/** * collectd - src/grpc.cc * Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Sebastian Harl * Copyright (C) 2016 Florian octo Forster * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Sebastian Harl * Florian octo Forster **/ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "collectd.grpc.pb.h" extern "C" { #include #include #include "collectd.h" #include "plugin.h" #include "utils/common/common.h" #include "daemon/utils_cache.h" } using collectd::Collectd; using collectd::PutValuesRequest; using collectd::PutValuesResponse; using collectd::QueryValuesRequest; using collectd::QueryValuesResponse; using google::protobuf::util::TimeUtil; typedef google::protobuf::Map grpcMetadata; /* * private types */ struct Listener { grpc::string addr; grpc::string port; grpc::SslServerCredentialsOptions *ssl; }; static std::vector listeners; static grpc::string default_addr(""); /* * helper functions */ static bool ident_matches(const value_list_t *vl, const value_list_t *matcher) { if (fnmatch(matcher->host, vl->host, 0)) return false; if (fnmatch(matcher->plugin, vl->plugin, 0)) return false; if (fnmatch(matcher->plugin_instance, vl->plugin_instance, 0)) return false; if (fnmatch(matcher->type, vl->type, 0)) return false; if (fnmatch(matcher->type_instance, vl->type_instance, 0)) return false; return true; } /* ident_matches */ static grpc::string read_file(const char *filename) { std::ifstream f; grpc::string s, content; f.open(filename); if (!f.is_open()) { ERROR("grpc: Failed to open '%s'", filename); return ""; } while (std::getline(f, s)) { content += s; content.push_back('\n'); } f.close(); return content; } /* read_file */ /* * proto conversion */ static void marshal_ident(const value_list_t *vl, collectd::types::Identifier *msg) { msg->set_host(vl->host); msg->set_plugin(vl->plugin); if (vl->plugin_instance[0] != '\0') msg->set_plugin_instance(vl->plugin_instance); msg->set_type(vl->type); if (vl->type_instance[0] != '\0') msg->set_type_instance(vl->type_instance); } /* marshal_ident */ static grpc::Status unmarshal_ident(const collectd::types::Identifier &msg, value_list_t *vl, bool require_fields) { std::string s; s = msg.host(); if (!s.length() && require_fields) return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT, grpc::string("missing host name")); sstrncpy(vl->host, s.c_str(), sizeof(vl->host)); s = msg.plugin(); if (!s.length() && require_fields) return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT, grpc::string("missing plugin name")); sstrncpy(vl->plugin, s.c_str(), sizeof(vl->plugin)); s = msg.type(); if (!s.length() && require_fields) return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT, grpc::string("missing type name")); sstrncpy(vl->type, s.c_str(), sizeof(vl->type)); s = msg.plugin_instance(); sstrncpy(vl->plugin_instance, s.c_str(), sizeof(vl->plugin_instance)); s = msg.type_instance(); sstrncpy(vl->type_instance, s.c_str(), sizeof(vl->type_instance)); return grpc::Status::OK; } /* unmarshal_ident() */ static grpc::Status marshal_meta_data(meta_data_t *meta, grpcMetadata *mutable_meta_data) { char **meta_data_keys = nullptr; int meta_data_keys_len = meta_data_toc(meta, &meta_data_keys); if (meta_data_keys_len < 0) { return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, grpc::string("error getting metadata keys")); } for (int i = 0; i < meta_data_keys_len; i++) { char *key = meta_data_keys[i]; int md_type = meta_data_type(meta, key); collectd::types::MetadataValue md_value; md_value.Clear(); switch (md_type) { case MD_TYPE_STRING: char *md_string; if (meta_data_get_string(meta, key, &md_string) != 0 || md_string == nullptr) { strarray_free(meta_data_keys, meta_data_keys_len); return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, grpc::string("missing metadata")); } md_value.set_string_value(md_string); free(md_string); break; case MD_TYPE_SIGNED_INT: int64_t int64_value; if (meta_data_get_signed_int(meta, key, &int64_value) != 0) { strarray_free(meta_data_keys, meta_data_keys_len); return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, grpc::string("missing metadata")); } md_value.set_int64_value(int64_value); break; case MD_TYPE_UNSIGNED_INT: uint64_t uint64_value; if (meta_data_get_unsigned_int(meta, key, &uint64_value) != 0) { strarray_free(meta_data_keys, meta_data_keys_len); return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, grpc::string("missing metadata")); } md_value.set_uint64_value(uint64_value); break; case MD_TYPE_DOUBLE: double double_value; if (meta_data_get_double(meta, key, &double_value) != 0) { strarray_free(meta_data_keys, meta_data_keys_len); return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, grpc::string("missing metadata")); } md_value.set_double_value(double_value); break; case MD_TYPE_BOOLEAN: bool bool_value; if (meta_data_get_boolean(meta, key, &bool_value) != 0) { strarray_free(meta_data_keys, meta_data_keys_len); return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, grpc::string("missing metadata")); } md_value.set_bool_value(bool_value); break; default: strarray_free(meta_data_keys, meta_data_keys_len); ERROR("grpc: invalid metadata type (%d)", md_type); return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, grpc::string("unknown metadata type")); } (*mutable_meta_data)[grpc::string(key)] = md_value; strarray_free(meta_data_keys, meta_data_keys_len); } return grpc::Status::OK; } static grpc::Status unmarshal_meta_data(const grpcMetadata &rpc_metadata, meta_data_t **md_out) { *md_out = meta_data_create(); if (*md_out == nullptr) { return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, grpc::string("failed to create metadata list")); } for (auto kv : rpc_metadata) { auto k = kv.first.c_str(); auto v = kv.second; // The meta_data collection individually allocates copies of the keys and // string values for each entry, so it's safe for us to pass a reference // to our short-lived strings. switch (v.value_case()) { case collectd::types::MetadataValue::ValueCase::kStringValue: meta_data_add_string(*md_out, k, v.string_value().c_str()); break; case collectd::types::MetadataValue::ValueCase::kInt64Value: meta_data_add_signed_int(*md_out, k, v.int64_value()); break; case collectd::types::MetadataValue::ValueCase::kUint64Value: meta_data_add_unsigned_int(*md_out, k, v.uint64_value()); break; case collectd::types::MetadataValue::ValueCase::kDoubleValue: meta_data_add_double(*md_out, k, v.double_value()); break; case collectd::types::MetadataValue::ValueCase::kBoolValue: meta_data_add_boolean(*md_out, k, v.bool_value()); break; default: meta_data_destroy(*md_out); return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT, grpc::string("Metadata of unknown type")); } } return grpc::Status::OK; } static grpc::Status marshal_value_list(const value_list_t *vl, collectd::types::ValueList *msg) { auto id = msg->mutable_identifier(); marshal_ident(vl, id); auto ds = plugin_get_ds(vl->type); if ((ds == NULL) || (ds->ds_num != vl->values_len)) { return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, grpc::string("failed to retrieve data-set for values")); } auto t = TimeUtil::NanosecondsToTimestamp(CDTIME_T_TO_NS(vl->time)); auto d = TimeUtil::NanosecondsToDuration(CDTIME_T_TO_NS(vl->interval)); msg->set_allocated_time(new google::protobuf::Timestamp(t)); msg->set_allocated_interval(new google::protobuf::Duration(d)); msg->clear_meta_data(); if (vl->meta != nullptr) { grpc::Status status = marshal_meta_data(vl->meta, msg->mutable_meta_data()); if (!status.ok()) { return status; } } for (size_t i = 0; i < vl->values_len; ++i) { auto v = msg->add_values(); int value_type = ds->ds[i].type; switch (value_type) { case DS_TYPE_COUNTER: v->set_counter(vl->values[i].counter); break; case DS_TYPE_GAUGE: v->set_gauge(vl->values[i].gauge); break; case DS_TYPE_DERIVE: v->set_derive(vl->values[i].derive); break; case DS_TYPE_ABSOLUTE: v->set_absolute(vl->values[i].absolute); break; default: ERROR("grpc: invalid value type (%d)", value_type); return grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, grpc::string("unknown value type")); } auto name = msg->add_ds_names(); name->assign(ds->ds[i].name); } return grpc::Status::OK; } /* marshal_value_list */ static grpc::Status unmarshal_value_list(const collectd::types::ValueList &msg, value_list_t *vl) { vl->time = NS_TO_CDTIME_T(TimeUtil::TimestampToNanoseconds(msg.time())); vl->interval = NS_TO_CDTIME_T(TimeUtil::DurationToNanoseconds(msg.interval())); auto status = unmarshal_ident(msg.identifier(), vl, true); if (!status.ok()) return status; status = unmarshal_meta_data(msg.meta_data(), &vl->meta); if (!status.ok()) return status; value_t *values = NULL; size_t values_len = 0; status = grpc::Status::OK; for (auto v : msg.values()) { value_t *val = (value_t *)realloc(values, (values_len + 1) * sizeof(*values)); if (!val) { status = grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED, grpc::string("failed to allocate values array")); break; } values = val; val = values + values_len; values_len++; switch (v.value_case()) { case collectd::types::Value::ValueCase::kCounter: val->counter = counter_t(v.counter()); break; case collectd::types::Value::ValueCase::kGauge: val->gauge = gauge_t(v.gauge()); break; case collectd::types::Value::ValueCase::kDerive: val->derive = derive_t(v.derive()); break; case collectd::types::Value::ValueCase::kAbsolute: val->absolute = absolute_t(v.absolute()); break; default: status = grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INVALID_ARGUMENT, grpc::string("unknown value type")); break; } if (!status.ok()) break; } if (status.ok()) { vl->values = values; vl->values_len = values_len; } else { meta_data_destroy(vl->meta); free(values); } return status; } /* unmarshal_value_list() */ /* * Collectd service */ class CollectdImpl : public collectd::Collectd::Service { public: grpc::Status QueryValues(grpc::ServerContext *ctx, QueryValuesRequest const *req, grpc::ServerWriter *writer) override { value_list_t match; auto status = unmarshal_ident(req->identifier(), &match, false); if (!status.ok()) { return status; } std::queue value_lists; status = this->queryValuesRead(&match, &value_lists); if (status.ok()) { status = this->queryValuesWrite(ctx, writer, &value_lists); } while (!value_lists.empty()) { auto vl = value_lists.front(); value_lists.pop(); sfree(vl.values); meta_data_destroy(vl.meta); } return status; } grpc::Status PutValues(grpc::ServerContext *ctx, grpc::ServerReader *reader, PutValuesResponse *res) override { PutValuesRequest req; while (reader->Read(&req)) { value_list_t vl = {0}; auto status = unmarshal_value_list(req.value_list(), &vl); if (!status.ok()) return status; if (plugin_dispatch_values(&vl)) return grpc::Status( grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, grpc::string("failed to enqueue values for writing")); } res->Clear(); return grpc::Status::OK; } private: grpc::Status queryValuesRead(value_list_t const *match, std::queue *value_lists) { uc_iter_t *iter; if ((iter = uc_get_iterator()) == NULL) { return grpc::Status( grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, grpc::string("failed to query values: cannot create iterator")); } grpc::Status status = grpc::Status::OK; char *name = NULL; while (uc_iterator_next(iter, &name) == 0) { value_list_t vl; if (parse_identifier_vl(name, &vl) != 0) { status = grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, grpc::string("failed to parse identifier")); break; } if (!ident_matches(&vl, match)) continue; if (uc_iterator_get_time(iter, &vl.time) < 0) { status = grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, grpc::string("failed to retrieve value timestamp")); break; } if (uc_iterator_get_interval(iter, &vl.interval) < 0) { status = grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, grpc::string("failed to retrieve value interval")); break; } if (uc_iterator_get_values(iter, &vl.values, &vl.values_len) < 0) { status = grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, grpc::string("failed to retrieve values")); break; } if (uc_iterator_get_meta(iter, &vl.meta) < 0) { status = grpc::Status(grpc::StatusCode::INTERNAL, grpc::string("failed to retrieve value metadata")); } value_lists->push(vl); } // while (uc_iterator_next(iter, &name) == 0) uc_iterator_destroy(iter); return status; } grpc::Status queryValuesWrite(grpc::ServerContext *ctx, grpc::ServerWriter *writer, std::queue *value_lists) { while (!value_lists->empty()) { auto vl = value_lists->front(); QueryValuesResponse res; res.Clear(); auto status = marshal_value_list(&vl, res.mutable_value_list()); if (!status.ok()) { return status; } if (!writer->Write(res)) { return grpc::Status::CANCELLED; } value_lists->pop(); sfree(vl.values); } return grpc::Status::OK; } }; /* * gRPC server implementation */ class CollectdServer final { public: void Start() { auto auth = grpc::InsecureServerCredentials(); grpc::ServerBuilder builder; if (listeners.empty()) { builder.AddListeningPort(default_addr, auth); INFO("grpc: Listening on %s", default_addr.c_str()); } else { for (auto l : listeners) { grpc::string addr = l.addr + ":" + l.port; auto use_ssl = grpc::string(""); auto a = auth; if (l.ssl != nullptr) { use_ssl = grpc::string(" (SSL enabled)"); a = grpc::SslServerCredentials(*l.ssl); } builder.AddListeningPort(addr, a); INFO("grpc: Listening on %s%s", addr.c_str(), use_ssl.c_str()); } } builder.RegisterService(&collectd_service_); server_ = builder.BuildAndStart(); } /* Start() */ void Shutdown() { server_->Shutdown(); } /* Shutdown() */ private: CollectdImpl collectd_service_; std::unique_ptr server_; }; /* class CollectdServer */ class CollectdClient final { public: CollectdClient(std::shared_ptr channel) : stub_(Collectd::NewStub(channel)) {} int PutValues(value_list_t const *vl) { grpc::ClientContext ctx; PutValuesRequest req; auto status = marshal_value_list(vl, req.mutable_value_list()); if (!status.ok()) { ERROR("grpc: Marshalling value_list_t failed."); return -1; } PutValuesResponse res; auto stream = stub_->PutValues(&ctx, &res); if (!stream->Write(req)) { NOTICE("grpc: Broken stream."); /* intentionally not returning. */ } stream->WritesDone(); status = stream->Finish(); if (!status.ok()) { ERROR("grpc: Error while closing stream."); return -1; } return 0; } /* int PutValues */ private: std::unique_ptr stub_; }; static CollectdServer *server = nullptr; /* * collectd plugin interface */ extern "C" { static void c_grpc_destroy_write_callback(void *ptr) { delete (CollectdClient *)ptr; } static int c_grpc_write(__attribute__((unused)) data_set_t const *ds, value_list_t const *vl, user_data_t *ud) { CollectdClient *c = (CollectdClient *)ud->data; return c->PutValues(vl); } static int c_grpc_config_listen(oconfig_item_t *ci) { if ((ci->values_num != 2) || (ci->values[0].type != OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING) || (ci->values[1].type != OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING)) { ERROR("grpc: The `%s` config option needs exactly " "two string argument (address and port).", ci->key); return -1; } auto listener = Listener(); listener.addr = grpc::string(ci->values[0].value.string); listener.port = grpc::string(ci->values[1].value.string); listener.ssl = nullptr; auto ssl_opts = new grpc::SslServerCredentialsOptions( GRPC_SSL_REQUEST_AND_REQUIRE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_AND_VERIFY); grpc::SslServerCredentialsOptions::PemKeyCertPair pkcp = {}; bool use_ssl = false; for (int i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++) { oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i; if (!strcasecmp("EnableSSL", child->key)) { if (cf_util_get_boolean(child, &use_ssl)) { ERROR("grpc: Option `%s` expects a boolean value", child->key); return -1; } } else if (!strcasecmp("SSLCACertificateFile", child->key)) { char *certs = NULL; if (cf_util_get_string(child, &certs)) { ERROR("grpc: Option `%s` expects a string value", child->key); return -1; } ssl_opts->pem_root_certs = read_file(certs); } else if (!strcasecmp("SSLCertificateKeyFile", child->key)) { char *key = NULL; if (cf_util_get_string(child, &key)) { ERROR("grpc: Option `%s` expects a string value", child->key); return -1; } pkcp.private_key = read_file(key); } else if (!strcasecmp("SSLCertificateFile", child->key)) { char *cert = NULL; if (cf_util_get_string(child, &cert)) { ERROR("grpc: Option `%s` expects a string value", child->key); return -1; } pkcp.cert_chain = read_file(cert); } else if (!strcasecmp("VerifyPeer", child->key)) { bool verify = false; if (cf_util_get_boolean(child, &verify)) { return -1; } ssl_opts->client_certificate_request = verify ? GRPC_SSL_REQUEST_AND_REQUIRE_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_AND_VERIFY : GRPC_SSL_DONT_REQUEST_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE; } else { WARNING("grpc: Option `%s` not allowed in <%s> block.", child->key, ci->key); } } ssl_opts->pem_key_cert_pairs.push_back(pkcp); if (use_ssl) listener.ssl = ssl_opts; else delete (ssl_opts); listeners.push_back(listener); return 0; } /* c_grpc_config_listen() */ static int c_grpc_config_server(oconfig_item_t *ci) { if ((ci->values_num != 2) || (ci->values[0].type != OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING) || (ci->values[1].type != OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING)) { ERROR("grpc: The `%s` config option needs exactly " "two string argument (address and port).", ci->key); return -1; } grpc::SslCredentialsOptions ssl_opts; bool use_ssl = false; for (int i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++) { oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i; if (!strcasecmp("EnableSSL", child->key)) { if (cf_util_get_boolean(child, &use_ssl)) { return -1; } } else if (!strcasecmp("SSLCACertificateFile", child->key)) { char *certs = NULL; if (cf_util_get_string(child, &certs)) { return -1; } ssl_opts.pem_root_certs = read_file(certs); } else if (!strcasecmp("SSLCertificateKeyFile", child->key)) { char *key = NULL; if (cf_util_get_string(child, &key)) { return -1; } ssl_opts.pem_private_key = read_file(key); } else if (!strcasecmp("SSLCertificateFile", child->key)) { char *cert = NULL; if (cf_util_get_string(child, &cert)) { return -1; } ssl_opts.pem_cert_chain = read_file(cert); } else { WARNING("grpc: Option `%s` not allowed in <%s> block.", child->key, ci->key); } } auto node = grpc::string(ci->values[0].value.string); auto service = grpc::string(ci->values[1].value.string); auto addr = node + ":" + service; CollectdClient *client; if (use_ssl) { auto channel_creds = grpc::SslCredentials(ssl_opts); auto channel = grpc::CreateChannel(addr, channel_creds); client = new CollectdClient(channel); } else { auto channel = grpc::CreateChannel(addr, grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials()); client = new CollectdClient(channel); } auto callback_name = grpc::string("grpc/") + addr; user_data_t ud = { .data = client, .free_func = c_grpc_destroy_write_callback, }; plugin_register_write(callback_name.c_str(), c_grpc_write, &ud); return 0; } /* c_grpc_config_server() */ static int c_grpc_config(oconfig_item_t *ci) { int i; for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++) { oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i; if (!strcasecmp("Listen", child->key)) { if (c_grpc_config_listen(child)) return -1; } else if (!strcasecmp("Server", child->key)) { if (c_grpc_config_server(child)) return -1; } else { WARNING("grpc: Option `%s` not allowed here.", child->key); } } return 0; } /* c_grpc_config() */ static int c_grpc_init(void) { server = new CollectdServer(); if (!server) { ERROR("grpc: Failed to create server"); return -1; } server->Start(); return 0; } /* c_grpc_init() */ static int c_grpc_shutdown(void) { if (!server) return 0; server->Shutdown(); delete server; server = nullptr; return 0; } /* c_grpc_shutdown() */ void module_register(void) { plugin_register_complex_config("grpc", c_grpc_config); plugin_register_init("grpc", c_grpc_init); plugin_register_shutdown("grpc", c_grpc_shutdown); } /* module_register() */ } /* extern "C" */