/** * collectd - src/redfish_test.c * * Copyright(c) 2018 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * * Authors: * Martin Kennelly * Marcin Mozejko * Adrian Boczkowski **/ #define plugin_dispatch_values redfish_test_plugin_dispatch_values_mock #include "redfish.c" #include "testing.h" #define VALUE_CACHE_SIZE (1) static value_list_t last_dispatched_value_list; static value_t last_dispatched_values[VALUE_CACHE_SIZE]; int redfish_test_plugin_dispatch_values_mock(value_list_t const *vl) { last_dispatched_value_list = *vl; size_t len = MIN(vl->values_len, VALUE_CACHE_SIZE); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; ++i) { last_dispatched_values[i] = vl->values[i]; } last_dispatched_value_list.values = last_dispatched_values; return 0; } static value_list_t *redfish_test_get_last_dispatched_value_list() { return &last_dispatched_value_list; } DEF_TEST(read_queries) { oconfig_item_t *ci = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci)); assert(ci != NULL); ci->values = calloc(3, sizeof(*ci->values)); assert(ci->values != NULL); ci->values_num = 3; ci->values[0].value.string = "temperatures"; ci->values[0].type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; ci->values[1].value.string = "fans"; ci->values[1].type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; ci->values[2].value.string = "power"; ci->values[2].type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; char **queries; int ret = redfish_read_queries(ci, &queries); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); EXPECT_EQ_STR("temperatures", queries[0]); EXPECT_EQ_STR("fans", queries[1]); EXPECT_EQ_STR("power", queries[2]); sfree(ci->values); sfree(ci); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) sfree(queries[j]); sfree(queries); return 0; } DEF_TEST(convert_val) { redfish_value_t val = {.string = "1"}; redfish_value_type_t src_type = VAL_TYPE_STR; int dst_type = DS_TYPE_GAUGE; value_t vl = {0}; int ret = redfish_convert_val(&val, src_type, &vl, dst_type); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); OK(vl.gauge == 1.0); val.integer = 1; src_type = VAL_TYPE_INT; dst_type = DS_TYPE_GAUGE; ret = redfish_convert_val(&val, src_type, &vl, dst_type); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); OK(vl.gauge == 1.0); val.real = 1.0; src_type = VAL_TYPE_REAL; dst_type = DS_TYPE_GAUGE; ret = redfish_convert_val(&val, src_type, &vl, dst_type); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); OK(vl.gauge == 1.0); val.string = "-1"; src_type = VAL_TYPE_STR; dst_type = DS_TYPE_DERIVE; ret = redfish_convert_val(&val, src_type, &vl, dst_type); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); OK(vl.derive == -1); val.integer = -1; src_type = VAL_TYPE_INT; dst_type = DS_TYPE_DERIVE; ret = redfish_convert_val(&val, src_type, &vl, dst_type); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); OK(vl.derive == -1); val.real = -1.0; src_type = VAL_TYPE_REAL; dst_type = DS_TYPE_DERIVE; ret = redfish_convert_val(&val, src_type, &vl, dst_type); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); OK(vl.derive == -1); val.string = "1"; src_type = VAL_TYPE_STR; dst_type = DS_TYPE_COUNTER; ret = redfish_convert_val(&val, src_type, &vl, dst_type); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); OK(vl.counter == 1); val.integer = 1; src_type = VAL_TYPE_INT; dst_type = DS_TYPE_COUNTER; ret = redfish_convert_val(&val, src_type, &vl, dst_type); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); OK(vl.counter == 1); val.real = 1.0; src_type = VAL_TYPE_REAL; dst_type = DS_TYPE_COUNTER; ret = redfish_convert_val(&val, src_type, &vl, dst_type); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); OK(vl.counter == 1); val.string = "1"; src_type = VAL_TYPE_STR; dst_type = DS_TYPE_ABSOLUTE; ret = redfish_convert_val(&val, src_type, &vl, dst_type); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); OK(vl.absolute == 1); val.integer = 1; src_type = VAL_TYPE_INT; dst_type = DS_TYPE_ABSOLUTE; ret = redfish_convert_val(&val, src_type, &vl, dst_type); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); OK(vl.absolute == 1); val.real = 1.0; src_type = VAL_TYPE_REAL; dst_type = DS_TYPE_ABSOLUTE; ret = redfish_convert_val(&val, src_type, &vl, dst_type); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); OK(vl.absolute == 1); return 0; } /* Testing allocation of memory for ctx struct. Creation of services list * & queries avl tree */ DEF_TEST(redfish_preconfig) { int ret = redfish_preconfig(); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); CHECK_NOT_NULL(ctx.queries); CHECK_NOT_NULL(ctx.services); llist_destroy(ctx.services); c_avl_destroy(ctx.queries); return 0; } /* Testing correct input of properties from conf file */ DEF_TEST(config_property) { redfish_resource_t *resource = calloc(1, sizeof(*resource)); assert(resource != NULL); resource->name = "test property"; resource->properties = llist_create(); oconfig_item_t *ci = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci)); assert(ci != NULL); ci->values_num = 1; ci->values = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci->values)); ci->values[0].type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; ci->values[0].value.string = "ReadingRPM"; ci->children_num = 3; ci->children = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci->children) * ci->children_num); ci->children[0].key = "PluginInstance"; ci->children[0].parent = ci; ci->children[0].values = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci->children[0].values)); assert(ci->children[0].values != NULL); ci->children[0].values_num = 1; ci->children[0].values->value.string = "chassis1"; ci->children[0].values->type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; ci->children[1].key = "Type"; ci->children[1].parent = ci; ci->children[1].values = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci->children[1].values)); assert(ci->children[1].values != NULL); ci->children[1].values_num = 1; ci->children[1].values->value.string = "degrees"; ci->children[1].values->type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; ci->children[2].key = "TypeInstance"; ci->children[2].parent = ci; ci->children[2].values = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci->children[2].values)); assert(ci->children[2].values != NULL); ci->children[2].values_num = 1; ci->children[2].values->value.string = "0"; ci->children[2].values->type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; int ret = redfish_config_property(resource, ci); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); EXPECT_EQ_INT(1, llist_size(resource->properties)); sfree(ci->children[0].values); sfree(ci->children[1].values); sfree(ci->children[2].values); sfree(ci->children); sfree(ci->values); sfree(ci); for (llentry_t *llprop = llist_head(resource->properties); llprop != NULL; llprop = llprop->next) { redfish_property_t *property = (redfish_property_t *)llprop->value; sfree(property->name); sfree(property->plugin_inst); sfree(property->type); sfree(property->type_inst); sfree(property); } llist_destroy(resource->properties); free(resource); return 0; } DEF_TEST(config_resource) { oconfig_item_t *ci = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci)); assert(ci != NULL); ci->values_num = 1; ci->values = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci->values)); assert(ci->values != NULL); ci->values[0].value.string = "Temperatures"; ci->children_num = 1; ci->children = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci->children)); assert(ci->children != NULL); ci->children[0].children_num = 1; ci->children[0].parent = ci; ci->children[0].key = "Property"; ci->children[0].values_num = 1; ci->children[0].values = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci->children[0].values)); ci->children[0].values->value.string = "ReadingRPM"; assert(ci->children[0].values != NULL); oconfig_item_t *ci_prop = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci_prop)); assert(ci_prop != NULL); ci->children[0].children = ci_prop; ci->children_num = 1; ci_prop->key = "PluginInstance"; ci_prop->parent = ci; ci_prop->values_num = 1; ci_prop->values = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci_prop->values)); assert(ci_prop->values != NULL); ci_prop->values[0].type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; ci_prop->values[0].value.string = "chassis-1"; redfish_query_t *query = calloc(1, sizeof(*query)); query->endpoint = "/redfish/v1/Chassis/Chassis-1/Thermal"; query->name = "fans"; query->resources = llist_create(); int ret = redfish_config_resource(query, ci); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); EXPECT_EQ_INT(1, llist_size(query->resources)); sfree(ci_prop->values); sfree(ci_prop); sfree(ci->values); sfree(ci->children[0].values); sfree(ci->children); sfree(ci); for (llentry_t *llres = llist_head(query->resources); llres != NULL; llres = llres->next) { redfish_resource_t *resource = (redfish_resource_t *)llres->value; for (llentry_t *llprop = llist_head(resource->properties); llprop != NULL; llprop = llprop->next) { redfish_property_t *property = (redfish_property_t *)llprop->value; sfree(property->name); sfree(property->plugin_inst); sfree(property->type); sfree(property->type_inst); free(property); } llist_destroy(resource->properties); free(resource->name); free(resource); } llist_destroy(query->resources); sfree(query); return 0; } DEF_TEST(config_query) { oconfig_item_t *qci = calloc(1, sizeof(*qci)); assert(qci != NULL); qci->key = "Query"; qci->values_num = 1; qci->values = calloc(1, sizeof(*qci->values)); assert(qci->values != NULL); qci->values->type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; qci->values->value.string = "fans"; qci->children_num = 2; qci->children = calloc(1, sizeof(*qci->children) * qci->children_num); assert(qci->children != NULL); qci->children[0].key = "Endpoint"; qci->children[0].values = calloc(1, sizeof(*qci->children[0].values)); assert(qci->children[0].values != NULL); qci->children[0].values->type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; qci->children[0].values_num = 1; qci->children[0].values->value.string = "/redfish/v1/Chassis/Chassis-1/Thermal"; qci->children[1].key = "Resource"; qci->children[1].values_num = 1; qci->children[1].values = calloc(1, sizeof(*qci->children[1].values)); assert(qci->children[1].values != NULL); qci->children[1].values->type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; qci->children[1].values->value.string = "Temperature"; qci->children[1].children_num = 1; oconfig_item_t *ci = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci)); assert(ci != NULL); qci->children[1].children = ci; ci->key = "Property"; ci->values_num = 1; ci->values = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci->values)); assert(ci->values != NULL); ci->values->type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; ci->values->value.string = "ReadingRPM"; oconfig_item_t *ci_prop = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci_prop)); assert(ci_prop != NULL); ci->children = ci_prop; ci->children_num = 1; ci_prop->key = "PluginInstance"; ci_prop->parent = ci; ci_prop->values_num = 1; ci_prop->values = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci_prop->values)); assert(ci_prop->values != NULL); ci_prop->values[0].type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; ci_prop->values[0].value.string = "chassis-1"; c_avl_tree_t *queries = c_avl_create((int (*)(const void *, const void *))strcmp); int ret = redfish_config_query(qci, queries); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); sfree(ci_prop->values); sfree(ci_prop); sfree(ci->values); sfree(ci); sfree(qci->children[0].values); sfree(qci->children[1].values); sfree(qci->children); sfree(qci->values); sfree(qci); redfish_query_t *query; char *key; c_avl_iterator_t *query_iter = c_avl_get_iterator(queries); while (c_avl_iterator_next(query_iter, (void **)&key, (void **)&query) == 0) { for (llentry_t *llres = llist_head(query->resources); llres != NULL; llres = llres->next) { redfish_resource_t *resource = (redfish_resource_t *)llres->value; for (llentry_t *llprop = llist_head(resource->properties); llprop != NULL; llprop = llprop->next) { redfish_property_t *property = (redfish_property_t *)llprop->value; sfree(property->name); sfree(property->plugin_inst); sfree(property->type); sfree(property->type_inst); sfree(property); } llist_destroy(resource->properties); sfree(resource->name); sfree(resource); } llist_destroy(query->resources); sfree(query->name); sfree(query->endpoint); } sfree(query_iter); c_avl_destroy(queries); return 0; } DEF_TEST(config_service) { oconfig_item_t *ci = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci)); assert(ci != NULL); ci->key = "Service"; ci->values_num = 1; ci->values = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci->values)); ci->values->type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; ci->values->value.string = "Server 5"; ci->children_num = 4; ci->children = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci->children) * ci->children_num); ci->children[0].key = "Host"; ci->children[0].values_num = 1; ci->children[0].values = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci->children[0].values)); ci->children[0].values->type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; ci->children[0].values->value.string = ""; ci->children[1].key = "User"; ci->children[1].values_num = 1; ci->children[1].values = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci->children[1].values)); ci->children[1].values->type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; ci->children[1].values->value.string = "user"; ci->children[2].key = "Passwd"; ci->children[2].values_num = 1; ci->children[2].values = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci->children[2].values)); ci->children[2].values->type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; ci->children[2].values->value.string = "passwd"; ci->children[3].key = "Queries"; ci->children[3].values_num = 1; ci->children[3].values = calloc(1, sizeof(*ci->children[2].values)); ci->children[3].values->type = OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING; ci->children[3].values->value.string = "fans"; ctx.services = llist_create(); int ret = redfish_config_service(ci); EXPECT_EQ_INT(0, ret); for (llentry_t *llserv = llist_head(ctx.services); llserv != NULL; llserv = llserv->next) { redfish_service_t *serv = (redfish_service_t *)llserv->value; sfree(serv->name); sfree(serv->host); sfree(serv->user); sfree(serv->passwd); for (int i = 0; i < serv->queries_num; i++) sfree(serv->queries[i]); sfree(serv->queries); sfree(serv); } llist_destroy(ctx.services); sfree(ci->children[3].values); sfree(ci->children[2].values); sfree(ci->children[1].values); sfree(ci->children[0].values); sfree(ci->children); sfree(ci->values); sfree(ci); return 0; } DEF_TEST(process_payload_property) { redfish_property_t property; property.name = "Abc"; property.plugin_inst = "TestPluginInstance"; property.type = "MAGIC"; property.type_inst = "TestTypeInstance"; redfish_resource_t resource; resource.name = "ResourceName"; redfish_service_t service; service.name = "localhost"; const char *json_text = "[" " { \"Abc\": 4567 }" "]"; json_error_t error; json_t *root = json_loads(json_text, 0, &error); if (!root) { return -1; } redfish_process_payload_property(&property, root, &resource, &service); json_decref(root); value_list_t *v = redfish_test_get_last_dispatched_value_list(); EXPECT_EQ_INT(1, v->values_len); EXPECT_EQ_STR("MAGIC", v->type); EXPECT_EQ_INT(4567, v->values->derive); EXPECT_EQ_STR("TestPluginInstance", v->plugin_instance); EXPECT_EQ_STR("TestTypeInstance", v->type_instance); EXPECT_EQ_STR("localhost", v->host); EXPECT_EQ_STR("redfish", v->plugin); return 0; } DEF_TEST(service_destroy) { /* Check for memory leaks when a service is destroyed */ redfish_service_t *service = calloc(1, sizeof(*service)); service->name = strdup("Name"); service->host = strdup("http://localhost:1234"); service->user = strdup("User"); service->passwd = strdup("Password"); service->token = strdup("Token"); service->queries = calloc(2, sizeof(*service->queries)); service->queries[0] = strdup("Query1"); service->queries[1] = strdup("Query2"); service->queries_num = 2; service->query_ptrs = llist_create(); service->flags |= REDFISH_FLAG_SERVICE_NO_VERSION_DOC; service->auth.authCodes.userPass.username = service->user; service->auth.authCodes.userPass.password = service->passwd; service->redfish = createServiceEnumerator(service->host, NULL, &service->auth, service->flags); redfish_service_destroy(service); return 0; } DEF_TEST(job_destroy) { /* Check for memory leaks when a job is destroyed */ redfish_job_t *job = calloc(1, sizeof(*job)); redfish_job_destroy(job); return 0; } DEF_TEST(json_get_string_1) { const char *json_text = "{ \"MemberId\": \"1234\" }"; json_error_t error; json_t *root = json_loads(json_text, 0, &error); if (!root) { return -1; } char str[20]; json_t *json = json_object_get(root, "MemberId"); redfish_json_get_string(str, sizeof(str), json); json_decref(root); EXPECT_EQ_STR("1234", str); return 0; } DEF_TEST(json_get_string_2) { const char *json_text = "{ \"MemberId\": 9876 }"; json_error_t error; json_t *root = json_loads(json_text, 0, &error); if (!root) { return -1; } char str[20]; json_t *json = json_object_get(root, "MemberId"); redfish_json_get_string(str, sizeof(str), json); json_decref(root); EXPECT_EQ_STR("9876", str); return 0; } int main(void) { RUN_TEST(read_queries); RUN_TEST(convert_val); RUN_TEST(redfish_preconfig); RUN_TEST(config_property); RUN_TEST(config_resource); RUN_TEST(config_query); RUN_TEST(config_service); RUN_TEST(process_payload_property); RUN_TEST(service_destroy); RUN_TEST(job_destroy); RUN_TEST(json_get_string_1); RUN_TEST(json_get_string_2); END_TEST; }