#!hint/python3 """ PyInstaller hook to make mesonbuild include everything it needs to. """ import os from glob import glob hiddenimports = [] def get_all_modules_from_dir(dirname): ''' Get all modules required for Meson itself from directories. ''' modname = os.path.basename(dirname) modules = [os.path.splitext(os.path.split(x)[1])[0] for x in glob(os.path.join(dirname, '*'))] modules = ['mesonbuild.' + modname + '.' + x for x in modules if not x.startswith('_')] return modules hiddenimports += get_all_modules_from_dir('mesonbuild/modules') hiddenimports += get_all_modules_from_dir('mesonbuild/scripts') # Python packagers want to be minimal and only copy the things # that they can see being used. They are blind to many things. hiddenimports += [ # we run distutils as a subprocess via INTROSPECT_COMMAND. 'distutils.archive_util', 'distutils.cmd', 'distutils.config', 'distutils.core', 'distutils.debug', 'distutils.dep_util', 'distutils.dir_util', 'distutils.dist', 'distutils.errors', 'distutils.extension', 'distutils.fancy_getopt', 'distutils.file_util', 'distutils.spawn', 'distutils.util', 'distutils.version', 'distutils.command.build_ext', 'distutils.command.build', 'distutils.command.install', # needed for gtk's find_program() scripts 'filecmp', ]