Source-Makefile: package/utils/secilc/Makefile Build-Depends/host: libsepol/host Build-Types: host Package: secilc Version: 3.5-1 Depends: +libc +libsepol Conflicts: Menu-Depends: Provides: Section: utils Category: Utilities Repository: base Title: SELinux Common Intermediate Language (CIL) Compiler Maintainer: Dominick Grift Source: secilc-3.5.tar.gz License: BSD-2-Clause LicenseFiles: COPYING CPE-ID: cpe:/a:selinuxproject:secilc Type: ipkg Description: The SELinux CIL Compiler is a compiler that converts the CIL language as described on the CIL design wiki into a kernel binary policy file. Please see the CIL Design Wiki at: for more information about the goals and features on the CIL language. Dominick Grift @@