/* * NXP Wireless LAN device driver: ioctl data structures & APIs * * Copyright 2011-2020 NXP * * This software file (the "File") is distributed by NXP * under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2, June 1991 * (the "License"). You may use, redistribute and/or modify this File in * accordance with the terms and conditions of the License, a copy of which * is available by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA or on the * worldwide web at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt. * * THE FILE IS DISTRIBUTED AS-IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, AND THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. The License provides additional details about * this warranty disclaimer. */ #ifndef _MWIFIEX_IOCTL_H_ #define _MWIFIEX_IOCTL_H_ #include enum { MWIFIEX_SCAN_TYPE_UNCHANGED = 0, MWIFIEX_SCAN_TYPE_ACTIVE, MWIFIEX_SCAN_TYPE_PASSIVE }; struct mwifiex_user_scan { u32 scan_cfg_len; u8 scan_cfg_buf[1]; }; #define MWIFIEX_PROMISC_MODE 1 #define MWIFIEX_MULTICAST_MODE 2 #define MWIFIEX_ALL_MULTI_MODE 4 #define MWIFIEX_MAX_MULTICAST_LIST_SIZE 32 struct mwifiex_multicast_list { u32 mode; u32 num_multicast_addr; u8 mac_list[MWIFIEX_MAX_MULTICAST_LIST_SIZE][ETH_ALEN]; }; struct mwifiex_chan_freq { u32 channel; u32 freq; }; struct mwifiex_ssid_bssid { struct cfg80211_ssid ssid; u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; }; enum { BAND_B = 1, BAND_G = 2, BAND_A = 4, BAND_GN = 8, BAND_AN = 16, BAND_AAC = 32, }; #define MWIFIEX_WPA_PASSHPHRASE_LEN 64 struct wpa_param { u8 pairwise_cipher_wpa; u8 pairwise_cipher_wpa2; u8 group_cipher; u32 length; u8 passphrase[MWIFIEX_WPA_PASSHPHRASE_LEN]; }; struct wep_key { u8 key_index; u8 is_default; u16 length; u8 key[WLAN_KEY_LEN_WEP104]; }; #define KEY_MGMT_ON_HOST 0x03 #define MWIFIEX_AUTH_MODE_AUTO 0xFF #define BAND_CONFIG_BG 0x00 #define BAND_CONFIG_A 0x01 #define MWIFIEX_SEC_CHAN_BELOW 0x30 #define MWIFIEX_SEC_CHAN_ABOVE 0x10 #define MWIFIEX_SUPPORTED_RATES 14 #define MWIFIEX_SUPPORTED_RATES_EXT 32 #define MWIFIEX_TDLS_SUPPORTED_RATES 8 #define MWIFIEX_TDLS_DEF_QOS_CAPAB 0xf #define MWIFIEX_PRIO_BK 2 #define MWIFIEX_PRIO_VI 5 #define MWIFIEX_SUPPORTED_CHANNELS 2 #define MWIFIEX_OPERATING_CLASSES 16 struct mwifiex_uap_bss_param { u8 channel; u8 band_cfg; u16 rts_threshold; u16 frag_threshold; u8 retry_limit; struct mwifiex_802_11_ssid ssid; u8 bcast_ssid_ctl; u8 radio_ctl; u8 dtim_period; u16 beacon_period; u16 auth_mode; u16 protocol; u16 key_mgmt; u16 key_mgmt_operation; struct wpa_param wpa_cfg; struct wep_key wep_cfg[NUM_WEP_KEYS]; struct ieee80211_ht_cap ht_cap; struct ieee80211_vht_cap vht_cap; u8 rates[MWIFIEX_SUPPORTED_RATES]; u32 sta_ao_timer; u32 ps_sta_ao_timer; u8 qos_info; u8 power_constraint; struct mwifiex_types_wmm_info wmm_info; u8 mac_addr[ETH_ALEN]; }; enum { ADHOC_IDLE, ADHOC_STARTED, ADHOC_JOINED, ADHOC_COALESCED }; struct mwifiex_ds_get_stats { u32 mcast_tx_frame; u32 failed; u32 retry; u32 multi_retry; u32 frame_dup; u32 rts_success; u32 rts_failure; u32 ack_failure; u32 rx_frag; u32 mcast_rx_frame; u32 fcs_error; u32 tx_frame; u32 wep_icv_error[4]; u32 bcn_rcv_cnt; u32 bcn_miss_cnt; }; #define MWIFIEX_MAX_VER_STR_LEN 128 struct mwifiex_ver_ext { u32 version_str_sel; char version_str[MWIFIEX_MAX_VER_STR_LEN]; }; struct mwifiex_bss_info { u32 bss_mode; struct cfg80211_ssid ssid; u32 bss_chan; u8 country_code[3]; u32 media_connected; u32 max_power_level; u32 min_power_level; u32 adhoc_state; signed int bcn_nf_last; u32 wep_status; u32 is_hs_configured; u32 is_deep_sleep; u8 bssid[ETH_ALEN]; }; #define MAX_NUM_TID 8 #define MAX_RX_WINSIZE 64 struct mwifiex_ds_rx_reorder_tbl { u16 tid; u8 ta[ETH_ALEN]; u32 start_win; u32 win_size; u32 buffer[MAX_RX_WINSIZE]; }; struct mwifiex_ds_tx_ba_stream_tbl { u16 tid; u8 ra[ETH_ALEN]; u8 amsdu; }; #define DBG_CMD_NUM 5 #define MWIFIEX_DBG_SDIO_MP_NUM 10 struct tdls_peer_info { u8 peer_addr[ETH_ALEN]; }; struct mwifiex_debug_info { unsigned int debug_mask; u32 int_counter; u32 packets_out[MAX_NUM_TID]; u32 tx_buf_size; u32 curr_tx_buf_size; u32 tx_tbl_num; struct mwifiex_ds_tx_ba_stream_tbl tx_tbl[MWIFIEX_MAX_TX_BASTREAM_SUPPORTED]; u32 rx_tbl_num; struct mwifiex_ds_rx_reorder_tbl rx_tbl [MWIFIEX_MAX_RX_BASTREAM_SUPPORTED]; u32 tdls_peer_num; struct tdls_peer_info tdls_list [MWIFIEX_MAX_TDLS_PEER_SUPPORTED]; u16 ps_mode; u32 ps_state; u8 is_deep_sleep; u8 pm_wakeup_card_req; u32 pm_wakeup_fw_try; u8 is_hs_configured; u8 hs_activated; u32 num_cmd_host_to_card_failure; u32 num_cmd_sleep_cfm_host_to_card_failure; u32 num_tx_host_to_card_failure; u32 num_event_deauth; u32 num_event_disassoc; u32 num_event_link_lost; u32 num_cmd_deauth; u32 num_cmd_assoc_success; u32 num_cmd_assoc_failure; u32 num_tx_timeout; u8 is_cmd_timedout; u16 timeout_cmd_id; u16 timeout_cmd_act; u16 last_cmd_id[DBG_CMD_NUM]; u16 last_cmd_act[DBG_CMD_NUM]; u16 last_cmd_index; u16 last_cmd_resp_id[DBG_CMD_NUM]; u16 last_cmd_resp_index; u16 last_event[DBG_CMD_NUM]; u16 last_event_index; u8 data_sent; u8 cmd_sent; u8 cmd_resp_received; u8 event_received; u32 last_mp_wr_bitmap[MWIFIEX_DBG_SDIO_MP_NUM]; u32 last_mp_wr_ports[MWIFIEX_DBG_SDIO_MP_NUM]; u32 last_mp_wr_len[MWIFIEX_DBG_SDIO_MP_NUM]; u32 last_mp_curr_wr_port[MWIFIEX_DBG_SDIO_MP_NUM]; u8 last_sdio_mp_index; }; #define MWIFIEX_KEY_INDEX_UNICAST 0x40000000 #define PN_LEN 16 struct mwifiex_ds_encrypt_key { u32 key_disable; u32 key_index; u32 key_len; u8 key_material[WLAN_MAX_KEY_LEN]; u8 mac_addr[ETH_ALEN]; u32 is_wapi_key; u8 pn[PN_LEN]; /* packet number */ u8 pn_len; u8 is_igtk_key; u8 is_current_wep_key; u8 is_rx_seq_valid; u8 is_igtk_def_key; }; struct mwifiex_power_cfg { u32 is_power_auto; u32 is_power_fixed; u32 power_level; }; struct mwifiex_ds_hs_cfg { u32 is_invoke_hostcmd; /* Bit0: non-unicast data * Bit1: unicast data * Bit2: mac events * Bit3: magic packet */ u32 conditions; u32 gpio; u32 gap; }; struct mwifiex_ds_wakeup_reason { u16 hs_wakeup_reason; }; #define DEEP_SLEEP_ON 1 #define DEEP_SLEEP_OFF 0 #define DEEP_SLEEP_IDLE_TIME 100 #define PS_MODE_AUTO 1 struct mwifiex_ds_auto_ds { u16 auto_ds; u16 idle_time; }; struct mwifiex_ds_pm_cfg { union { u32 ps_mode; struct mwifiex_ds_hs_cfg hs_cfg; struct mwifiex_ds_auto_ds auto_deep_sleep; u32 sleep_period; } param; }; struct mwifiex_11ac_vht_cfg { u8 band_config; u8 misc_config; u32 cap_info; u32 mcs_tx_set; u32 mcs_rx_set; }; struct mwifiex_ds_11n_tx_cfg { u16 tx_htcap; u16 tx_htinfo; u16 misc_config; /* Needed for 802.11AC cards only */ }; struct mwifiex_ds_11n_amsdu_aggr_ctrl { u16 enable; u16 curr_buf_size; }; struct mwifiex_ds_ant_cfg { u32 tx_ant; u32 rx_ant; }; #define MWIFIEX_NUM_OF_CMD_BUFFER 50 #define MWIFIEX_SIZE_OF_CMD_BUFFER 2048 enum { MWIFIEX_IE_TYPE_GEN_IE = 0, MWIFIEX_IE_TYPE_ARP_FILTER, }; enum { MWIFIEX_REG_MAC = 1, MWIFIEX_REG_BBP, MWIFIEX_REG_RF, MWIFIEX_REG_PMIC, MWIFIEX_REG_CAU, }; struct mwifiex_ds_reg_rw { u32 type; u32 offset; u32 value; }; #define MAX_EEPROM_DATA 256 struct mwifiex_ds_read_eeprom { u16 offset; u16 byte_count; u8 value[MAX_EEPROM_DATA]; }; struct mwifiex_ds_mem_rw { u32 addr; u32 value; }; #define IEEE_MAX_IE_SIZE 256 #define MWIFIEX_IE_HDR_SIZE (sizeof(struct mwifiex_ie) - IEEE_MAX_IE_SIZE) struct mwifiex_ds_misc_gen_ie { u32 type; u32 len; u8 ie_data[IEEE_MAX_IE_SIZE]; }; struct mwifiex_ds_misc_cmd { u32 len; u8 cmd[MWIFIEX_SIZE_OF_CMD_BUFFER]; }; #define BITMASK_BCN_RSSI_LOW BIT(0) #define BITMASK_BCN_RSSI_HIGH BIT(4) enum subsc_evt_rssi_state { EVENT_HANDLED, RSSI_LOW_RECVD, RSSI_HIGH_RECVD }; struct subsc_evt_cfg { u8 abs_value; u8 evt_freq; }; struct mwifiex_ds_misc_subsc_evt { u16 action; u16 events; struct subsc_evt_cfg bcn_l_rssi_cfg; struct subsc_evt_cfg bcn_h_rssi_cfg; }; #define MWIFIEX_MEF_MAX_BYTESEQ 6 /* non-adjustable */ #define MWIFIEX_MEF_MAX_FILTERS 10 struct mwifiex_mef_filter { u16 repeat; u16 offset; s8 byte_seq[MWIFIEX_MEF_MAX_BYTESEQ + 1]; u8 filt_type; u8 filt_action; }; struct mwifiex_mef_entry { u8 mode; u8 action; struct mwifiex_mef_filter filter[MWIFIEX_MEF_MAX_FILTERS]; }; struct mwifiex_ds_mef_cfg { u32 criteria; u16 num_entries; struct mwifiex_mef_entry *mef_entry; }; #define MWIFIEX_MAX_VSIE_LEN (256) #define MWIFIEX_MAX_VSIE_NUM (8) #define MWIFIEX_VSIE_MASK_CLEAR 0x00 #define MWIFIEX_VSIE_MASK_SCAN 0x01 #define MWIFIEX_VSIE_MASK_ASSOC 0x02 #define MWIFIEX_VSIE_MASK_ADHOC 0x04 #define MWIFIEX_VSIE_MASK_BGSCAN 0x08 enum { MWIFIEX_FUNC_INIT = 1, MWIFIEX_FUNC_SHUTDOWN, }; enum COALESCE_OPERATION { RECV_FILTER_MATCH_TYPE_EQ = 0x80, RECV_FILTER_MATCH_TYPE_NE, }; enum COALESCE_PACKET_TYPE { PACKET_TYPE_UNICAST = 1, PACKET_TYPE_MULTICAST = 2, PACKET_TYPE_BROADCAST = 3 }; #define MWIFIEX_COALESCE_MAX_RULES 8 #define MWIFIEX_COALESCE_MAX_BYTESEQ 4 /* non-adjustable */ #define MWIFIEX_COALESCE_MAX_FILTERS 4 #define MWIFIEX_MAX_COALESCING_DELAY 100 /* in msecs */ struct filt_field_param { u8 operation; u8 operand_len; u16 offset; u8 operand_byte_stream[MWIFIEX_COALESCE_MAX_BYTESEQ]; }; struct mwifiex_coalesce_rule { u16 max_coalescing_delay; u8 num_of_fields; u8 pkt_type; struct filt_field_param params[MWIFIEX_COALESCE_MAX_FILTERS]; }; struct mwifiex_ds_coalesce_cfg { u16 num_of_rules; struct mwifiex_coalesce_rule rule[MWIFIEX_COALESCE_MAX_RULES]; }; struct mwifiex_ds_tdls_oper { u16 tdls_action; u8 peer_mac[ETH_ALEN]; u16 capability; u8 qos_info; u8 *ext_capab; u8 ext_capab_len; u8 *supp_rates; u8 supp_rates_len; u8 *ht_capab; }; #endif /* !_MWIFIEX_IOCTL_H_ */