rrdtune - Modify some basic properties of a Round Robin Database
rrdtool tune filename [--heartbeat|-h ds-name:heartbeat] [--minimum|-i ds-name:min] [--maximum|-a ds-name:max] [--data-source-type|-d ds-name:DST] [--data-source-rename|-r old-name:new-name]
The tune option allows you to alter some of the basic configuration values stored in the header area of a Round Robin Database (RRD). All these tunable parameters together decide when data fed into an RRD is to be regarded as invalid. Invalid data is entered into the database as *UNKNOWN*.
The main application of the tune function is to relax the validation rules on an RRD. This allows to fill a new RRD with data available in larger intervals than what you would normally want to permit.
rrdtool tune data.rrd -h in:100000 -h out:100000 -h through:100000
Set the minimum required heartbeat for data sources 'in', 'out' and 'through' to 10000 seconds which is a little over one day in data.rrd. This would allow to feed old data from MRTG-2.0 right into RRDTool without generating *UNKNOWN* entries.
Tobias Oetiker <oetiker@ee.ethz.ch>