nghttp2_session_change_stream_priority ====================================== Synopsis -------- *#include * .. function:: int nghttp2_session_change_stream_priority(nghttp2_session *session, int32_t stream_id, const nghttp2_priority_spec *pri_spec) Changes priority of existing stream denoted by *stream_id*. The new priority specification is *pri_spec*. The priority is changed silently and instantly, and no PRIORITY frame will be sent to notify the peer of this change. This function may be useful for server to change the priority of pushed stream. If *session* is initialized as server, and ``pri_spec->stream_id`` points to the idle stream, the idle stream is created if it does not exist. The created idle stream will depend on root stream (stream 0) with weight 16. Otherwise, if stream denoted by ``pri_spec->stream_id`` is not found, we use default priority instead of given *pri_spec*. That is make stream depend on root stream with weight 16. If :enum:`nghttp2_settings_id.NGHTTP2_SETTINGS_NO_RFC7540_PRIORITIES` of value of 1 is submitted via `nghttp2_submit_settings()`, this function does nothing and returns 0. This function returns 0 if it succeeds, or one of the following negative error codes: :enum:`nghttp2_error.NGHTTP2_ERR_NOMEM` Out of memory. :enum:`nghttp2_error.NGHTTP2_ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT` Attempted to depend on itself; or no stream exist for the given *stream_id*; or *stream_id* is 0