Source-Makefile: feeds/packages/lang/tcl/Makefile Build-Depends: HOST_OS_MACOS:fakeuname/host Build-Types: host Package: tcl Submenu: Tcl Version: 8.6.11-2 Depends: +libc +libpthread +zlib Conflicts: Menu-Depends: Provides: Section: lang Category: Languages Repository: base Title: The Tcl language Maintainer: Joe Mistachkin Source: tcl8.6.11-src.tar.gz License: TCL LicenseFiles: license.terms CPE-ID: cpe:/a:tcl_tk:tcl_tk Type: ipkg Description: Tcl, or Tool Command Language, is a an elegant, versatile, feature-rich, simple-to-learn yet very powerful industrial-strength open-source programming language and development platform. It is renowned for its stability and utility, and its emphasis on providing a cross-platform programming API makes it an ideal choice for an enormous variety of programming jobs. Joe Mistachkin @@