * -> Done at higher levels */ #include "collectd.h" #include "plugin.h" /* plugin_register_*, plugin_dispatch_values */ #include "utils/common/common.h" /* auxiliary functions */ #if HAVE_NETDB_H #include /* struct addrinfo */ #endif #if HAVE_ARPA_INET_H #include /* ntohs/ntohl */ #endif /* AIX doesn't have MSG_DONTWAIT */ #ifndef MSG_DONTWAIT #define MSG_DONTWAIT MSG_NONBLOCK #endif #define CONFIG_KEY_HOST "Host" #define CONFIG_KEY_PORT "Port" #define CONFIG_KEY_TIMEOUT "Timeout" #define URAND_DEVICE_PATH \ "/dev/urandom" /* Used to initialize seq nr generator */ #define RAND_DEVICE_PATH \ "/dev/random" /* Used to initialize seq nr generator (fall back) */ static const char *g_config_keys[] = {CONFIG_KEY_HOST, CONFIG_KEY_PORT, CONFIG_KEY_TIMEOUT}; static int g_config_keys_num = STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE(g_config_keys); static int g_chrony_is_connected; static int g_chrony_socket = -1; static time_t g_chrony_timeout = -1; static char *g_chrony_plugin_instance; static char *g_chrony_host; static char *g_chrony_port; static uint32_t g_chrony_rand = 1; static uint32_t g_chrony_seq_is_initialized; #define PLUGIN_NAME_SHORT "chrony" #define PLUGIN_NAME PLUGIN_NAME_SHORT " plugin" #define DAEMON_NAME PLUGIN_NAME_SHORT #define CHRONY_DEFAULT_HOST "localhost" #define CHRONY_DEFAULT_PORT "323" #define CHRONY_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 2 /* Return codes (collectd expects non-zero on errors) */ #define CHRONY_RC_OK 0 #define CHRONY_RC_FAIL 1 /* Chronyd command packet variables adapted from chrony/candm.h (GPL2) */ #define PROTO_VERSION_NUMBER 6 #define IPADDR_UNSPEC 0 #define IPADDR_INET4 1 #define IPADDR_INET6 2 #define IPV6_STR_MAX_SIZE (8 * 4 + 7 + 1) #define MODE_REFCLOCK 2 typedef enum { PKT_TYPE_CMD_REQUEST = 1, PKT_TYPE_CMD_REPLY = 2 } ePacketType; typedef enum { REQ_N_SOURCES = 14, REQ_SOURCE_DATA = 15, REQ_TRACKING = 33, REQ_SOURCE_STATS = 34 } eDaemonRequests; typedef enum { RPY_NULL = 1, RPY_N_SOURCES = 2, RPY_SOURCE_DATA = 3, RPY_MANUAL_TIMESTAMP = 4, RPY_TRACKING = 5, RPY_SOURCE_STATS = 6, RPY_RTC = 7 } eDaemonReplies; #if defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__SUNPRO_C) || defined(lint) #/* extension to enforce struct packing. */ #define ATTRIB_PACKED __attribute__((packed)) #else #error Not defining packed attribute (unknown compiler) #define ATTRIB_PACKED #endif typedef struct ATTRIB_PACKED { int32_t value; } tFloat; typedef struct ATTRIB_PACKED { uint32_t tv_sec_high; uint32_t tv_sec_low; uint32_t tv_nsec; } tTimeval; typedef enum { STT_SUCCESS = 0, STT_FAILED = 1, STT_UNAUTH = 2, STT_INVALID = 3, STT_NOSUCHSOURCE = 4, STT_INVALIDTS = 5, STT_NOTENABLED = 6, STT_BADSUBNET = 7, STT_ACCESSALLOWED = 8, STT_ACCESSDENIED = 9, STT_NOHOSTACCESS = 10, STT_SOURCEALREADYKNOWN = 11, STT_TOOMANYSOURCES = 12, STT_NORTC = 13, STT_BADRTCFILE = 14, STT_INACTIVE = 15, STT_BADSAMPLE = 16, STT_INVALIDAF = 17, STT_BADPKTVERSION = 18, STT_BADPKTLENGTH = 19 } eChrony_Status; /* Chrony client request packets */ typedef struct ATTRIB_PACKED { uint8_t f_dummy0[80]; /* Chrony expects 80bytes dummy data (Avoiding UDP Amplification) */ } tChrony_Req_Tracking; typedef struct ATTRIB_PACKED { uint32_t f_n_sources; } tChrony_Req_N_Sources; typedef struct ATTRIB_PACKED { int32_t f_index; uint8_t f_dummy0[44]; } tChrony_Req_Source_data; typedef struct ATTRIB_PACKED { int32_t f_index; uint8_t f_dummy0[56]; } tChrony_Req_Source_stats; typedef struct ATTRIB_PACKED { struct { uint8_t f_version; uint8_t f_type; uint8_t f_dummy0; uint8_t f_dummy1; uint16_t f_cmd; uint16_t f_cmd_try; uint32_t f_seq; uint32_t f_dummy2; uint32_t f_dummy3; } header; /* Packed: 20Bytes */ union { tChrony_Req_N_Sources n_sources; tChrony_Req_Source_data source_data; tChrony_Req_Source_stats source_stats; tChrony_Req_Tracking tracking; } body; uint8_t padding[4 + 16]; /* Padding to match minimal response size */ } tChrony_Request; /* Chrony daemon response packets */ typedef struct ATTRIB_PACKED { uint32_t f_n_sources; } tChrony_Resp_N_Sources; typedef struct ATTRIB_PACKED { union { uint32_t ip4; uint8_t ip6[16]; } addr; uint16_t f_family; uint16_t padding; } tChrony_IPAddr; typedef struct ATTRIB_PACKED { tChrony_IPAddr addr; int16_t f_poll; /* 2^f_poll = Time between polls (s) */ uint16_t f_stratum; /* Remote clock stratum */ uint16_t f_state; /* 0 = RPY_SD_ST_SYNC, 1 = RPY_SD_ST_UNREACH, 2 = RPY_SD_ST_FALSETICKER */ /* 3 = RPY_SD_ST_JITTERY, 4 = RPY_SD_ST_CANDIDATE, 5 = RPY_SD_ST_OUTLIER */ uint16_t f_mode; /* 0 = RPY_SD_MD_CLIENT, 1 = RPY_SD_MD_PEER, 2 = RPY_SD_MD_REF */ uint16_t f_flags; /* unused */ uint16_t f_reachability; /* Bit mask of successfull tries to reach the source */ uint32_t f_since_sample; /* Time since last sample (s) */ tFloat f_origin_latest_meas; /* */ tFloat f_latest_meas; /* */ tFloat f_latest_meas_err; /* */ } tChrony_Resp_Source_data; typedef struct ATTRIB_PACKED { uint32_t f_ref_id; tChrony_IPAddr addr; uint32_t f_n_samples; /* Number of measurements done */ uint32_t f_n_runs; /* How many measurements to come */ uint32_t f_span_seconds; /* For how long we're measuring */ tFloat f_rtc_seconds_fast; /* ??? */ tFloat f_rtc_gain_rate_ppm; /* Estimated relative frequency error */ tFloat f_skew_ppm; /* Clock skew (ppm) (worst case freq est error (skew: peak2peak)) */ tFloat f_est_offset; /* Estimated offset of source */ tFloat f_est_offset_err; /* Error of estimation */ } tChrony_Resp_Source_stats; typedef struct ATTRIB_PACKED { uint32_t f_ref_id; tChrony_IPAddr addr; uint16_t f_stratum; uint16_t f_leap_status; tTimeval f_ref_time; tFloat f_current_correction; tFloat f_last_offset; tFloat f_rms_offset; tFloat f_freq_ppm; tFloat f_resid_freq_ppm; tFloat f_skew_ppm; tFloat f_root_delay; tFloat f_root_dispersion; tFloat f_last_update_interval; } tChrony_Resp_Tracking; typedef struct ATTRIB_PACKED { struct { uint8_t f_version; uint8_t f_type; uint8_t f_dummy0; uint8_t f_dummy1; uint16_t f_cmd; uint16_t f_reply; uint16_t f_status; uint16_t f_dummy2; uint16_t f_dummy3; uint16_t f_dummy4; uint32_t f_seq; uint32_t f_dummy5; uint32_t f_dummy6; } header; /* Packed: 28 Bytes */ union { tChrony_Resp_N_Sources n_sources; tChrony_Resp_Source_data source_data; tChrony_Resp_Source_stats source_stats; tChrony_Resp_Tracking tracking; } body; uint8_t padding[1024]; } tChrony_Response; /*****************************************************************************/ /* Internal functions */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* connect_client code adapted from: * http://long.ccaba.upc.edu/long/045Guidelines/eva/ipv6.html#daytimeClient6 */ /* License granted by Eva M Castro via e-mail on 2016-02-18 under the terms of * GPLv3 */ static int connect_client(const char *p_hostname, const char *p_service, int p_family, int p_socktype) { struct addrinfo *res, *ressave; int n, sockfd; struct addrinfo ai_hints = {.ai_family = p_family, .ai_socktype = p_socktype}; n = getaddrinfo(p_hostname, p_service, &ai_hints, &res); if (n < 0) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": getaddrinfo error:: [%s]", gai_strerror(n)); return -1; } ressave = res; sockfd = -1; while (res) { sockfd = socket(res->ai_family, res->ai_socktype, res->ai_protocol); if (!(sockfd < 0)) { if (connect(sockfd, res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen) == 0) { /* Success */ break; } close(sockfd); sockfd = -1; } res = res->ai_next; } freeaddrinfo(ressave); return sockfd; } /* niptoha code originally from: * git://git.tuxfamily.org/gitroot/chrony/chrony.git:util.c */ /* Original code licensed as GPLv2, by Richard P. Purnow, Miroslav Lichvar */ /* Original name: char * UTI_IPToString(IPAddr *addr)*/ static char *niptoha(const tChrony_IPAddr *addr, char *p_buf, size_t p_buf_size) { int rc = 1; unsigned long a, b, c, d, ip; switch (ntohs(addr->f_family)) { case IPADDR_UNSPEC: rc = snprintf(p_buf, p_buf_size, "[UNSPEC]"); break; case IPADDR_INET4: ip = ntohl(addr->addr.ip4); a = (ip >> 24) & 0xff; b = (ip >> 16) & 0xff; c = (ip >> 8) & 0xff; d = (ip >> 0) & 0xff; rc = snprintf(p_buf, p_buf_size, "%ld.%ld.%ld.%ld", a, b, c, d); break; case IPADDR_INET6: { const char *rp = inet_ntop(AF_INET6, addr->addr.ip6, p_buf, p_buf_size); if (rp == NULL) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Error converting ipv6 address to string. Errno = %d", errno); rc = snprintf(p_buf, p_buf_size, "[UNKNOWN]"); } break; } default: rc = snprintf(p_buf, p_buf_size, "[UNKNOWN]"); } assert(rc > 0); return p_buf; } static void nreftostr(uint32_t nrefid, char *p_buf, size_t p_buf_size) { size_t j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { int c = ntohl(nrefid) << i * 8 >> 24; if (!isalnum(c) || j + 1 >= p_buf_size) continue; p_buf[j++] = c; } if (j < p_buf_size) p_buf[j] = '\0'; } static int chrony_set_timeout(void) { /* Set the socket's timeout to g_chrony_timeout; a value of 0 signals * infinite timeout */ /* Returns 0 on success, !0 on error (check errno) */ struct timeval tv; tv.tv_sec = g_chrony_timeout; tv.tv_usec = 0; assert(g_chrony_socket >= 0); if (setsockopt(g_chrony_socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_RCVTIMEO, (char *)&tv, sizeof(struct timeval)) < 0) { return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } return CHRONY_RC_OK; } static int chrony_connect(void) { /* Connects to the chrony daemon */ /* Returns 0 on success, !0 on error (check errno) */ int socket; if (g_chrony_host == NULL) { g_chrony_host = strdup(CHRONY_DEFAULT_HOST); if (g_chrony_host == NULL) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Error duplicating chrony host name"); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } } if (g_chrony_port == NULL) { g_chrony_port = strdup(CHRONY_DEFAULT_PORT); if (g_chrony_port == NULL) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Error duplicating chrony port string"); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } } if (g_chrony_timeout < 0) { g_chrony_timeout = CHRONY_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT; assert(g_chrony_timeout >= 0); } DEBUG(PLUGIN_NAME ": Connecting to %s:%s", g_chrony_host, g_chrony_port); socket = connect_client(g_chrony_host, g_chrony_port, AF_UNSPEC, SOCK_DGRAM); if (socket < 0) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Error connecting to daemon. Errno = %d", errno); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } DEBUG(PLUGIN_NAME ": Connected"); g_chrony_socket = socket; if (chrony_set_timeout()) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Error setting timeout to %llds. Errno = %d", (long long)g_chrony_timeout, errno); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } return CHRONY_RC_OK; } static int chrony_send_request(const tChrony_Request *p_req, size_t p_req_size) { if (send(g_chrony_socket, p_req, p_req_size, 0) < 0) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Error sending packet. Errno = %d", errno); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } return CHRONY_RC_OK; } static int chrony_recv_response(tChrony_Response *p_resp, size_t p_resp_max_size, size_t *p_resp_size) { ssize_t rc = recv(g_chrony_socket, p_resp, p_resp_max_size, 0); if (rc <= 0) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Error receiving packet: %s (%d)", strerror(errno), errno); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } else { *p_resp_size = rc; return CHRONY_RC_OK; } } static void chrony_flush_recv_queue(void) { char buf[1]; if (g_chrony_is_connected) { while (recv(g_chrony_socket, buf, sizeof(buf), MSG_DONTWAIT) > 0) ; } } static int chrony_query(const int p_command, tChrony_Request *p_req, tChrony_Response *p_resp, size_t *p_resp_size) { /* Check connection. We simply perform one try as collectd already handles * retries */ assert(p_req); assert(p_resp); assert(p_resp_size); if (g_chrony_is_connected == 0) { if (chrony_connect() == CHRONY_RC_OK) { g_chrony_is_connected = 1; } else { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Unable to connect. Errno = %d", errno); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } } do { int valid_command = 0; size_t req_size = sizeof(p_req->header) + sizeof(p_req->padding); size_t resp_size = sizeof(p_resp->header); uint16_t resp_code = RPY_NULL; switch (p_command) { case REQ_TRACKING: req_size += sizeof(p_req->body.tracking); resp_size += sizeof(p_resp->body.tracking); resp_code = RPY_TRACKING; valid_command = 1; break; case REQ_N_SOURCES: req_size += sizeof(p_req->body.n_sources); resp_size += sizeof(p_resp->body.n_sources); resp_code = RPY_N_SOURCES; valid_command = 1; break; case REQ_SOURCE_DATA: req_size += sizeof(p_req->body.source_data); resp_size += sizeof(p_resp->body.source_data); resp_code = RPY_SOURCE_DATA; valid_command = 1; break; case REQ_SOURCE_STATS: req_size += sizeof(p_req->body.source_stats); resp_size += sizeof(p_resp->body.source_stats); resp_code = RPY_SOURCE_STATS; valid_command = 1; break; default: ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Unknown request command (Was: %d)", p_command); break; } if (valid_command == 0) break; uint32_t seq_nr = rand_r(&g_chrony_rand); p_req->header.f_cmd = htons(p_command); p_req->header.f_cmd_try = 0; p_req->header.f_seq = seq_nr; DEBUG(PLUGIN_NAME ": Sending request (.cmd = %d, .seq = %d)", p_command, seq_nr); if (chrony_send_request(p_req, req_size) != 0) break; DEBUG(PLUGIN_NAME ": Waiting for response"); if (chrony_recv_response(p_resp, resp_size, p_resp_size) != 0) break; DEBUG(PLUGIN_NAME ": Received response: .version = %u, .type = %u, .cmd = " "%u, .reply = %u, .status = %u, .seq = %u", p_resp->header.f_version, p_resp->header.f_type, ntohs(p_resp->header.f_cmd), ntohs(p_resp->header.f_reply), ntohs(p_resp->header.f_status), p_resp->header.f_seq); if (p_resp->header.f_version != p_req->header.f_version) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Wrong protocol version (Was: %d, expected: %d)", p_resp->header.f_version, p_req->header.f_version); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } if (p_resp->header.f_type != PKT_TYPE_CMD_REPLY) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Wrong packet type (Was: %d, expected: %d)", p_resp->header.f_type, PKT_TYPE_CMD_REPLY); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } if (p_resp->header.f_seq != seq_nr) { /* FIXME: Implement sequence number handling */ ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Unexpected sequence number (Was: %d, expected: %d)", p_resp->header.f_seq, p_req->header.f_seq); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } if (p_resp->header.f_cmd != p_req->header.f_cmd) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Wrong reply command (Was: %d, expected: %d)", p_resp->header.f_cmd, p_req->header.f_cmd); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } if (ntohs(p_resp->header.f_reply) != resp_code) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Wrong reply code (Was: %d, expected: %d)", ntohs(p_resp->header.f_reply), resp_code); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } switch (p_resp->header.f_status) { case STT_SUCCESS: DEBUG(PLUGIN_NAME ": Reply packet status STT_SUCCESS"); break; default: ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Reply packet contains error status: %d (expected: %d)", p_resp->header.f_status, STT_SUCCESS); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } /* Good result */ return CHRONY_RC_OK; } while (0); /* Some error occured */ return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } static void chrony_init_req(tChrony_Request *p_req) { memset(p_req, 0, sizeof(*p_req)); p_req->header.f_version = PROTO_VERSION_NUMBER; p_req->header.f_type = PKT_TYPE_CMD_REQUEST; p_req->header.f_dummy0 = 0; p_req->header.f_dummy1 = 0; p_req->header.f_dummy2 = 0; p_req->header.f_dummy3 = 0; } /* ntohf code originally from: * git://git.tuxfamily.org/gitroot/chrony/chrony.git:util.c */ /* Original code licensed as GPLv2, by Richard P. Purnow, Miroslav Lichvar */ /* Original name: double UTI_tFloatNetworkToHost(tFloat f) */ static double ntohf(tFloat p_float) { /* Convert tFloat in Network-bit-order to double in host-bit-order */ #define FLOAT_EXP_BITS 7 #define FLOAT_EXP_MIN (-(1 << (FLOAT_EXP_BITS - 1))) #define FLOAT_EXP_MAX (-FLOAT_EXP_MIN - 1) #define FLOAT_COEF_BITS ((int)sizeof(int32_t) * 8 - FLOAT_EXP_BITS) #define FLOAT_COEF_MIN (-(1 << (FLOAT_COEF_BITS - 1))) #define FLOAT_COEF_MAX (-FLOAT_COEF_MIN - 1) int32_t exp, coef; uint32_t uval; uval = ntohl(p_float.value); exp = (uval >> FLOAT_COEF_BITS); if (exp >= 1 << (FLOAT_EXP_BITS - 1)) exp -= 1 << FLOAT_EXP_BITS; exp -= FLOAT_COEF_BITS; /* coef = (x << FLOAT_EXP_BITS) >> FLOAT_EXP_BITS; */ coef = uval % (1U << FLOAT_COEF_BITS); if (coef >= 1 << (FLOAT_COEF_BITS - 1)) coef -= 1 << FLOAT_COEF_BITS; return coef * pow(2.0, exp); } static void chrony_push_data(const char *p_type, const char *p_type_inst, double p_value) { value_list_t vl = VALUE_LIST_INIT; vl.values = &(value_t){.gauge = p_value}; vl.values_len = 1; /* XXX: Shall g_chrony_host/g_chrony_port be reflected in the plugin's output? */ sstrncpy(vl.plugin, PLUGIN_NAME_SHORT, sizeof(vl.plugin)); if (g_chrony_plugin_instance != NULL) { sstrncpy(vl.plugin_instance, g_chrony_plugin_instance, sizeof(vl.plugin_instance)); } if (p_type != NULL) sstrncpy(vl.type, p_type, sizeof(vl.type)); if (p_type_inst != NULL) sstrncpy(vl.type_instance, p_type_inst, sizeof(vl.type_instance)); plugin_dispatch_values(&vl); } static void chrony_push_data_valid(const char *p_type, const char *p_type_inst, const int p_is_valid, double p_value) { /* Push real value if p_is_valid is true, push NAN if p_is_valid is not true * (idea from ntp plugin) */ if (p_is_valid == 0) p_value = NAN; chrony_push_data(p_type, p_type_inst, p_value); } static int chrony_init_seq(void) { /* Initialize the sequence number generator from /dev/urandom */ /* Fallbacks: /dev/random and time(NULL) */ int fh; /* Try urandom */ fh = open(URAND_DEVICE_PATH, O_RDONLY); if (fh >= 0) { ssize_t rc = read(fh, &g_chrony_rand, sizeof(g_chrony_rand)); if (rc != sizeof(g_chrony_rand)) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Reading from random source \'%s\'failed: %s (%d)", URAND_DEVICE_PATH, strerror(errno), errno); close(fh); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } close(fh); DEBUG(PLUGIN_NAME ": Seeding RNG from " URAND_DEVICE_PATH); } else { if (errno == ENOENT) { /* URAND_DEVICE_PATH device not found. Try RAND_DEVICE_PATH as fall-back */ fh = open(RAND_DEVICE_PATH, O_RDONLY); if (fh >= 0) { ssize_t rc = read(fh, &g_chrony_rand, sizeof(g_chrony_rand)); if (rc != sizeof(g_chrony_rand)) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Reading from random source \'%s\'failed: %s (%d)", RAND_DEVICE_PATH, strerror(errno), errno); close(fh); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } close(fh); DEBUG(PLUGIN_NAME ": Seeding RNG from " RAND_DEVICE_PATH); } else { /* Error opening RAND_DEVICE_PATH. Try time(NULL) as fall-back */ DEBUG(PLUGIN_NAME ": Seeding RNG from time(NULL)"); g_chrony_rand = time(NULL) ^ getpid(); } } else { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Opening random source \'%s\' failed: %s (%d)", URAND_DEVICE_PATH, strerror(errno), errno); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } } return CHRONY_RC_OK; } /*****************************************************************************/ /* Exported functions */ /*****************************************************************************/ static int chrony_config(const char *p_key, const char *p_value) { assert(p_key); assert(p_value); /* Parse config variables */ if (strcasecmp(p_key, CONFIG_KEY_HOST) == 0) { if (g_chrony_host != NULL) free(g_chrony_host); if ((g_chrony_host = strdup(p_value)) == NULL) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Error duplicating host name"); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } } else { if (strcasecmp(p_key, CONFIG_KEY_PORT) == 0) { if (g_chrony_port != NULL) free(g_chrony_port); if ((g_chrony_port = strdup(p_value)) == NULL) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": Error duplicating port name"); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } } else { if (strcasecmp(p_key, CONFIG_KEY_TIMEOUT) == 0) { time_t tosec = strtol(p_value, NULL, 0); g_chrony_timeout = tosec; } else { WARNING(PLUGIN_NAME ": Unknown configuration variable: %s %s", p_key, p_value); return CHRONY_RC_FAIL; } } } /* XXX: We could set g_chrony_plugin_instance here to * "g_chrony_host-g_chrony_port", but as multiple instances aren't yet * supported, we skip this for now */ return CHRONY_RC_OK; } static int chrony_request_daemon_stats(void) { /* Perform Tracking request */ int rc; size_t chrony_resp_size; tChrony_Request chrony_req; tChrony_Response chrony_resp; chrony_init_req(&chrony_req); rc = chrony_query(REQ_TRACKING, &chrony_req, &chrony_resp, &chrony_resp_size); if (rc != 0) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": chrony_query (REQ_TRACKING) failed with status %i", rc); return rc; } #if COLLECT_DEBUG { char src_addr[IPV6_STR_MAX_SIZE] = {0}; niptoha(&chrony_resp.body.tracking.addr, src_addr, sizeof(src_addr)); DEBUG(PLUGIN_NAME ": Daemon stat: .addr = %s, .ref_id= %u, .stratum = %u, .leap_status " "= %u, .ref_time = %u:%u:%u, .current_correction = %f, .last_offset " "= %f, .rms_offset = %f, .freq_ppm = %f, .skew_ppm = %f, .root_delay " "= %f, .root_dispersion = %f, .last_update_interval = %f", src_addr, ntohs(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_ref_id), ntohs(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_stratum), ntohs(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_leap_status), ntohl(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_ref_time.tv_sec_high), ntohl(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_ref_time.tv_sec_low), ntohl(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_ref_time.tv_nsec), ntohf(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_current_correction), ntohf(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_last_offset), ntohf(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_rms_offset), ntohf(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_freq_ppm), ntohf(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_skew_ppm), ntohf(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_root_delay), ntohf(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_root_dispersion), ntohf(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_last_update_interval)); } #endif double time_ref = ntohl(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_ref_time.tv_nsec); time_ref /= 1000000000.0; time_ref += ntohl(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_ref_time.tv_sec_low); if (chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_ref_time.tv_sec_high) { double secs_high = ntohl(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_ref_time.tv_sec_high); secs_high *= 4294967296.0; time_ref += secs_high; } /* Forward results to collectd-daemon */ /* Type_instance is always 'chrony' to tag daemon-wide data */ /* Type Type_instan Value */ chrony_push_data("clock_stratum", DAEMON_NAME, ntohs(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_stratum)); chrony_push_data("time_ref", DAEMON_NAME, time_ref); /* unit: s */ chrony_push_data( "time_offset_ntp", DAEMON_NAME, ntohf(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_current_correction)); /* Offset between system time and NTP, unit: s */ chrony_push_data( "time_offset", DAEMON_NAME, ntohf( chrony_resp.body.tracking .f_last_offset)); /* Estimated Offset of the NTP time, unit: s */ chrony_push_data( "time_offset_rms", DAEMON_NAME, ntohf(chrony_resp.body.tracking .f_rms_offset)); /* averaged value of the above, unit: s */ chrony_push_data( "frequency_error", DAEMON_NAME, ntohf(chrony_resp.body.tracking .f_freq_ppm)); /* Frequency error of the local osc, unit: ppm */ chrony_push_data("clock_skew_ppm", DAEMON_NAME, ntohf(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_skew_ppm)); chrony_push_data( "root_delay", DAEMON_NAME, ntohf(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_root_delay)); /* Network latency between local daemon and the current source */ chrony_push_data("root_dispersion", DAEMON_NAME, ntohf(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_root_dispersion)); chrony_push_data("clock_last_update", DAEMON_NAME, ntohf(chrony_resp.body.tracking.f_last_update_interval)); return CHRONY_RC_OK; } static int chrony_request_sources_count(unsigned int *p_count) { /* Requests the number of time sources from the chrony daemon */ int rc; size_t chrony_resp_size; tChrony_Request chrony_req; tChrony_Response chrony_resp; DEBUG(PLUGIN_NAME ": Requesting data"); chrony_init_req(&chrony_req); rc = chrony_query(REQ_N_SOURCES, &chrony_req, &chrony_resp, &chrony_resp_size); if (rc != 0) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": chrony_query (REQ_N_SOURCES) failed with status %i", rc); return rc; } *p_count = ntohl(chrony_resp.body.n_sources.f_n_sources); DEBUG(PLUGIN_NAME ": Getting data of %d clock sources", *p_count); return CHRONY_RC_OK; } static int chrony_request_source_data(int p_src_idx, char *src_addr, size_t addr_size, int *p_is_reachable) { /* Perform Source data request for source #p_src_idx */ int rc; size_t chrony_resp_size; tChrony_Request chrony_req; tChrony_Response chrony_resp; chrony_init_req(&chrony_req); chrony_req.body.source_data.f_index = htonl(p_src_idx); rc = chrony_query(REQ_SOURCE_DATA, &chrony_req, &chrony_resp, &chrony_resp_size); if (rc != 0) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": chrony_query (REQ_SOURCE_DATA) failed with status %i", rc); return rc; } if (ntohs(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_mode) == MODE_REFCLOCK) nreftostr(chrony_resp.body.source_data.addr.addr.ip4, src_addr, addr_size); else niptoha(&chrony_resp.body.source_data.addr, src_addr, addr_size); DEBUG(PLUGIN_NAME ": Source[%d] data: .addr = %s, .poll = %u, .stratum = %u, " ".state = %u, .mode = %u, .flags = %u, .reach = %u, " ".latest_meas_ago = %u, .orig_latest_meas = %f, " ".latest_meas = %f, .latest_meas_err = %f", p_src_idx, src_addr, ntohs(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_poll), ntohs(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_stratum), ntohs(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_state), ntohs(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_mode), ntohs(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_flags), ntohs(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_reachability), ntohl(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_since_sample), ntohf(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_origin_latest_meas), ntohf(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_latest_meas), ntohf(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_latest_meas_err)); /* Push NaN if source is currently not reachable */ int is_reachable = ntohs(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_reachability) & 0x01; *p_is_reachable = is_reachable; /* Forward results to collectd-daemon */ chrony_push_data_valid("clock_stratum", src_addr, is_reachable, ntohs(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_stratum)); chrony_push_data_valid("clock_state", src_addr, is_reachable, ntohs(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_state)); chrony_push_data_valid("clock_mode", src_addr, is_reachable, ntohs(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_mode)); chrony_push_data_valid("clock_reachability", src_addr, is_reachable, ntohs(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_reachability)); chrony_push_data_valid("clock_last_meas", src_addr, is_reachable, ntohl(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_since_sample)); chrony_push_data_valid( "time_offset", src_addr, is_reachable, ntohf(chrony_resp.body.source_data.f_origin_latest_meas)); return CHRONY_RC_OK; } static int chrony_request_source_stats(int p_src_idx, const char *src_addr, const int *p_is_reachable) { /* Perform Source stats request for source #p_src_idx */ int rc; size_t chrony_resp_size; tChrony_Request chrony_req; tChrony_Response chrony_resp; double skew_ppm, frequency_error; if (*p_is_reachable == 0) { skew_ppm = 0; frequency_error = 0; } else { chrony_init_req(&chrony_req); chrony_req.body.source_stats.f_index = htonl(p_src_idx); rc = chrony_query(REQ_SOURCE_STATS, &chrony_req, &chrony_resp, &chrony_resp_size); if (rc != 0) { ERROR(PLUGIN_NAME ": chrony_query (REQ_SOURCE_STATS) failed with status %i", rc); return rc; } skew_ppm = ntohf(chrony_resp.body.source_stats.f_skew_ppm); frequency_error = ntohf(chrony_resp.body.source_stats.f_rtc_gain_rate_ppm); DEBUG(PLUGIN_NAME ": Source[%d] stat: .addr = %s, .ref_id= %u, .n_samples = %u, " ".n_runs = %u, .span_seconds = %u, .rtc_seconds_fast = %f, " ".rtc_gain_rate_ppm = %f, .skew_ppm= %f, .est_offset = %f, " ".est_offset_err = %f", p_src_idx, src_addr, ntohl(chrony_resp.body.source_stats.f_ref_id), ntohl(chrony_resp.body.source_stats.f_n_samples), ntohl(chrony_resp.body.source_stats.f_n_runs), ntohl(chrony_resp.body.source_stats.f_span_seconds), ntohf(chrony_resp.body.source_stats.f_rtc_seconds_fast), frequency_error, skew_ppm, ntohf(chrony_resp.body.source_stats.f_est_offset), ntohf(chrony_resp.body.source_stats.f_est_offset_err)); } /* if (*is_reachable) */ /* Forward results to collectd-daemon */ chrony_push_data_valid("clock_skew_ppm", src_addr, *p_is_reachable, skew_ppm); chrony_push_data_valid("frequency_error", src_addr, *p_is_reachable, frequency_error); /* unit: ppm */ return CHRONY_RC_OK; } static int chrony_read(void) { /* collectd read callback: Perform data acquisition */ int rc; unsigned int n_sources; if (g_chrony_seq_is_initialized == 0) { /* Seed RNG for sequence number generation */ rc = chrony_init_seq(); if (rc != CHRONY_RC_OK) return rc; g_chrony_seq_is_initialized = 1; } /* Ignore late responses that may have been received */ chrony_flush_recv_queue(); /* Get daemon stats */ rc = chrony_request_daemon_stats(); if (rc != CHRONY_RC_OK) return rc; /* Get number of time sources, then check every source for status */ rc = chrony_request_sources_count(&n_sources); if (rc != CHRONY_RC_OK) return rc; for (unsigned int now_src = 0; now_src < n_sources; ++now_src) { char src_addr[IPV6_STR_MAX_SIZE] = {0}; int is_reachable; rc = chrony_request_source_data(now_src, src_addr, sizeof(src_addr), &is_reachable); if (rc != CHRONY_RC_OK) return rc; rc = chrony_request_source_stats(now_src, src_addr, &is_reachable); if (rc != CHRONY_RC_OK) return rc; } return CHRONY_RC_OK; } static int chrony_shutdown(void) { /* Collectd shutdown callback: Free mem */ if (g_chrony_is_connected != 0) { close(g_chrony_socket); g_chrony_is_connected = 0; } if (g_chrony_host != NULL) sfree(g_chrony_host); if (g_chrony_port != NULL) sfree(g_chrony_port); if (g_chrony_plugin_instance != NULL) sfree(g_chrony_plugin_instance); return CHRONY_RC_OK; } void module_register(void) { plugin_register_config(PLUGIN_NAME_SHORT, chrony_config, g_config_keys, g_config_keys_num); plugin_register_read(PLUGIN_NAME_SHORT, chrony_read); plugin_register_shutdown(PLUGIN_NAME_SHORT, chrony_shutdown); }