Source-Makefile: feeds/packages/utils/crelay/Makefile Package: crelay Version: 0.14.1-1 Depends: +libc +libftdi1 +hidapi +libusb-1.0 Conflicts: Menu-Depends: Provides: Section: utils Category: Utilities Repository: base Title: USB relay remote control daemon Maintainer: Ted Hess Source: crelay-0.14.1.tar.gz License: GPL-3.0-or-later LicenseFiles: LICENSE Type: ipkg Description: crelay is used to control different relay cards in a unified manner. It provides several interfaces for controlling the relays locally or remotely by a web browser or a smartphone. The card which is detected first will be used. A WebUI control is available on port 8000 (default) . Currently supported relay cards: - Conrad USB 4-channel relay card - Sainsmart USB 4/8-channel relay board - Sainsmart USB 16-channel relay control module - Generic GPIO relays - HID API compatible relay card Ted Hess @@