Source-Makefile: package/feeds/packages/afalg_engine/Makefile Package/openssl/add-module 1='engine'; 2='afalg'; 3='/usr/lib/engines-3' 4='libopenssl-afalg_sync' MOD_TYPE='engine'; MOD_NAME='afalg'; MOD_DIR='/usr/lib/engines-3' OSSL_PKG='libopenssl-afalg_sync' Package: libopenssl-afalg_sync Menu: 1 Submenu: SSL Version: 1.2.0-beta.1-5 Depends: +libc libopenssl +libopenssl-conf @OPENSSL_ENGINE @!OPENSSL_ENGINE_BUILTIN_AFALG +kmod-crypto-user Conflicts: libopenssl-afalg Menu-Depends: Provides: Section: libs Category: Libraries Repository: packages Title: AF_ALG engine using sync crypto API Maintainer: Eneas U de Queiroz Source: afalg_engine-1.2.0-beta.1.tar.gz License: Apache-2.0 LicenseFiles: LICENSE Type: ipkg Description: This is an alternate AF_ALG engine for openssl, based on the devcrypto engine, but using the AF_ALG interface instead of /dev/crypto It is different than the AF_ALG engine that ships with OpenSSL: - it is faster - it uses sync calls, instead of async - it suports more algorithms Eneas U de Queiroz @@ Config: source "feeds/packages/libs/afalg_engine/" @@