The `join()` function constructs a string out of the given array by converting each array item into a string and then joining these substrings putting the given separator value in between. An empty array will result in an empty string. The separator argument is converted into a string in case it is not already a string value. Returns `null` if the given array argument is not an array value. -- Testcase -- {% printf("%.J\n", [ join("|", []), join("|", [ 1, 2, 3 ]), join("|", [ null, false, "" ]), join(123, [ "a", "b", "c" ]), join(123, { "not": "an", "array": "value" }) ]); %} -- End -- -- Expect stdout -- [ "", "1|2|3", "null|false|", "a123b123c", null ] -- End --