--- title: ubus-lime-batman-adv ref: ubus-lime-batman-adv lang: en --- == Readme ____ # B.A.T.M.A.N-Adv ubus status module |Path |Procedure |Signature |Description |--- |--- |--- |--- |luci2.batman-adv |interfaces |{} | Get the list of intefaces |luci2.batman-adv |gateways |{} | Get the list of gateways |luci2.batman-adv |originators |{} | Ghet the list of originators ## Examples ### ubus -v list luci2.batman-adv ``` 'luci2.batman-adv' @1ae4c0f9 "interfaces":{} "gateways":{} "originators":{} ``` ### ubus call luci2.batman-adv interfaces ```json { "interfaces": [ "dummy0", "wlan1-adhoc_177", "wlan0-adhoc_177" ] } ``` ### ubus call luci2.batman-adv gateways ```json { "gateways": [ ] } ``` ### ubus call luci2.batman-adv originators ```json { "originators": [ [ "QL-fc6565_dummy0", 960, 99, "marisa_wlan1-adhoc", "wlan1-adhoc_177" ], [ "QL-fc6543_dummy0", 410, 93, "marisa_wlan1-adhoc", "wlan1-adhoc_177" ] ] } ``` ____ == Makefile [,make] ---- include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk PKG_NAME:=ubus-lime-batman-adv PKG_VERSION=$(GIT_COMMIT_DATE)-$(GIT_COMMIT_TSTAMP) GIT_COMMIT_DATE:=$(shell git log -n 1 --pretty=%ad --date=short . ) GIT_COMMIT_TSTAMP:=$(shell git log -n 1 --pretty=%at . ) include $(INCLUDE_DIR)/package.mk define Package/$(PKG_NAME) SECTION:=ubus CATEGORY:=Ubus MAINTAINER:=Marcos Gutierrez SUBMENU:=3. Applications TITLE:=B.A.T.M.A.N.-Adv ubus status module DEPENDS:= +batctl +lua +libubox-lua +libubus-lua +luci-lib-nixio +lime-system +luci-lib-jsonc PKGARCH:=all endef define Build/Compile endef define Package/$(PKG_NAME)/install $(INSTALL_DIR) $(1)/ $(CP) ./files/* $(1)/ endef $(eval $(call BuildPackage,$(PKG_NAME))) ----