/* * libretroshare/src/ft: ftserver1test.cc * * File Transfer for RetroShare. * * Copyright 2008 by Robert Fernie. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 * USA. * * Please report all bugs and problems to "retroshare@lunamutt.com". * */ /* * ftServer2Test - Demonstrates how to check for test stuff. */ #include "retroshare/rsfiles.h" #include "retroshare/rspeers.h" #include "retroshare/rsiface.h" #include "rsserver/p3peers.h" #include "ft/ftserver.h" #include "ft/ftextralist.h" #include "ft/ftdatamultiplex.h" #include "ft/ftfilesearch.h" //#include "pqi/p3authmgr.h" //#include "pqi/p3connmgr.h" #include "pqi/p3peermgr.h" #include "pqi/p3linkmgr.h" #include "pqi/p3netmgr.h" #include "pqi/authssl.h" #include "pqi/authgpg.h" #include "common/testutils.h" #include "util/rsdebug.h" #include "pqitestor.h" #include "util/rsdir.h" #include "util/utest.h" #include class TestData { public: ftServer *loadServer; std::list otherServers; std::list extraList; }; extern "C" void *do_server_test_thread(void *p); void usage(char *name) { std::cerr << "Usage: " << name << " [-sa] [-p ] [-d ] [-e ] [ [ ... ]] "; std::cerr << std::endl; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { int c; uint32_t debugLevel = 5; bool loadAll = false; std::list fileList; std::list extraList; std::list peerIds; std::map mFtServers; std::map mLinkMgrs; ftServer *mLoadServer = NULL; std::list mOtherServers; std::list::iterator eit; while(-1 != (c = getopt(argc, argv, "asd:p:e:"))) { switch (c) { case 'p': peerIds.push_back(optarg); break; case 'd': debugLevel = atoi(optarg); break; // case 's': // debugStderr = true; // break; case 'e': extraList.push_back(optarg); break; case 'a': loadAll = true; break; default: usage(argv[0]); break; } } if(peerIds.empty()) { peerIds.push_back(TestUtils::createRandomSSLId()) ; // then add some other peer ids. peerIds.push_back(TestUtils::createRandomSSLId()) ; peerIds.push_back(TestUtils::createRandomSSLId()) ; peerIds.push_back(TestUtils::createRandomSSLId()) ; } std::string ssl_own_id = TestUtils::createRandomSSLId() ; std::string gpg_own_id = TestUtils::createRandomPGPId() ; TestUtils::DummyAuthGPG fakeGPG(gpg_own_id) ; AuthGPG::setAuthGPG_debug(&fakeGPG) ; TestUtils::DummyAuthSSL fakeSSL(ssl_own_id) ; AuthSSL::setAuthSSL_debug(&fakeSSL) ; /* do logging */ setOutputLevel(debugLevel); if (optind >= argc) { std::cerr << "Missing Shared Directories" << std::endl; usage(argv[0]); } for(; optind < argc; optind++) { std::cerr << "Adding: " << argv[optind] << std::endl; SharedDirInfo info ; info.shareflags = DIR_FLAGS_PERMISSIONS_MASK; info.filename = std::string(argv[optind]); info.virtualname = info.filename ; fileList.push_back(info) ; } /* We need to setup a series 2 - 4 different ftServers.... * * Each one needs: * * * A List of peerIds... */ std::list::const_iterator it, jit; std::list baseFriendList, friendList; std::list::iterator fit; P3Hub *testHub = new P3Hub(0,NULL); testHub->start(); /* Setup Base Friend Info */ for(it = peerIds.begin(); it != peerIds.end(); it++) { RsPeerDetails pad; pad.id = *it; pad.gpg_id = TestUtils::createRandomPGPId() ; pad.name = *it; pad.trustLvl = 5; pad.ownsign = true; //pad.trusted = false; baseFriendList.push_back(pad); std::cerr << "ftserver1test::setup peer: " << *it << std::endl; } std::ostringstream pname; pname << "/tmp/rstst-" << time(NULL); std::string basepath = pname.str(); RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(basepath); for(it = peerIds.begin(); it != peerIds.end(); it++) { friendList = baseFriendList; /* remove current one */ for(fit = friendList.begin(); fit != friendList.end(); fit++) { if (fit->id == *it) { friendList.erase(fit); break; } } //p3AuthMgr *authMgr = new p3DummyAuthMgr(*it, friendList); p3PeerMgrIMPL *peerMgr = new p3PeerMgrIMPL(ssl_own_id,gpg_own_id,"My GPG name","My SSL location"); p3NetMgrIMPL *netMgr = new p3NetMgrIMPL ; p3LinkMgrIMPL *linkMgr = new p3LinkMgrIMPL(peerMgr,netMgr); mLinkMgrs[*it] = linkMgr; rsPeers = new TestUtils::DummyRsPeers(linkMgr,peerMgr,netMgr) ; for(fit = friendList.begin(); fit != friendList.end(); fit++) { /* add as peer to authMgr */ peerMgr->addFriend(fit->id,fit->gpg_id); } P3Pipe *pipe = new P3Pipe(); //(*it); /* add server */ ftServer *server; server = new ftServer(peerMgr,linkMgr); mFtServers[*it] = server; if (!mLoadServer) { mLoadServer = server; } else { mOtherServers.push_back(server); } server->setP3Interface(pipe); std::string configpath = basepath + "/" + *it; RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(configpath); std::string cachepath = configpath + "/cache"; RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(cachepath); std::string localpath = cachepath + "/local"; RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(localpath); std::string remotepath = cachepath + "/remote"; RsDirUtil::checkCreateDirectory(remotepath); server->setConfigDirectory(configpath); NotifyBase *base = new NotifyBase; server->SetupFtServer(base); testHub->addP3Pipe(*it, pipe, linkMgr); server->StartupThreads(); /* setup any extra bits */ if (loadAll) { server->setSharedDirectories(fileList); for(eit = extraList.begin(); eit != extraList.end(); eit++) { server->ExtraFileHash(*eit, 3600, TransferRequestFlags(0)); } } } if (mLoadServer) { mLoadServer->setSharedDirectories(fileList); for(eit = extraList.begin(); eit != extraList.end(); eit++) { mLoadServer->ExtraFileHash(*eit, 3600, TransferRequestFlags(0)); } } /* stick your real test here */ std::map::iterator sit; std::map::iterator cit; /* Start up test thread */ pthread_t tid; TestData *mFt = new TestData; /* set data */ mFt->loadServer = mLoadServer; mFt->otherServers = mOtherServers; mFt->extraList = extraList; void *data = (void *) mFt; pthread_create(&tid, 0, &do_server_test_thread, data); pthread_detach(tid); /* so memory is reclaimed in linux */ while(1) { std::cerr << "ftserver2test::sleep()"; std::cerr << std::endl; sleep(1); /* tick the connmgrs */ for(sit = mFtServers.begin(); sit != mFtServers.end(); sit++) { /* update */ (sit->second)->tick(); } for(cit = mLinkMgrs.begin(); cit != mLinkMgrs.end(); cit++) { /* update */ (cit->second)->tick(); } } } /* So our actual test can run here..... * */ INITTEST(); void *do_server_test_thread(void *data) { TestData *mFt = (TestData *) data; std::cerr << "do_server_test_thread() running"; std::cerr << std::endl; /************************* TEST 1 ********************** * Check that the extra List has been processed. */ rstime_t start = time(NULL); FileInfo info, info2; rstime_t now = time(NULL); std::list::iterator eit; for(eit = mFt->extraList.begin(); eit != mFt->extraList.end(); eit++) { std::cerr << "Treating extra file " << *eit << std::endl; while(!mFt->loadServer->ExtraFileStatus(*eit, info)) { /* max of 30 seconds */ now = time(NULL); if (now - start > 30) { /* FAIL */ REPORT2( false, "Extra File Hashing"); } sleep(1); } /* Got ExtraFileStatus */ REPORT("Successfully Found ExtraFile"); /* now we can try a search (should succeed) */ FileSearchFlags hintflags = RS_FILE_HINTS_EXTRA; if (mFt->loadServer->FileDetails(info.hash, hintflags, info2)) { CHECK(info2.hash == info.hash); CHECK(info2.size == info.size); CHECK(info2.fname == info.fname); } else { REPORT2( false, "Search for Extra File (Basic)"); } /* search with flags (should succeed) */ hintflags = RS_FILE_HINTS_EXTRA; if (mFt->loadServer->FileDetails(info.hash, hintflags, info2)) { CHECK(info2.hash == info.hash); CHECK(info2.size == info.size); CHECK(info2.fname == info.fname); } else { REPORT2( false, "Search for Extra File (Extra Flag)"); } /* search with other flags (should fail) */ hintflags = RS_FILE_HINTS_REMOTE | RS_FILE_HINTS_SPEC_ONLY; if (mFt->loadServer->FileDetails(info.hash, hintflags, info2)) { REPORT2( false, "Search for Extra File (Fail Flags)"); } else { REPORT("Search for Extra File (Fail Flags)"); } /* if we try to download it ... should just find existing one*/ REPORT("Testing with Extra File"); } FINALREPORT("ExtraList Hashing, Searching and Downloading"); /************************* TEST 2 ********************** * test ftController and ftTransferModule */ ftServer *server=mFt->loadServer; std::string fname,filehash,destination; FileSearchFlags flags; std::list srcIds; /* select a file from otherServers */ if (mFt->otherServers.empty() ) { REPORT2(false,"No otherServers available"); exit(1); } DirDetails details; flags = RS_FILE_HINTS_REMOTE; void *ref = NULL; if(!server->RequestDirDetails(ref,details,flags)) { REPORT2(false,"fail to call RequestDirDetails"); } if (details.type == DIR_TYPE_FILE) { REPORT("RemoteDirModel::downloadSelected() Calling File Request"); std::list srcIds; srcIds.push_back(details.id); server->FileRequest(details.name, details.hash, details.count, "", TransferRequestFlags(0), srcIds); } exit(1); }