# Copyright (C) 2002-2023 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see .
# Define global imports
import os
import re
import sys
import codecs
import hashlib
import subprocess as sp
from . import constants
from .GLError import GLError
from .GLConfig import GLConfig
from .GLFileSystem import GLFileSystem
# Define module information
__author__ = constants.__author__
__license__ = constants.__license__
__copyright__ = constants.__copyright__
# Define global constants
DIRS = constants.DIRS
ENCS = constants.ENCS
TESTS = constants.TESTS
joinpath = constants.joinpath
subend = constants.subend
isdir = os.path.isdir
isfile = os.path.isfile
filter_filelist = constants.filter_filelist
# Define GLModuleSystem class
class GLModuleSystem(object):
'''GLModuleSystem is used to operate with module system using dynamic
searching and patching.'''
def __init__(self, config):
'''GLModuleSystem.__init__(config) -> GLModuleSystem
Create new GLModuleSystem instance. Some functions use GLFileSystem class
to look up a file in localpath or gnulib directories, or combine it through
'patch' utility.'''
self.args = dict()
if type(config) is not GLConfig:
raise TypeError('config must be a GLConfig, not %s'
% type(config).__name__)
self.config = config
self.filesystem = GLFileSystem(self.config)
def __repr__(self):
'''x.__repr__ <==> repr(x)'''
result = '' % hex(id(self))
return result
def exists(self, module):
'''GLModuleSystem.exists(module) -> bool
Check whether the given module exists.
GLConfig: localpath.'''
if type(module) is not str:
raise TypeError('module must be a string, not %s'
% type(module).__name__)
localpath = self.config['localpath']
result = False
badnames = ['ChangeLog', 'COPYING', 'README', 'TEMPLATE',
if module not in badnames:
result = isfile(joinpath(DIRS['modules'], module))
if not result:
for localdir in localpath:
if (isdir(joinpath(localdir, 'modules'))
and isfile(joinpath(localdir, 'modules', module))):
result = True
return result
def find(self, module):
'''GLModuleSystem.find(module) -> GLModule
Find the given module.'''
if type(module) is not str:
raise TypeError('module must be a string, not %s'
% type(module).__name__)
if self.exists(module):
path, istemp = self.filesystem.lookup(joinpath('modules', module))
result = GLModule(self.config, path, istemp)
return result
else: # if not self.exists(module)
if self.config['errors']:
raise GLError(3, module)
else: # if not self.config['errors']
sys.stderr.write('gnulib-tool: warning: ')
sys.stderr.write('file %s does not exist\n' % str(module))
def file_is_module(self, filename):
'''Given the name of a file in the modules/ directory, return true
if should be viewed as a module description file.'''
return not (filename == 'ChangeLog' or filename.endswith('/ChangeLog')
or filename == 'COPYING' or filename.endswith('/COPYING')
or filename == 'README' or filename.endswith('/README')
or filename == 'TEMPLATE'
or filename == 'TEMPLATE-EXTENDED'
or filename == 'TEMPLATE-TESTS'
or filename.startswith('.')
or filename.endswith('~'))
def list(self):
'''GLModuleSystem.list() -> list
Return the available module names as tuple. We could use a combination
of os.walk() function and re module. However, it takes too much time to
complete, so this version uses subprocess to run shell commands.'''
result = ''
listing = list()
localpath = self.config['localpath']
find_args = ['find', 'modules', '-type', 'f', '-print']
# Read modules from gnulib root directory.
find = sp.Popen(find_args, stdout=sp.PIPE)
result += find.stdout.read().decode("UTF-8")
# Read modules from local directories.
if len(localpath) > 0:
for localdir in localpath:
find = sp.Popen(find_args, stdout=sp.PIPE)
result += find.stdout.read().decode("UTF-8")
listing = [ line
for line in result.split('\n')
if line.strip() ]
if len(localpath) > 0:
listing = [ subend('.diff', '', line)
for line in listing ]
# Remove modules/ prefix from each file name.
pattern = re.compile('^modules/')
listing = [ pattern.sub('', line)
for line in listing ]
# Filter out undesired file names.
listing = [ line
for line in listing
if self.file_is_module(line) and not line.endswith('-tests') ]
modules = sorted(set(listing))
return modules
# Define GLModule class
class GLModule(object):
'''GLModule is used to create a module object from the file with the given
path. GLModule can get all information about module, get its dependencies,
files, etc.'''
section_label_pattern = \
+ 'Files|Depends-on|configure\\.ac-early|configure\\.ac|'
+ 'Makefile\\.am|Include|Link|License|Maintainer):$',
# List of characters allowed in shell identifiers.
shell_id_chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_'
def __init__(self, config, path, patched=False):
'''GLModule.__init__(config, path[, patched]) -> GLModule
Create new GLModule instance. Arguments are path and patched, where
path is a string representing the path to the module and patched is a
bool indicating that module was created after applying patch.'''
self.args = dict()
self.cache = dict()
self.content = ''
if type(config) is not GLConfig:
raise TypeError('config must be a GLConfig, not %s'
% type(config).__name__)
if type(path) is not str:
raise TypeError('path must be a string, not %s'
% type(path).__name__)
if type(patched) is not bool:
raise TypeError('patched must be a bool, not %s'
% type(patched).__name__)
self.path = path
self.patched = patched
self.config = config
self.filesystem = GLFileSystem(self.config)
self.modulesystem = GLModuleSystem(self.config)
# Read the module description file into memory.
with codecs.open(path, 'rb', 'UTF-8') as file:
self.content = file.read().replace('\r\n', '\n')
# Dissect it into sections.
self.sections = dict()
last_section_label = None
last_section_start = 0
for match in GLModule.section_label_pattern.finditer(self.content):
if last_section_label != None:
self.sections[last_section_label] = self.content[last_section_start : match.start()]
last_section_label = match.group(1)
last_section_start = match.end() + 1
if last_section_label != None:
self.sections[last_section_label] = self.content[last_section_start:]
def __eq__(self, module):
'''x.__eq__(y) <==> x==y'''
result = bool()
if type(module) is GLModule:
if self.path == module.path:
result = True
return result
def __ne__(self, module):
'''x.__ne__(y) <==> x!=y'''
result = bool()
if type(module) is GLModule:
if self.path != module.path:
result = True
return result
def __ge__(self, module):
'''x.__ge__(y) <==> x>=y'''
result = bool()
if type(module) is GLModule:
if self.path >= module.path:
result = True
return result
def __gt__(self, module):
'''x.__gt__(y) <==> x>y'''
result = bool()
if type(module) is GLModule:
if self.path > module.path:
result = True
return result
def __hash__(self):
'''x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)'''
result = hash(self.path) ^ hash(self.patched)
return result
def __le__(self, module):
'''x.__le__(y) <==> x<=y'''
result = bool()
if type(module) is GLModule:
if self.path <= module.path:
result = True
return result
def __lt__(self, module):
'''x.__lt__(y) <==> x str(x)'''
result = self.getName()
return result
def __repr__(self):
'''x.__repr__ <==> repr(x)'''
result = '' % (repr(self.getName()), hex(id(self)))
return result
def getName(self):
'''GLModule.getName() -> str
Return the name of the module.'''
pattern = re.compile(joinpath('modules', '(.*)$'))
result = pattern.findall(self.path)[0]
return result
def isPatched(self):
'''GLModule.isPatched() -> bool
Check whether module was created after applying patch.'''
return self.patched
def isTests(self):
'''GLModule.isTests() -> bool
Check whether module is a -tests version of module.'''
result = self.getName().endswith('-tests')
return result
def isNonTests(self):
'''GLModule.isTests() -> bool
Check whether module is not a -tests version of module.'''
result = not(self.isTests())
return result
def getTestsName(self):
'''Return -tests version of the module name.'''
result = self.getName()
if not result.endswith('-tests'):
result += '-tests'
return result
def getTestsModule(self):
'''Return -tests version of the module as GLModule.'''
result = self.modulesystem.find(self.getTestsName())
return result
def getShellFunc(self):
'''GLModule.getShellFunc() -> str
Computes the shell function name that will contain the m4 macros for the
macro_prefix = self.config['macro_prefix']
valid_shell_id = True
for char in self.getName():
if char not in GLModule.shell_id_chars:
valid_shell_id = False
identifier = None
if valid_shell_id:
identifier = self.getName()
hash_input = '%s\n' % self.getName()
identifier = hashlib.md5(hash_input.encode(ENCS['default'])).hexdigest()
result = 'func_%s_gnulib_m4code_%s' % (macro_prefix, identifier)
return result
def getShellVar(self):
'''GLModule.getShellVar() -> str
Compute the shell variable name the will be set to true once the m4 macros
for the module have been executed.'''
macro_prefix = self.config['macro_prefix']
valid_shell_id = True
for char in self.getName():
if char not in GLModule.shell_id_chars:
valid_shell_id = False
identifier = None
if valid_shell_id:
identifier = self.getName()
hash_input = '%s\n' % self.getName()
identifier = hashlib.md5(hash_input.encode(ENCS['default'])).hexdigest()
result = '%s_gnulib_enabled_%s' % (macro_prefix, identifier)
return result
def getConditionalName(self):
'''GLModule.getConditionalName() -> str
Return the automake conditional name.
GLConfig: macro_prefix.'''
macro_prefix = self.config['macro_prefix']
valid_shell_id = True
for char in self.getName():
if char not in GLModule.shell_id_chars:
valid_shell_id = False
identifier = None
if valid_shell_id:
identifier = self.getName()
hash_input = '%s\n' % self.getName()
identifier = hashlib.md5(hash_input.encode(ENCS['default'])).hexdigest()
result = '%s_GNULIB_ENABLED_%s' % (macro_prefix, identifier)
return result
def getDescription(self):
'''GLModule.getDescription() -> str
Return description of the module.'''
return self.sections.get('Description', '')
def getComment(self):
'''GLModule.getComment() -> str
Return comment to module.'''
return self.sections.get('Comment', '')
def getStatus(self):
'''GLModule.getStatus() -> str
Return module status.'''
return self.sections.get('Status', '')
def getStatuses(self):
'''GLModule.getStatuses() -> list
Return module status.'''
if 'statuses' not in self.cache:
snippet = self.getStatus()
result = [ line.strip()
for line in snippet.split('\n')
if line.strip() ]
self.cache['statuses'] = result
return self.cache['statuses']
def getNotice(self):
'''GLModule.getNotice() -> str
Return notice to module.'''
return self.sections.get('Notice', '')
def getApplicability(self):
'''GLModule.getApplicability() -> str
Return applicability of module.'''
if 'applicability' not in self.cache:
result = self.sections.get('Applicability', '')
result = result.strip()
if not result:
# The default is 'main' or 'tests', depending on the module's name.
if self.isTests():
result = 'tests'
result = 'main'
self.cache['applicability'] = result
return self.cache['applicability']
def getFiles(self):
'''GLModule.getFiles() -> list
Return list of files.
GLConfig: ac_version.'''
if 'files' not in self.cache:
snippet = self.sections.get('Files', '')
result = [ line.strip()
for line in snippet.split('\n')
if line.strip() ]
result.append(joinpath('m4', '00gnulib.m4'))
result.append(joinpath('m4', 'zzgnulib.m4'))
result.append(joinpath('m4', 'gnulib-common.m4'))
self.cache['files'] = result
return self.cache['files']
def getDependencies(self):
'''GLModule.getDependencies() -> str
Return list of dependencies, as a snippet.
GLConfig: localpath.'''
if 'dependencies' not in self.cache:
result = ''
# ${module}-tests implicitly depends on ${module}, if that module exists.
if self.isTests():
main_module = subend('-tests', '', self.getName())
if self.modulesystem.exists(main_module):
result += '%s\n' % main_module
# Then the explicit dependencies listed in the module description.
snippet = self.sections.get('Depends-on', '')
# Remove comment lines.
snippet = re.compile('^#.*$[\n]', re.M).sub('', snippet)
result += snippet
self.cache['dependencies'] = result
return self.cache['dependencies']
def getDependenciesWithoutConditions(self):
'''GLModule.getDependenciesWithoutConditions() -> list
Return list of dependencies, as a list of GLModule objects.
GLConfig: localpath.'''
if 'dependenciesWithoutCond' not in self.cache:
snippet = self.getDependencies()
lines = [ line.strip()
for line in snippet.split('\n')
if line.strip() ]
pattern = re.compile(' *\\[.*$')
lines = [ pattern.sub('', line)
for line in lines ]
result = [ self.modulesystem.find(module)
for module in lines
if module != '' ]
self.cache['dependenciesWithoutCond'] = result
return self.cache['dependenciesWithoutCond']
def getDependenciesWithConditions(self):
'''GLModule.getDependenciesWithConditions() -> list
Return list of dependencies, as a list of pairs (GLModule object, condition).
The "true" condition is denoted by None.
GLConfig: localpath.'''
if 'dependenciesWithCond' not in self.cache:
snippet = self.getDependencies()
lines = [ line.strip()
for line in snippet.split('\n')
if line.strip() ]
pattern = re.compile(' *\\[')
result = []
for line in lines:
match = pattern.search(line)
if match:
module = line[0 : match.start()]
condition = line[match.end() :]
condition = subend(']', '', condition)
module = line
condition = None
if module != '':
if condition == 'true':
condition = None
result.append(tuple([self.modulesystem.find(module), condition]))
self.cache['dependenciesWithCond'] = result
return self.cache['dependenciesWithCond']
def getAutoconfEarlySnippet(self):
'''GLModule.getAutoconfEarlySnippet() -> str
Return autoconf-early snippet.'''
return self.sections.get('configure.ac-early', '')
def getAutoconfSnippet(self):
'''GLModule.getAutoconfSnippet() -> str
Return autoconf snippet.'''
return self.sections.get('configure.ac', '')
def getAutomakeSnippet(self):
'''getAutomakeSnippet() -> str
Get automake snippet.
GLConfig: auxdir, ac_version.'''
result = ''
conditional = self.getAutomakeSnippet_Conditional()
if conditional.strip():
result += self.getAutomakeSnippet_Conditional()
else: # if not conditional.strip()
result += '\n'
result += self.getAutomakeSnippet_Unconditional()
return result
def getAutomakeSnippet_Conditional(self):
'''GLModule.getAutomakeSnippet_Conditional() -> str
Return conditional automake snippet.'''
return self.sections.get('Makefile.am', '')
def getAutomakeSnippet_Unconditional(self):
'''GLModule.getAutomakeSnippet_Unconditional() -> str
Return unconditional automake snippet.
GLConfig: auxdir, ac_version.'''
auxdir = self.config['auxdir']
ac_version = self.config['ac_version']
result = ''
if 'makefile-unconditional' not in self.cache:
if self.isTests():
files = self.getFiles()
extra_files = filter_filelist(constants.NL, files,
'tests/', '', 'tests/', '').split(constants.NL)
extra_files = sorted(set(extra_files))
if extra_files:
result += 'EXTRA_DIST += %s' % ' '.join(extra_files)
result += constants.NL * 2
else: # if not tests module
# TODO: unconditional automake snippet for nontests modules
snippet = self.getAutomakeSnippet_Conditional()
snippet = constants.combine_lines(snippet)
pattern = re.compile('^lib_SOURCES[\t ]*\\+=[\t ]*(.*)$', re.M)
mentioned_files = pattern.findall(snippet)
if mentioned_files != list():
mentioned_files = mentioned_files[-1].split(' ')
mentioned_files = [ f.strip()
for f in mentioned_files ]
mentioned_files = [ f
for f in mentioned_files
if f != '' ]
mentioned_files = sorted(set(mentioned_files))
all_files = self.getFiles()
lib_files = filter_filelist(constants.NL, all_files,
'lib/', '', 'lib/', '').split(constants.NL)
extra_files = [ f
for f in lib_files
if f not in mentioned_files ]
extra_files = sorted(set(extra_files))
if extra_files != [''] and extra_files:
result += 'EXTRA_DIST += %s' % ' '.join(extra_files)
result += '\n\n'
# Synthesize also an EXTRA_lib_SOURCES augmentation
if str(self) != 'relocatable-prog-wrapper' and str(self) != 'pt_chown':
extra_files = filter_filelist(constants.NL, extra_files,
'', '.c', '', '').split(constants.NL)
extra_files = sorted(set(extra_files))
if extra_files != ['']:
result += 'EXTRA_lib_SOURCES += %s' % ' '.join(extra_files)
result += '\n\n'
# Synthesize an EXTRA_DIST augmentation also for the files in build-aux
buildaux_files = filter_filelist(constants.NL, all_files,
'build-aux/', '', 'build-aux/', '').split(constants.NL)
buildaux_files = sorted(set(buildaux_files))
if buildaux_files != ['']:
buildaux_files = ''.join(buildaux_files)
buildaux_files = joinpath('$(top_srcdir)', auxdir, buildaux_files)
result += 'EXTRA_DIST += %s' % buildaux_files
result += '\n\n'
# Synthesize an EXTRA_DIST augmentation also for the files from top/.
top_files = filter_filelist(constants.NL, all_files,
'top/', '', 'top/', '').split(constants.NL)
top_files = sorted(set(top_files))
if top_files != ['']:
top_files = ''.join(top_files)
top_files = joinpath('$(top_srcdir)', top_files)
result += 'EXTRA_DIST += %s' % top_files
result += '\n\n'
result = constants.nlconvert(result)
self.cache['makefile-unconditional'] = result
return self.cache['makefile-unconditional']
def getInclude(self):
'''GLModule.getInclude() -> str
Return include directive.'''
if 'include' not in self.cache:
snippet = self.sections.get('Include', '')
pattern = re.compile('^(["<])', re.M)
result = pattern.sub('#include \\1', snippet)
self.cache['include'] = result
return self.cache['include']
def getLink(self):
'''GLModule.getLink() -> str
Return link directive.'''
return self.sections.get('Link', '')
def getLicense_Raw(self):
'''GLModule.getLicense_Raw() -> str
Return module license.'''
return self.sections.get('License', '')
def getLicense(self):
'''GLModule.getLicense(self) -> str
Get license and warn user if module lacks a license.'''
if 'license' not in self.cache:
license = self.getLicense_Raw().strip()
# Warn if the License field is missing.
if not self.isTests():
if not license:
if self.config['errors']:
raise GLError(18, str(self))
else: # if not self.config['errors']
sys.stderr.write('gnulib-tool: warning: module %s lacks a License\n' % str(self))
if str(self) == 'parse-datetime':
# This module is under a weaker license only for the purpose of some
# users who hand-edit it and don't use gnulib-tool. For the regular
# gnulib users they are under a stricter license.
result = 'GPL'
result = license
# The default is GPL.
if not result:
result = 'GPL'
self.cache['license'] = result
return self.cache['license']
def getMaintainer(self):
'''GLModule.getMaintainer() -> str
Return maintainer directive.'''
return self.sections.get('Maintainer', '')
# Define GLModuleTable class
class GLModuleTable(object):
'''GLModuleTable is used to work with the list of the modules.'''
def __init__(self, config, inc_all_direct_tests, inc_all_indirect_tests):
'''GLModuleTable.__init__(config, inc_all_direct_tests, inc_all_indirect_tests) -> GLModuleTable
Create new GLModuleTable instance. If modules are specified, then add
every module from iterable as unconditional module. If avoids is specified,
then in transitive_closure every dependency which is in avoids won't be
included in the final modules list. If conddeps are enabled,
then store condition for each dependency if it has a condition.
The only necessary argument is localpath, which is needed just to create
modulesystem instance to look for dependencies.
inc_all_direct_tests = True if all kinds of problematic unit tests among
the unit tests of the specified modules
should be included
inc_all_indirect_tests = True if all kinds of problematic unit tests
among the unit tests of the dependencies
should be included
Methods for conditional dependencies:
- addUnconditional(B)
notes the presence of B as an unconditional module.
- addConditional(A, B. cond)
notes the presence of a conditional dependency from module A to module B,
subject to the condition that A is enabled and cond is true.
- isConditional(B)
tests whether module B is conditional.
- getCondition(A, B)
returns the condition when B should be enabled as a dependency of A,
once the m4 code for A has been executed.
self.dependers = dict() # Dependencies
self.conditionals = dict() # Conditional modules
self.unconditionals = dict() # Unconditional modules
self.base_modules = list() # Base modules
self.main_modules = list() # Main modules
self.tests_modules = list() # Tests modules
self.final_modules = list() # Final modules
if type(config) is not GLConfig:
raise TypeError('config must be a GLConfig, not %s'
% type(config).__name__)
self.config = config
self.filesystem = GLFileSystem(self.config)
self.modulesystem = GLModuleSystem(self.config)
if type(inc_all_direct_tests) is not bool:
raise TypeError('inc_all_direct_tests must be a bool, not %s'
% type(inc_all_direct_tests).__name__)
self.inc_all_direct_tests = inc_all_direct_tests
self.inc_all_indirect_tests = inc_all_indirect_tests
self.avoids = list() # Avoids
for avoid in self.config.getAvoids():
module = self.modulesystem.find(avoid)
if module:
def __repr__(self):
'''x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)'''
result = '' % hex(id(self))
return result
def __getitem__(self, y):
'''x.__getitem__(y) <==> x[y]'''
if y in ['base', 'final', 'main', 'tests', 'avoids']:
if y == 'base':
return self.getBaseModules()
elif y == 'final':
return self.getFinalModules()
elif y == 'main':
return self.getMainModules()
elif y == 'tests':
return self.getTestsModules()
else: # if y == 'avoids'
return self.getAvoids()
else: # if y is not in list
raise KeyError('GLModuleTable does not contain key: %s' % repr(y))
def addConditional(self, parent, module, condition):
'''GLModuleTable.addConditional(module, condition)
Add new conditional dependency from parent to module with condition.'''
if type(parent) is not GLModule:
raise TypeError('parent must be a GLModule, not %s'
% type(parent).__name__)
if type(module) is not GLModule:
raise TypeError('module must be a GLModule, not %s'
% type(module).__name__)
if not (type(condition) is str or condition == True):
raise TypeError('condition must be a string or True, not %s'
% type(condition).__name__)
if not str(module) in self.unconditionals:
# No unconditional dependency to the given module is known at this point.
if str(module) not in self.dependers:
self.dependers[str(module)] = list()
if str(parent) not in self.dependers[str(module)]:
key = '%s---%s' % (str(parent), str(module))
self.conditionals[key] = condition
def addUnconditional(self, module):
Add module as unconditional dependency.'''
if type(module) is not GLModule:
raise TypeError('module must be a GLModule, not %s'
% type(module).__name__)
self.unconditionals[str(module)] = True
if str(module) in self.dependers:
def isConditional(self, module):
'''GLModuleTable.isConditional(module) -> bool
Check whether module is unconditional.'''
if type(module) is not GLModule:
raise TypeError('module must be a GLModule, not %s'
% type(module).__name__)
result = str(module) in self.dependers
return result
def getCondition(self, parent, module):
'''GLModuleTable.getCondition(module) -> str or True
Return condition from parent to module. Condition can be string or True.
If module is not in the list of conddeps, method returns None.'''
if type(parent) is not GLModule:
raise TypeError('parent must be a GLModule, not %s'
% type(parent).__name__)
if type(module) is not GLModule:
raise TypeError('module must be a GLModule, not %s'
% type(module).__name__)
key = '%s---%s' % (str(parent), str(module))
result = self.conditionals.get(key, None)
return result
def transitive_closure(self, modules):
'''GLModuleTable.transitive_closure(modules) -> list
Use transitive closure to add module and its dependencies. Add every
module and its dependencies from modules list, but do not add dependencies
which contain in avoids list. If any incl_test_categories is enabled, then
add dependencies which are in these categories. If any excl_test_categories,
then do not add dependencies which are in these categories. If conddeps are enabled,
then store condition for each dependency if it has a condition. This method
is used to update final list of modules. Method returns list of modules.
GLConfig: incl_test_categories, excl_test_categories.'''
for module in modules:
if type(module) is not GLModule:
raise TypeError('each module must be a GLModule instance')
# In order to process every module only once (for speed), process an
# "input list" of modules, producing an "output list" of modules. During
# each round, more modules can be queued in the input list. Once a
# module on the input list has been processed, it is added to the
# "handled list", so we can avoid to process it again.
inc_all_tests = self.inc_all_direct_tests
handledmodules = list()
inmodules = modules
outmodules = list()
if self.config['conddeps']:
for module in modules:
if module not in self.avoids:
while inmodules:
inmodules_this_round = inmodules
inmodules = list() # Accumulator, queue for next round
for module in inmodules_this_round:
if module not in self.avoids:
outmodules += [module]
if self.config['conddeps']:
automake_snippet = \
pattern = re.compile('^if', re.M)
if not pattern.findall(automake_snippet):
# A module whose Makefile.am snippet contains a
# reference to an automake conditional. If we were
# to use it conditionally, we would get an error
# configure: error: conditional "..." was never defined.
# because automake 1.11.1 does not handle nested
# conditionals correctly. As a workaround, make the
# module unconditional.
conditional = self.isConditional(module)
dependencies = module.getDependenciesWithConditions()
depmodules = [ pair[0]
for pair in dependencies ]
conditions = [ pair[1]
for pair in dependencies ]
# Duplicate dependencies are harmless, but Jim wants a warning.
duplicate_depmodules = [ depmodule
for depmodule in set(depmodules)
if depmodules.count(depmodule) > 1 ]
if duplicate_depmodules:
duplicate_depmodule_names = [ str(depmodule)
for depmodule in duplicate_depmodules ]
message = ('gnulib-tool: warning: module %s has duplicated dependencies: %s\n'
% (module, duplicate_depmodule_names))
if self.config.checkInclTestCategory(TESTS['tests']):
testsname = module.getTestsName()
if self.modulesystem.exists(testsname):
testsmodule = self.modulesystem.find(testsname)
depmodules += [testsmodule]
conditions += [None]
for depmodule in depmodules:
# Determine whether to include the dependency or tests module.
include = True
statuses = depmodule.getStatuses()
for word in statuses:
if word == 'obsolete':
if not self.config.checkInclTestCategory(TESTS['obsolete']):
include = False
elif word == 'c++-test':
if self.config.checkExclTestCategory(TESTS['c++-test']):
include = False
if not (inc_all_tests or self.config.checkInclTestCategory(TESTS['c++-test'])):
include = False
elif word == 'longrunning-test':
if self.config.checkExclTestCategory(TESTS['longrunning-test']):
include = False
if not (inc_all_tests or self.config.checkInclTestCategory(TESTS['longrunning-test'])):
include = False
elif word == 'privileged-test':
if self.config.checkExclTestCategory(TESTS['privileged-test']):
include = False
if not (inc_all_tests or self.config.checkInclTestCategory(TESTS['privileged-test'])):
include = False
elif word == 'unportable-test':
if self.config.checkExclTestCategory(TESTS['unportable-test']):
include = False
if not (inc_all_tests or self.config.checkInclTestCategory(TESTS['unportable-test'])):
include = False
elif word.endswith('-test'):
if not inc_all_tests:
include = False
if include and depmodule not in self.avoids:
inmodules += [depmodule]
if self.config['conddeps']:
index = depmodules.index(depmodule)
condition = conditions[index]
if condition == True:
condition = None
if condition:
self.addConditional(module, depmodule, condition)
else: # if condition
if conditional:
self.addConditional(module, depmodule, True)
else: # if not conditional
handledmodules = sorted(set(handledmodules + inmodules_this_round))
# Remove handledmodules from inmodules.
inmodules = [module
for module in inmodules
if module not in handledmodules]
inmodules = sorted(set(inmodules))
inc_all_tests = self.inc_all_indirect_tests
modules = sorted(set(outmodules))
self.modules = modules
return list(modules)
def transitive_closure_separately(self, basemodules, finalmodules):
'''GLModuleTable.transitive_closure_separately(*args, **kwargs) -> tuple
Determine main module list and tests-related module list separately.
The main module list is the transitive closure of the specified modules,
ignoring tests modules. Its lib/* sources go into $sourcebase/. If lgpl is
specified, it will consist only of LGPLed source.
The tests-related module list is the transitive closure of the specified
modules, including tests modules, minus the main module list excluding
modules of applicability 'all'. Its lib/* sources (brought in through
dependencies of *-tests modules) go into $testsbase/. It may contain GPLed
source, even if lgpl is specified.
Arguments are basemodules and finalmodules, where basemodules argument
represents modules specified by user and finalmodules represents modules
list after previous transitive_closure.
Method returns tuple which contains two lists: the list of main modules and
the list of tests-related modules. Both lists contain dependencies.
GLConfig: incl_test_categories, excl_test_categories.'''
for module in basemodules:
if type(module) is not GLModule:
raise TypeError('each module must be a GLModule instance')
for module in finalmodules:
if type(module) is not GLModule:
raise TypeError('each module must be a GLModule instance')
# Determine main module list.
saved_inctests = self.config.checkInclTestCategory(TESTS['tests'])
main_modules = self.transitive_closure(basemodules)
self.config.setInclTestCategory(TESTS['tests'], saved_inctests)
# Determine tests-related module list.
tests_modules = \
[ m
for m in finalmodules
if not (m in main_modules and m.getApplicability() == 'main') ]
# Note: Since main_modules is (hopefully) a subset of finalmodules, this
# ought to be the same as
# [ m
# for m in finalmodules
# if m not in main_modules ] \
# + [ m
# for m in main_modules
# if m.getApplicability() != 'main' ]
tests_modules = sorted(set(tests_modules))
result = tuple([main_modules, tests_modules])
return result
def add_dummy(self, modules):
'''GLModuleTable.add_dummy(modules) -> list
Add dummy package to list of modules if dummy package is needed. If not,
return original list of modules.
GLConfig: auxdir, ac_version.'''
auxdir = self.config['auxdir']
ac_version = self.config['ac_version']
for module in modules:
if type(module) is not GLModule:
raise TypeError('each module must be a GLModule instance')
# Determine whether any module provides a lib_SOURCES augmentation.
have_lib_sources = False
for module in modules:
if not module.isTests():
snippet = module.getAutomakeSnippet()
# Extract the value of "lib_SOURCES += ...".
snippet = constants.remove_backslash_newline(snippet)
pattern = re.compile('^lib_SOURCES[\t ]*\\+=([^#]*).*$', re.M)
for matching_rhs in pattern.findall(snippet):
files = matching_rhs.split(' ')
for file in files:
# Ignore .h files since they are not compiled.
if not file.endswith('.h'):
have_lib_sources = True
# Add the dummy module, to make sure the library will be non-empty.
if not have_lib_sources:
dummy = self.modulesystem.find('dummy')
if dummy not in self.avoids:
if dummy not in modules:
modules = sorted(set(modules)) + [dummy]
return list(modules)
def filelist(self, modules):
'''GLModuleTable.filelist(modules) -> list
Determine the final file list for the given list of modules. The list of
modules must already include dependencies.
GLConfig: ac_version.'''
ac_version = self.config['ac_version']
filelist = list()
for module in modules:
if type(module) is not GLModule:
raise TypeError('each module must be a GLModule instance')
listings = [ module.getFiles()
for module in modules ]
for listing in listings:
for file in listing:
if file not in filelist:
filelist += [file]
return filelist
def filelist_separately(self, main_modules, tests_modules):
'''GLModuleTable.filelist_separately(**kwargs) -> list
Determine the final file lists. They must be computed separately, because
files in lib/* go into $sourcebase/ if they are in the main file list but
into $testsbase/ if they are in the tests-related file list. Furthermore
lib/dummy.c can be in both.'''
ac_version = self.config['ac_version']
main_filelist = self.filelist(main_modules)
tests_filelist = self.filelist(tests_modules)
tests_filelist = [ file.replace('lib/', 'tests=lib/', 1) if file.startswith('lib/') else file
for file in tests_filelist ]
result = tuple([main_filelist, tests_filelist])
return result
def getAvoids(self):
'''GLModuleTable.getAvoids() -> list
Return list of avoids.'''
return list(self.avoids)
def setAvoids(self, modules):
Specify list of avoids.'''
for module in modules:
if type(module) is not GLModule:
raise TypeError('each module must be a GLModule instance')
self.avoids = sorted(set(modules))
def getBaseModules(self):
'''GLModuleTable.getBaseModules() -> list
Return list of base modules.'''
return list(self.base_modules)
def setBaseModules(self, modules):
Specify list of base modules.'''
for module in modules:
if type(module) is not GLModule:
raise TypeError('each module must be a GLModule instance')
self.base_modules = sorted(set(modules))
def getFinalModules(self):
'''GLModuleTable.getFinalModules() -> list
Return list of final modules.'''
return list(self.final_modules)
def setFinalModules(self, modules):
Specify list of final modules.'''
for module in modules:
if type(module) is not GLModule:
raise TypeError('each module must be a GLModule instance')
self.final_modules = sorted(set(modules))
def getMainModules(self):
'''GLModuleTable.getMainModules() -> list
Return list of main modules.'''
return list(self.main_modules)
def setMainModules(self, modules):
Specify list of main modules.'''
for module in modules:
if type(module) is not GLModule:
raise TypeError('each module must be a GLModule instance')
self.main_modules = sorted(set(modules))
def getTestsModules(self):
'''GLModuleTable.getTestsModules() -> list
Return list of tests modules.'''
return list(self.tests_modules)
def setTestsModules(self, modules):
Specify list of tests modules.'''
for module in modules:
if type(module) is not GLModule:
raise TypeError('each module must be a GLModule instance')
self.tests_modules = sorted(set(modules))