Source-Makefile: feeds/packages/net/scapy/Makefile Package: scapy Version: 2.4.2-1 Depends: +libc +GCC_LIBSSP:libssp +USE_GLIBC:librt +USE_GLIBC:libpthread +python3 Conflicts: Menu-Depends: Provides: Section: net Category: Network Repository: base Title: Interactive packet manipulation tool and network scanner Maintainer: W. Michael Petullo Source: scapy-2.4.2.tar.gz License: GPL-2.0 LicenseFiles: PKG-INFO Type: ipkg Description: Scapy is a powerful interactive packet manipulation program built on top of the Python interpreter. It can be used to forge or decode packets of a wide number of protocols, send them over the wire, capture them, match requests and replies, and much more. W. Michael Petullo @@