Source-Makefile: package/libs/libsemanage/Makefile Build-Depends/host: libaudit/host libselinux/host bzip2/host Build-Types: host Package: libsemanage Version: 3.5-r1 Depends: +libc +libaudit +libselinux +libbz2 Conflicts: Menu-Depends: Provides: Section: libs Category: Libraries Repository: base Title: SELinux policy management library Maintainer: Thomas Petazzoni Source: libsemanage-3.5.tar.gz License: LGPL-2.1 LicenseFiles: COPYING CPE-ID: cpe:/a:selinuxproject:libsemanage URL: Type: ipkg Description: libsemanage is the policy management library. It uses libsepol for binary policy manipulation and libselinux for interacting with the SELinux system. It also exec's helper programs for loading policy and for checking whether the file_contexts configuration is valid (load_policy and setfiles from policycoreutils) presently, although this may change at least for the bootstrapping case (for rpm). Thomas Petazzoni @@