Things still to do: - allow -E to take a block size argument so errors cause a skip to the next block (Anthony DeRobertis) - (#1559) momentary ETA option (Luc Gommans) - (#1556) correct German translations (Richard Fonfara) - (#1557) use clock_gettime() in ETA calculation (Mateju Miroslav) - (#1561) show days in same format in ETA as in elapsed time - (#1562) allow -r with -l and -n to output lines/sec (Roland Kletzing) - (#1563) make -B imply -C (Johannes Gerer) - document zsh <() incompatibility ( - Frederik Eaton) - do not check terminal in -q/-n mode (zsh <(pv -n) fails) - if -w/-H was specified, ignore SIGWINCH - option to enable O_DIRECT (Romain Kang, Jacek Wielemborek) - use posix_fadvise() like cat(1) does (Jacek Wielemborek) - (#1508) add watchfd tests - (#1534) allow multiple -d options - (#1533) one-shot option (Jacek Wielemborek) - (#1505) option to switch rate to per minute if really slow - (#1510) option "--progress-from FILE", read last number and use it as bytes read: pv --progress-from <( while sleep 1; do du -sb somedir; done ) -s 123g (Jacek Wielemborek) - (#1476) (Debian #507682) adjustable averaging window for rate display - (#1286) option for process title (Martin Sarsale) as "pv - name:FooProcess -xyz - transferred: 1.3GB - 500KB/s - running: 10:15:30s" - (#1290) look at effect of O_SYNC or fsync on performance - (#1281) option (-x?) to use xterm title line for status (Joachim Haga) - (#1287) if the first pv exits, should the second become IPC leader? - (#1560) use Unicode for more granular progress bar (Alexander Petrossian) - add development support for - stats for avg/min/max/stddev throughput (Venky.N.Iyer) - pv-ify a command line (Will Entriken) - "pv FOO | BAR | BAZ" - get more translations Any assistance would be appreciated.