Source-Makefile: package/feeds/packages/spoofer/Makefile Build-Depends: protobuf/host Package: spoofer Version: 1.4.8-1 Depends: +libc +protobuf-lite +libpcap +libpthread +libopenssl Conflicts: Menu-Depends: Provides: Section: net Category: Network Repository: packages Title: Measure your ISP's resistance to spoofed IP packets Maintainer: Ken Keys Source: spoofer-1.4.8.tar.gz License: GPL-3.0-or-later LicenseFiles: LICENSE Type: ipkg Description: The spoofer client is part of a system to measure the Internet's resistance to packets with a spoofed (forged) source IP address. This package comes bundled with small certificate files that allow secure communication with the spoofer server without depending on the large ca-certificates package. But if the server's private certificate ever changes, it will be necessary to either install the ca-certificates package or install an updated version of this package that has a newer bundled certificate. Ken Keys @@